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  1. #1
    The Hatchery ferrite's Avatar
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    Default Dual-Affinity Cannith Crafting

    Basically would work the same as GS crafting, combining two shards together to make one with dual effects. There would be no special added benefit to doing so, except to have two abilities on one shard.

    No more boring crafted items with just a single prefix and suffix! With this new rule you could have up to two prefixes and two suffixes on one item, with a total of up to four effects per crafted item.

    Same rules for ML and maximum enchantment value would apply, so you could only fit so many things on an item, nothing changes here, you still have to pick and choose. You can fit up to the item's maximum enchant level (currently +15)

    With dual-affinity crafting, you get a slightly expanded selection and would be able to get much more creative with with the gear you craft.

    Helpful suggestions/comments welcome.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery bigolbear's Avatar
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    honestly it sounds great, crafted gear getting up there with epic stuff and top raid gear.

    And on that note:

    Shard 1 + shard 2 + 2 x purified dragonshard.

    And id say any dual shard automaticaly has a ml of 20.

    What were talking about here is making raid/epic lvl gear and so yeh it should probly be ml 20.
    Ex Euro player from devourer: Charaters on orien(Officer of Under Estimated & Nightfox): Wrothgar, Cobolt, Shadeweaver, TheMetal, Metaphysical, Allfred, Razortusk and many more.
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  3. #3
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Honestly, I'd rather prefer if crafted gear never come close to matching raid/epic loot, even the stuff we have to make or upgrade from raid materials. Crafting as a means to fill in the day-to-day gear, or to give an opportunity to make for ourselves some rare-ish chunk of standard equipment is fantastic - but that is as far as I hope it goes (maybe adding things like Vorpal and Paralyzers to the mix one day). And I say that as somebody who does not have a lot of raid gear and is only 'meh' at crafting.

    /no thank you
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  4. #4
    Community Member biggin's Avatar
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    I have to agree with Memnir on this one. While crafting is a useful tool for making twink lowbie gear and even high level gear when appropriate, there would be a serious backlash if what you suggested came to fruition.

    As it stands epic gear can only be crafted by rare items (seals and shards). Just for the sake of arguement we will leave out scrolls which could be bought and base items that range from ridiculously easy to acquire (chronoscope items) to the outright ludicrous (raise your hand if you've gone 60+ DQ2's without a torc).

    In the system you propose, yes, it would take time to get to high enough level to craft that it would be some sort of time sink, but once you reached the appropriate level you would then have access to make all your toons epic level gear in a day. We wont even get into unbound shards that would completely unbalance the game to where the developers would be forced to either A) make new epic items even more OP than they are now or B) have to rename the game Dragons & Crafting.

    Players will always gravitate to some extent to find the best gear in the game. If you turn what is a decently powered system into a system than can churn out this most powerful equipment in the game you've in effect just changed the entire game. D&D has been and should be about the PvE questing, not the 'click here 40,000 times and win' model.
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  5. #5
    The Hatchery ferrite's Avatar
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    Some valid concerns here.

    However, I propose that it could be that many epic/raid gear items are simply underpowered for such an argument. Really its all perspective when you think about it. True the new upgrades from Abbot and Reaver's has made some of the gear slightly better, but still. Then you run into the power-creep scenario, and we probably don't want that for the game either.

    While it may be a bit early for this type crafting, I feel eventually this will come to pass at some point. If 4 abilities would be too OP right now, then maybe 3 as a compromise could work. In addition, some penalty could be applied to the shard/item, like increasing the ML by 2 or something for a crafted item with a dual shard.

  6. #6
    Community Member redspecter23's Avatar
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    I think that the idea could work to a limited degree. Obviously we don't want people crafting up +5 Holy burst shocking burst silver khopesh of greater lawful outsider bane greater evil outsider bane. But if they allowed certain select abilities to be crafted on in addition to others, but with a much higher shard cost, that could work.

    For instance add a higher level maiming shard that works as normal, but can be added on as an additional suffix. Allow the same with abilities like everbright or other less stellar abilities that on their own are rather weak, but if they were able to be a 3rd extra abilitiy, might be useful. Crafting everbright as a bonus ability on a weapon with greater ooze bane for instance could be quite useful without being overpowered at all.
    Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen

  7. #7
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    I dont think they should make dual shards. I do think they should make some shards that are not prefixes. Like everbright and blueshine. DnD 3.5 had a equipment book that had alot of item abilities. Many of the abilities were priced at a plus equivalent, and each item was only allowed a certain amount of plus equivalent. Some abilities were just a flat rate though, and did not count in the plus equivalent of the item. Some shards that didnt count as a prefix or suffix would be cool. But it should be things that would be nice on a weapon, but no one will ever craft because its just not worth the slot... In my opinion anyway.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Silverwren's Avatar
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    I'm inclined to agree with the majority of the posters here.

    There are plenty of other places to grind and craft high level and end game items. I like Cannith crafting for what it is right now and I don't think it needs to be driven in the direction the OP suggests.

