Imbue: Exploding Polymorph Arrow.
Level 23 Ranger AA/ Level 25 Elven AA
Cost: 100 sp
Imbues all the arrows u fire to cause 3 effects.
1st: Causes target hit by the arrow for every 2 seconds in the next 60 seconds have to make a will save of DC 15+atk bonus of AA gets turned into a chicken starved Wolf for 30 seconds, successful will save will result in 4d8+1 per 2 levels of AA worth of damage.
2nd: Causes who did not get hit by the arrow in a radius of 50 ft head to explode for 200 untyped damage can apply to friends, foes or even the AA who fired the arrow alike and takes bleeding damage of 1d8 per 2 seconds for next 60 seconds. Some Creatures like warforged or constructions might be immune to bleeding damage
3rd: On a failed Will Save of DC 15+ attack bonus of AA all who did not get hit by the arrow in the 50 ft radius gets polymorphed into CR:0 headless chickens for 60 seconds. Headless Chickens who gets caught and eaten by the target who gets turned into the wolf will die automatically.
Ok, how about;
Exploding Chaos Shot
Requirement Epic level, Imbue Slaying Arrow
for those effects?