The old thread died, but I am hell-bent on creating this group! So here goes:

So, do you wish you could recreate the feel of classic Pen and Paper D&D in DDO? Now you can! Here's the idea:

Our group will meet once a week, at a predetermined time. We will only group with each other, and follow a list of rules:
1) The party shall be formed of six players, following the stereotypical D&D party guidelines. This means that the following archetypes will need to be filled:
a) Frontliner (Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, possibly Ranger or Monk or even Cleric)
b) Arcane Caster (Sorcerer, Wizard, Artificer)
c) Divine Caster (Favored Soul, Cleric)
d) Rogue (Must have a rogue for those traps!)
e) Bard (Every good party needs a bard! Although a suitably built Artificer could also work.)
f) Free role (The fifth man is always a bard, but the sixth can be anything at all!)
2) All players must be single classed. I know, I know... Monk dips are all the rage! But we're trying to stick to a PnP feel!
3) The players may only quest together. If a player misses a quest night due to any sort of problems, he can run the same quests the party ran at the same difficulty level, either solo or in a PUG. This is to ensure that the party levels up at the same rate. Players should do their best to show up every time.
4) Knowledge of content is unnecessary! And when in quests, spoilers are discouraged.
5) DDO is much easier than Pen and Paper. Therefore, we will make things harder on ourselves by only doing quests on the Hard difficulty. Elite is encouraged. In addition, we will play with semi-perma death rules. If a character dies and is unable to be raised within the quest (Using a clicky, a spell, or a scroll) the entire party must drop and restart the quest. Resurrection shrines may not be used, although rest shrines are fine. DDO Store bought items are also a no-no. Quests may not be reentered otherwise.
6) In Pen and Paper, the heroes don't help the king kill his traitorous adviser four times in a row. We will not repeat a quest. Slayer areas may be repeated. This rule is subject to change if we reach higher levels and discover that it is impossible to continue leveling up without repeating content.
7) There will be no trading with anyone outside the party. Vendors may be sold to and bought from from, but the auction house is not allowed. Players are allowed to trade loot, end rewards, etc.
8) Light RP means Light. We encourage some roleplaying, which will be done in party chat; but regular chater is also fun, and will be done in guild chat.
9) All party members should level up at the same time! We will hold levels until those players who lost XP due to experiences beyond their control (such as missing a game night and not getting a rare on repeat) catch up.
10) Above all, have fun! The idea here is to replicate our best gaming experiences, and this is best done by having fun.

So, if you're interested, post! Let's see what type of character you want to play. And this is as much your group as mine; if you have a question, suggestion, or comment about the rules, speak up!

A party name (Suitably epic, of course) will be determined once we start questing. Let's have fun!

I'd like to claim the spot of Arcane Caster. My plan is to be an Air Savant with a secondary focus on Necromancy.