I'd get on board with this, for the main reason of forgetting to set the character to MALE when I made it. If there were even a SLIGHT difference in body styles, I wouldn't have made this mistake.
*Someone sends me a tell.. Why Female WF?*
I look.. ooops!
Oh well, I'll just fix that next TR..
Tr happens... Hmmm.. where's my sex option?
And on a sort of tangent...
I must agree that being able to put ale bellies on a dwarf, or being able to just buy some dye to change your gear colors would be a big seller for me.
I find it a little annoying that most similar builds will look nearly identical due to gear restrictions, with the exception of the few that spend the TP on armor kits.
EDIT: +1 to the OP for doing the research and making a well thought out, coherent suggestion! Nice work.