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  1. #1
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Default sp refill mechanic Abbot normal IF all the puzzles are not solved

    Heya, the latest Abbot sux thread where other teh uberz people are going "oh it's easy" and I'm once again getting upset that I have had so little practice at this STUPID raid, has given me an idea.

    We really like the egg spawn stuff in Von6 to breakup the mega long end beatdown so I know the concept is there.

    The final Abbot battle *after* all the puzzles are done is intense and super fun and in no way do I want that changed.

    However, it's total pain to get practice and do reforms on Abbot... so what about FOR NORMAL ONLY (because teh uberz people will complain otherwise - let them have their virtual extenstions to their virtual body part) a similar mechanic when doing another beatdown on the abbot but only *if* one of the puzzles has failed? (ie if all puzzles are done no sp back mechanism).

    People don't tend to redo this beatdown mainly because of resources used (alhtough I was in an elite abbot the other day where tiles failed and we did and got a completion - good to see). But if on normal puzzles failed but you knew you were going to get your sp back anyway the incentive would be not to reform but to fight through again to get the puzzle done. Saves a lot of time on reforms. And loads of people could get practice at lots of stuff which would be awesome.

    Anyways, nothing ever happens with these suggestions that I've ever seen but at least I've asked.
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  2. #2
    Hero karpedieme's Avatar
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    Sep 2007

    Default Good Idea!!!!

    I like it.

    Not sure about applying this to normal though.

    Possibly having a different mechanic applied to normal Abbot would be a way to break other normal difficulty raids in the process. Previous changes have proven true down the line. Abbot is sadly not impervious to getting further broken with any changes to its mechanics.

    Learning Abbot, taking charge and daring to do puzzles puts major stress on those choosing to do so. Puzzle failures can be straining on inter-party relations. Failures result in people not desiring to run the raid further or not wanting to get involved in puzzle solving.

    For Abbot exclusively integrating a Practice / Casual difficulty could possibly be the work around method without altering the present content and avoiding breaking down more stuff.

    Basically the same as normal but with some learning-friendly mods. NO NAMED LOOT upon completion but ensure learning curves so that more people can learn the funnest and most complex raid in the game.

    -Mana-regen option would be quite nice indeed.

    -Reduction of Abbot red bar % required for beatdown proportional to # of failed puzzles. explained in detail below,

    Always found trivial why the initial Abbot Red bar beatdown is roughly 1/3 of his health and then if a single puzzle or more fails the % is not proportional.

    What can cause practice attempts to be quite laborious is the beatdowns upon puzzle failures. This could apply to all difficulties

    Workaround here:

    1 Puzzle failure: beatdown abbot health % should be same as initial beatdown so roughly 33% from full (1/3 red bar beatdown)

    2 Puzzle failure: beatdown abbot health % should be 50% from full (1/2 red bar beatdown)

    3 Puzzle failure: Restart raid.... modified from 33% health for obvious reasons ;-D

    From the practical / learning point of view this could make runs a lot easier. For the more adventurous gamers on higher difficulties it could make it a lot less ressource dependant and more enjoyable.

    Find it ironic that if puzzles fail on hard or elite, is the absolute need almost to reform. There is no way around going deep into ressources. The raid needs to stay challenging but sometimes the stars wont align for even a-team parties with lag and off-sequences.

    For a failed puzzle the raid on any difficulty should not appear to be Everest-ish, it should still be perceived as a major pothole in the road without making things overly hard and DDO store sponsored :-D

    Abbot is still the most trivial, challenging, most ddo representative raid in the game and I wish more of the general gaming population would embrace it. Sure the flagging process is lenghty, tedious but the story line and how it is meshed into nearly all levels of the game is enthraling.... Oops pardon my past role-playing self here ;-D

    Consider this a +1 and a bump.

    ***Epic scrolls still not dropping so on to solving the many problems of the Black Abbot we go......****
    Last edited by karpedieme; 03-12-2012 at 12:28 PM. Reason: 3 Puzzle failure self /facepalm
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