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  1. #1
    Community Member grayham's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Guest passes not overwriting!!!!

    Ok, so this has happened to me three times now.I often buy guest passes for Guildmates who are Premium players. The first 2 times were with one guildmate last week who had a Necro IV pass ticking down. I bestowed a Vale pass and he clicked on Airship navigator + Meridia, which gave him the dialogue box to overwrite his necro IV. He said yes, but then when he clicked again on Meridia, it redirected him to the store, and the Necro IV pass was still ticking down in the top right. I did this twice, and spent 70 points on nothing.Thinking it may have been fixed amongst the other issues, I have tried this week, path of inspiration to be overwritten by secrets of the artificers. SAME THING!! 60 TP down the tubes! Yes I need to get in touch with accounts etc to try and claim my TP back, but I'm posting here because...

    -This is surely not WAI????
    -No-one else should do this. Check that the person you have purchased the pass for doesn't have one already!

    Aggggghhh.... This is as angry as I've been in 2+ years of playing. Please fix this. I will do my bit at this end to try and claim my TP back, but that is a small part of the issue.

  2. #2
    Community Member Baloran's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Angry Same thing happend to me...

    I'm in a static group with some RL friends. As I'm VIP, I usually buy the guest passes for my friends when we want to do non-F2P adventures. On the 20th of march we were first finishing the Ruins of Threnal series (with guest pass). Guest pass was still 40 min (90 min guest pass), when we decided to do VON next. I bought a 30 min guest pass for VON and applied to my friend. He got the dialogue box and stated: yes I want to overwrite the Ruins of Threnal guest pass - it didn't work. Tried again - same result (wasted 80 TP).

    Decided to do some F2P Quests until the Ruins of Threnal guest pass is used up.

    Turbine please fix this!


  3. #3
    Community Manager
    Cordovan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Thank you for your reports on this. We are aware of this issue, and hope to fix it in the future.
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