Just a idea of new feat:
Power Critical
Requires: BAB +12, said weapon profficiency, corresponding improved criticals for weapon type.
Limitacion: Only 1h Weapon, can be taken multiply times for different weapons (each time for one only). Cant be taken for Khopesh. Can be taken for throwing weapons, but not other ranged.
Effect: On natural 19 and 20 the critical multiplyer for said weapon is rise by 1.
This effect stacks with similar effect from other sources. (weapon/class enhancement)
The feat can be taken by monks, fighter, rogues as their bonus feat.
What for:
The aim of this feat is a close the gap between general 1h weapons and khopesh. Currently Khopesh are no brainer weapon to the point when picking anything else is a interesting way to gimp yourself.
The main benefitors of this feat will be all flavor builds using no khopesh, as well as racial weapon users.
This feat for good or bad do not influence general game balance (or inbalance). Still the best agro 2wf option will be some kind of Khopesh Horc with some fighter/barbarian/ranger combination.
In fact Khopesh still will be supperior weapon since it will have a better dice for the same price.
The balance between 2wf/2hf will stay as was.
Also this feat will kick in in some late game, in the time when differences between Khopesh and else are getting wider.
And thats it, i suppose its very elegant solution, since its not so hard to code. The math behind is strong and no matter what other things will change the feat will still does the job.
The best part is that there is no need to deal with agro of khopesh using folks, since their stick will still be no1, and even in some ******** contest it will be easy to have bigger numbers than some drow.
This idea is too good, can we spoil it somehow?
We can for example include khopesh to the list for the feat, so the whole point of balancing khopesh vs else will land in dustbin. The next step will to give it to also ranged, and 2hf, and name it a great buff for melees (some national day) . Since why not.
We can also dress our white beard, and say something like "we need 3 more feats to compete khopesh profficiency" and each of this feats will give 3-10 dmg per hit. And then enjoy a new fig6/monk2 meta.
Even ilcalculate people can make stuff up.