This is the first time I'll post a build on the forums, it is in no way intended to use as ego boost/bragging/attention seeker. I am simply posting this build here merely for my possible self interest in it - say, in case I TR, delete accidentaly (how does that happen?) or I lose the sheet of paper this is written on.
For anyone who stumbled upon this, thank you for reading so far, if you wish to continue, do so at your own will. Any comments you want to leave, feel free to do so, it might be enlightening in some ways. Yet, my purpose isn't to seek for advice.
Wizard Pale Master 20, Lich form, Human; First life.
Sustainable DC: 43 Enchantment, 43 Necromancy, 41 Webs.
Base (32pt.) - 18
+3 tome - 21
+3 exceptional - 24
+7 item - 31
+5 level ups - 36
+1 profane Litany - 37
+3 Wiz. Int. Enhan.- 40
+2 Capstone - 42
. 42 Unbuffed Intelligence.
+2 Lich Form - 44
+2 Yugoloth pot, - 46
. Sustainable 48 intelligence .
|| Mental toughness feat + L.guild.Aug. slot + Cunning trinket||
- Total unbuffed Spell Points: 2305 -
- Total sustainable Buffed Spell Points: 2392 -
Base (32pt.) - 18
+3 exceptional - 21
+7 item - 28
+3 tome - 31
+1 profane Litany - 32
. 32 Unbuffed Constitution .
*Unbuffed Hit Points* - 507 [L.Guild.Aug.slot , Greater false life, Toughness feat, Toughness item, 10 Draconic, +20 Pale Master III Enhancement]
+2 guild shrine - 34
+2 Yugoloth pot - 36
+4 lich form - 40
. Sustainable 40 Consitution .
*Total sustainable Hit Points* - 627 [+20 Yugoloth pot, Rage Spell]
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FEATS (Human race +1 feat)
1. Toughness Feat
2. Empower
3. Maximize
4. Extended
5. Heighten
6. Quicken
7. Spell Focus: Necromancy
8. Spell Focus: Enchantment
9. Greater S.F.: Necromancy
10. Greater S.F.: Enchantment
11. Spell Penetration
12. Greater Spell Penetration
13. Mental Toughness -> Note: Might be removed after acquiring x3 Vile Blasphemies.
* Spell Critical Chance -Cold: Glacial Spellcasting IV
* Spell Critical Chance -Electricity: Charged Spellcasting IV
* Spell Critical Damage -Cold: Deadly Ice VI
* Spell Critical Damage -Electricity: Deadly Shocks VI
* Spell Damage Amplification -Cold: Frost Manipulation VII
* Spell Damage Amplification -Electric: Storm Manipulation VI
. Total Action Points spent on DOTS: 33
[]. Normal Damage x3 stacks (Eardweller + abishai set): 410~460 (on no resistance)
[]. Critical Damage x3 stacks (Eardweller + abishai set): 1100~1200 (on no resistance)
* Racial Toughness: II (Total A.P.: 3)
* Wizard Improved Maximize: I (2 A.P.)
* Spell Penetration: Improved Wizard Spell Penetration III (Total A.P.: 12)
[]. Pre-requisites for LICH Form
* Spell Points: Wizard Energy of the Schoolar III (Total A.P.: 6)
* Stat - Ingelligence : Wizard Intelligence III (Total A.P.: 12)
* Wizard Prestige Enhancement: Wizard Palemaster III (Total A.P.: 8)
* Lich Form (A.P.: 2)
* Capstone Enhancements: Wizard Master of Magic (A.P. 2)
[][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][]
Sustainable (>15 minutes)
43 Necromancy:
43 Enchantment: Note: House Phiarlan Entretainer +1 Enchantment Bonus BUFF stacks pos U13.
41 Webs
Highest Sustainable (<10 minutes) (DDO Store pot, abishai destroyer, Bard Song)
47 Necromancy + Enchantment:
Level 9 Spells: 29 Spell Penetration
Level 8 and lower Spells: 30 Spell Penetration
1. Mineral II Green Steel
2. Deific Diadem
1. L.Guild.Aug. Slot Necklace
2. Epic Torc
3. Noxious Embers
4. Archivist's Necklace
1. Concordant Oposition Goggles (+1 excep int skill, +2 excep cha skill, +3 excep cha skill)
1. Litany of the Dead
2. Cunning Trinket
3. Xachosian Eardweller
4. Mysterious Bauble
1. Epic Robe of the Diabolist (slotted: excep. +1 con, toughness)
2. Epic Robe of Shadow
1. Epic Envenomed Cloak (slotted: GFL)
1. Epic Sorched Bracers
((2. Epic Bracers of the Wind - Missing))
((3. Epic Bracers of the Demon's Consort - Missing))
1. Rahkir's Sash
2. TOD Belts for clikies: Cold, Shock, Acid, Kormor's.
*Left Ring
1. Rahkir's Ring
*Right Ring
1. Thamor's Ring
2. Epic Shaman's Band
3. Circle of Hatred
1. Gloves of the Glacier
2. Bramble-casters
3. Vile Blasphemy
1. L.Aug.Slot Boots
2. Epic Boots of Corrosion
1. Light and Darkness
1. Staff of the Petitioner
((2. Epic Staff of Inner Sight - Missing))
3. Epic Ornamented Dagger
4. Concordant Opposition Morningstar
5. 45% Cold absorption Morningstar
6. Superior Nihil VI Scepter x4
7. Superior Freeze VI Scepter
8. Superior Spark VI Scepter
9. Superior Mending VI Scepter x2