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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Help me decide -- WF or Human Evoker

    I'm about to complete my 2nd life on a character i've always planned to be a 36 point FvS.

    I like the WF immunities, and the melee play style, but I've also enjoyed playing my casting cleric...

    I have an SoS and multiple greatswords for the follow-on life, including a nice Lit GS.

    Opinions, and possible build suggestions would be appreciated. (I know this has probably been beaten to death already).

    Assumptions... No epic gear (yet), 36 points, +3 tomes for all stats, FvS and Wiz Past Lives, enough mats to make Conc Opp or 1 other GS accessory.

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by Grolnin; 03-07-2012 at 10:23 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
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    Even if you wanted a THF melee FvS, I think there are other options than WF (others probably disagree). WF has 2 big strikes against it as a THF Fvs 20. One is the negative healing amp, and the other is the pointless capstone SLA.

    I think Human (waste the bonus feat on greatswords), Helf (fighter dilly) or Horc (either be down a feat or suck up the -4 tohit) are all better options. The Horc can actually be more DPS than the WF, although the other two are down a tad.

    Having the clw or searing light SLA is much bigger than many people consider since metas can be applied.

    That said.... those two pastlives seem to say "go caster" to me....

    Helf is largely a better melee option than Human due to +1 str and not being limited to 1 weapon prof with the fighter dilly. But Human does give the effective +2 int with the skills boost, a tad more healing amp if desired..... and one other strange bonus here. If you go Human melee, and later decide you'd rather be a caster (or vice versa) you're just a heart away. Helf has no synergy with a normal caster FVS, although it is used for the nigh-unkillable con based ones (which will go with monk dilly for max Hamp).
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  3. #3
    Community Member Crann's Avatar
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    Play whatever utilizes the benefits of your first 2 lives the most.

    You spent alot of time getting those first 2 lives.

    Make that time mean more than just getting a 36 point build.

    What were your first 2 lives? Was one cleric, or were you speaking of another character?

  4. #4


    Playing a WF melee specced fvs has been a blast for me. Done 4 of these lives and ended up with an esos. Simply Godly.

    Even with a Greensteel GS you will be powerful, it really depends on what you want. You won't be doing any offensive casting in epics as a LoB, simply meleeing & healing (besides DP if it's a boss fight of course).
    On the other hand, the evoker can do a LOT more in endgame, including soloing epics.

    So are you looking for .... :

    - Self suffiency, high HP, immunities and highest DR with melee damage? Go WF LoB.
    - Offensive casting, insta killing everything and having a free cure to heal yourself for around 90 pts? Go Human evoker. (With your current Past lives, I would go this way. +3 Spell pen & +1 to your DCs makes a difference).

    Gl for your TR whataver you chose!

    Sithali-1 ~ 31/31 Lives ~ Completionist
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  5. #5
    Community Member BDS's Avatar
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    On one hand your greatswords and a playstyle you enjoy playing being a WF. The only down side to that is that the melee FvS pre has not been released yet.

    On the other hand I'd say that your past lives cater more to a Evoker. +3 SP is very nice for implosion. That and Angel of Vengence's synergy with the evoker would lead me in that direction for now.

    If you are attached to your greatswords and dont have the funds to replace the gear or cant bear losing it I'd stay WF. If you want you could wait till the expansion to see what the enhancement rework looks like and if the melee FvS pre comes out. In the mean time you could do some melee lives that would buff up your use as a melee toon. The Soul Survivor is a good take on a WF Fvs, gear intensive but gives you an idea on stuff.
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