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  1. #1
    Founder Joseph's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Diehard Improvement

    Diehard feat, as it is currently implemented, is nearly worthless from level 4 onward (WF essentially get this feat for free anyway).

    As it is a 'feat' - I would like to suggest making it more appealing (and more in line with the divergence of DDO from D&D).

    In addition to the way it currently is, Diehard should also grant +level in HP that you can go into the negative. This could further be improved by enhancements. In this manner it would at least be a little more useful (for taking a feat slot).

    With the current way the feat is, and 10HP really being 'nothing' after the lower levels, the feat just has no worth in DDO (it is a great feat in D&D, because you can recover from a near death, but in DDO you take such massive damage that 10 HP is meaningless).
    The only difference between a weed and a flower is survival skill - Joseph

  2. #2
    Community Member decease's Avatar
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    Jul 2011


    hmm but with epic it would be -35 to die.. could be a little bit several class get it for free..

    personally i would say level / 2 + 1 (to max of -20).. still not that useful... but you are now twice harder to die =P

  3. #3
    Founder Joseph's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Technically...

    -35 at level 20 could be a little OP, but I do not think so.

    Consider toughness...

    Toughness takes 1 feat - the same as Diehard, except that you end up with 22 extra HP by the time you hit L20 - which means you have 22 more HP of time to be alive and doing DPS (where, if you are incapacitated with Diehard, you are still not doing any DPS, so Toughness is a better feat).

    Diehard should be equal to Toughness, or at least close to it. Even if Diehard let you go to -20HP, it would still be less useful than Toughness (because positive HP is always of greater value than negative HP).
    The only difference between a weed and a flower is survival skill - Joseph

  4. #4
    2015 DDO Players Council InsanityIsYourFriend's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    make it so
    + my sugeestion...
    have it to where you recover faster with diehard (so you have -34 not dying but no one can heal you, you start healing but how long would it take normally to heal that much? make it so that you heal 2-3 times as fast when incapacitated) might even take it on a WF if ya gave me that, 1 minute is a very long time
    I am Falontani, Zeblazing, Zeholysoul, Zeshadowfist, Zesoulhuntah, Zedrunk, Singingblade, and many alts
    Quote Originally Posted by 404error View Post
    Thanks for the report and Whoa.
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    This is talked about a ton, and nothing is concrete at this point. Enter bugs with examples. Tons and tons of bugs. Make Gazebo cry.

  5. #5
    Community Member licho's Avatar
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    To be honest i see nothing wrong with -30 with diehard. Still i would rather pick another toughness rather than it.
    But also plz increase the rate of unconsious regen to 2hp/tick.
    Going up from -30 to 0 will be hell lot of time. (it will be often easier to die)

  6. #6
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    The object of this game is to prevent states like incap and death from happening, not to make them slightly more advantageous when they do happen. This is what made the first rogue capstone suck. Diehard is fine as a feww feat, but actually making it good enough to take voluntarily would require making it more powerful than the feats people already take.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  7. #7
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    I love it! As others suggested I would definitely work something in to make it recoup faster though. I would go so far as to make it much larger, at least 2 * level. The goal is to make it of comparable worth to a second+ Toughness, which is worth exactly 22 HP. With a much larger negative alive range, I can have situations where I lose aggro without dying, which might be an outcome I'd prefer for a particular character.

  8. #8
    Community Member Ganolyn's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    They tried to improve Diehard three times, but the original movie is still the best. Wait... we are talking about the movie right?
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