Originally Posted by
not necessarily true. for example, if they allowed archmage to actually grant SP to classes with none, imo it would make a pretty decent option for, say, elves (yes, you laugh at first, but consider: illusion archmage *sucks* for a wizard, but imagine it on a fighter. invis, blur, displace spam? sure, not awe-inspiring, but decent. abjuration: shield, resist energy, protection from energy, stoneskin. all very common buff requests... near-useless for a wizard, but pretty appealing for a melee. or heck, even evocation: magic missile, gust of wind, chain missile, fire shield). and for elven caster bards and sorcerers, perhaps artis, and potentially even favored souls and clerics if they're caster-focused, i suspect archmage would be a *very* welcome addition.
furthermore, there are in fact 12 total classes atm, and of those only 4 (fighter, barbarian, rogue, monk) don't gain SP. pale master SLAs cost HP, not SP as well, so could be used.
furthermore, this presumes that the racial PrEs must work exactly identical to the class PrEs.
regardless, as i've pointed out, were i making the choices, i'd probably go with ninja spy. ignoring the fact for a second that it is a monk PrE, it just feels like an excellent fit for drow to me (and works very well if you call it "scorpion wraith" when drow take it). allowing the character to have a ki bar shouldn't break anything (in game balance terms; i wouldn't dream of saying it wouldn't break anything in programming terms), it would be useful for a wide variety of builds (what with the shadow fade and all). it fits drow because it emphasises short swords, it would allow for better melee builds as well by granting sneak attack, and presumably tier 1 monk strikes and the dark finishers (but not touch of death, which should stay monk only and is not actually a ninja spy ability in the first place). maybe even offer the tier 1 stance special abilities (not the stances themselves, but the stuff like eagle claw strike, 10k stars, etc).
for halfling, i'd pick acrobat. ignoring for a second the nonsensical argument that it only improves quarterstaff use (as if that somehow forces you to use quarterstaves), it offers a move speed increase and immunity to knockdown/trip effects. i can't think of a single build that wouldn't benefit from those two things tremendously. add in the potential for it to grant (instead of merely improving) uncanny dodge clickies and/or showtime clickies, and you get something which has lots of general utility and survival skills.
not sure if there's really anything to be done for half-orcs. i fully expect theirs to be useful only for melees. i'm just not sure there's a better option that isn't likely to be in use elsewhere. that being said, possibilities include warchanter (but without songs, it would have to be revised to grant some of the abilities as clickies or something) and purple dragon knight (i seem to vaguely recall hearing that the PnP version offered party-buffing abilities, and presumably unlike warchanter it won't use bardic music charges).
for WF, i'd choose occult slayer, provided the new PrE (which we haven't seen yet) provides plenty of useful protections from "occult stuff" (save bonuses, stacking elemental resists, or absorption like from fire shield or the ring of the djinni, 3.x stalwart (it's like evasion, but for fort/will save spells), possibly even the option for immunity to certain spells like magic missile & co, would be examples of what i'd be looking for).
dwarf is probably fine with stalwart defender. a bit bland, but i fully expect we'll be seeing an abundance of earth stance stalwart defender monk tanks already, and we may even see some arcane tanks as well (if WF isn't changed away from stalwart, i expect the vast majority of arcane tanks to be WF instead).
elf, i basically already outlined above. tweak archmage to grant SP to those without SP (and caster level = character level) and i think it would provide some interesting options (of course, you'd have to remove the feat requirements, while still allowing the SLAs). arcane archer can stay as well, but frankly ever since half-elf came along, the elven arcane archer has largely gone into hiding. probably because they're afraid of getting sneak attacked by manyshotting half-elf arcane archers with rogue dilettante or something like that.
human and half-elf, well... from what we've seen, they're not gonna be hurting. except maybe from the overload of options.
so there you go. that's how i'd do it, at least.