Hey all! So I'm minding my own business, having a conversation with a friend while I'm favor grinding on a new banker toon, when I accidentally sent a mistell to general chat about how my friend should go vip, how I maxed out my character slots to 40 (including the free slots provided by being vip) etc etc and yada so on and so forth. Now, I responded to my mistell by the typical '/general mt', but I was immediately called out by an elitest butt pirate. He started bashing me, saying I'm full of it, he's been here since beta, blah blah blah. I get it dude, you're uber. You're awesome. No other player in the game is like you. *Snort* Anywho, here's a screen shot to prove to you that *GASP* you're not always right. That is all.