Here is something a little bit more impressive.
I did a quick search and found only one other lvl 18 solo elite in the Achievements section. It was by a relatively ungeared sorc too (he even admits to it ;P). I saw some people claiming that they solo this quest regularly on their evasion toons, but I don't think that anyone's done it on a pure barb at lvl 18 this quickly and with flawless victory.
Pale Lavender Ion Stone was used, but it drained roughly 2-3 minutes into the fight, so it didn't do too much for me. I mainly stayed alive through quick thinking, fast reflexes, massive DPS, and SF pots.
The kobold was the most annoying enemy by far. He constantly casts dispel magic, which means that I had to go without GH the entire battle. It seems that he shifts tactics as his HP goes down, so zerging him to 0 is NOT a good idea. Instead I just calmly killed off his living spells as they spawned (priority: meteor swarm), killed off the fire elementals when they spawned, and then finished him off gradually. By the time the efreeti spawned, it was already to late. The living spells were on cooldown and the kobold was at ~5-10%. I zerged his remaining HP and finished off the efreeti who by the way had absolutely nothing going for him. Low HP, poor DPS, and no decent CCing ability whatsoever. Easiest kill in the whole fight.
Only got held once when I forgot to switch boots and it could have easily cost me a wipe, but luckily I made all my saves in time. A lot of time was wasted on the stupid puzzle, which I STILL don't understand. And yes, I made constant nonstop use of Frenzy, Death frenzy, and Supreme Cleaves throughout this fight.
Ship buffs are there, but I could have just as easily substituted them with a fire resist 30 item and dumped the ion stone for litany fulltime in order to self-heal.