    As I was typing this it occurred to me that perhaps the suggestion could benefit F2P players who don't have access to the areas Premium and VIP players do to craft Greensteel, Dragontouched, etc. etc., but then again if you're a F2P player you probably can't reach end game content anyway, so it's a moot point.
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  9. #9
    The Hatchery Scraap's Avatar
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    Considering that 15 enchanteds are going to shoot up to ML 25 soon enough, I could see them getting a boost over ML 12s, though not sure if extra suffixes and prefixes would be appropriate.

    Maybe an either/or slot, or more +6-7 enchantments that actually do something for most toons (2 6's (+12) come out to ML 23, 2 7's(+14) come out to ML 27 caped down to the new 25 after all, so the notion of 13 levels worth of gap to hit something barely better in highly specific situations is troubling for someone that's invested enough to cap crafting.), combined with upping the DC/procrate on the raidloot effects so they go off at least as often as rolling a 20, you might see a decent middle ground.

  10. #10
    Brains and other spare parts! DeltaBravo's Avatar
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    I just think we need more of the none normal stuff on the items rather then trying to make home made epic items.
    But stuff that are allready in the game but on some special items could be quite nice to have in the crafting alter also so it could be used when the cap goes up to 25 where many of the items will be way to high lvl to be worth much.
    Deltabravo I have come here to FROG things up!

  11. #11
    Community Member easyaction's Avatar
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    not that I'm at all for this suggestion, but some people in this thread are under the impression that once you get to that level of crafting you can just willy nilly spit out all the epic gear you want when you want. But high level crafting also requires rare items and more essences than people are even selling off the AH. with all the mystical pots, fish, and purified eberon shards, high lvl crafted shards are just as much a task as GS and epic gear. and while, like i stated before, I dont agree with crafting dual shards, i just wanted to state that crafting takes just as much time and grind to make.

  12. #12
    The Hatchery bigolbear's Avatar
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    Thought id pop back to this thread with a few suggestions of my own for 'high lvl cannith crafting'

    Now that we have seals dropping from raids, and of course epic seals/shards/scrolls and epic tokens and epic raid tokens These along with 'purified dragon shards' form a viable option for crafting recipies for extremely high end gear.

    Id thus like to propose:

    Epic shard (divine, arcane, elemental) : costs 10 purified dragon shards.
    Epic shard (divine, arcane, elemental) : costs 1 shard, 1 seal, 1 scroll of your choice. - they do not have to match.

    This shard sets the ML of the item to 20. It also opens up 2 extra slots that can only be filled by 'epic' crafted shards.

    Example 'epic' shards:
    Lightning strike: requires strong air elemental soul, 1 purified dragon shard, + air essences

    Nightmare: requires strong abberation soul, 1 purified dragon shard, 1 disc of nightmares. + mind essences

    Incineration: requires strong fire elemental soul, 1 purified dragon shard + fire essences

    Exceptional stat +1: requires mark of yugoloth + mind or body essences. - 1 for each stat.
    Exceptional stat +2: requires mark of yugoloth + mind or body essences + 2 purified dragon shards. - 1 for each stat.

    Exceptional tactics +5, exceptional skills(stat type) + 6, skill +15, epic spell focus, superior lore, epic spell type damage.

    colourless slot: requires 1 purified dragon shard + essences.
    red slot, green slot, blue slot, yellow slot, stat +7, etc etc.

    This means you could have crafted epic weapons of equivalence to that we can 'find' by adventuring, without the concern of holy burst shocking burst silver double greater banes, simply by making the 2 extra slots only fillable by certain shards.

    Frankly what ive suggested here is realy no better than typical green steel or easy to aquire epic items like cove stuff, challenge stuff etc.
    Ex Euro player from devourer: Charaters on orien(Officer of Under Estimated & Nightfox): Wrothgar, Cobolt, Shadeweaver, TheMetal, Metaphysical, Allfred, Razortusk and many more.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Silverwren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by easyaction View Post
    not that I'm at all for this suggestion, but some people in this thread are under the impression that once you get to that level of crafting you can just willy nilly spit out all the epic gear you want when you want. But high level crafting also requires rare items and more essences than people are even selling off the AH. with all the mystical pots, fish, and purified eberon shards, high lvl crafted shards are just as much a task as GS and epic gear. and while, like i stated before, I dont agree with crafting dual shards, i just wanted to state that crafting takes just as much time and grind to make.
    Good point. If it were easy everyone would be doing it.
    I'm sick of following my dreams, man. I'm just gonna ask 'em where they're going and hook up with 'em later on - Mitch Hedberg
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  14. #14
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    I see...

    Holy Anarchic Silver <X> of Greater Lawful Outsider Bane. With as many +s and bursts as you can cram into the +15 limit.

    Or even better, go Lawful Outsider + Evil Outsider (without greatering either one). Easier to craft, lower added potential, and more damage than greater bane.

    And I say /nay.
    Last edited by Matuse; 03-13-2012 at 12:51 AM.
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