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Thread: Khopesh fix

  1. #41
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    You know how to solve the problem of the khopesh?
    Give us more feats worth taking that compete with Exotic Weapon Proficiency for space on a character.

    The problem isn't that the khopesh is too strong, it's that it's too automatic, and that the other exotic weapons don't compare favorably.

    In order for a khopesh to be good, you want the feat and a high damage bonus.
    In order for a bastard sword to be good, you want the feat, a high damage bonus, a shield in your off-hand, and three other feats, and then you're necessarily locked into either a lower DPS weapon style (S&B) or not using the weapon you spent a feat on in the first place (THF with a two-hander) when DPS counts.

    The fact that S&B characters are typically strapped for feats to begin with, and that investing in bastard swords really requires 4 feats for very similar DPS to that of a khopesh which requires only 1 means that most characters will still use the khopesh over the bastard sword.

    Dwarven axes fall between the two, since dwarves get the feat for free and gain enhancements to improve the things.

    What I'd prefer to see:

    • Give the feat-starved classes 2 or 3 bonus feats.
    • Introduce another half-dozen to a dozen melee-oriented feats that are worth taking. Ideally, these should be put together into feat chains (maybe building upon existing feats), rather than simply being a bunch of stand-alone feats. Fighters gain the benefit of being able to invest in multiple chains, whereas everyone else typically focuses on one chain with a tiny bit of other stuff thrown in.
    • Give bastard swords a little more oomf, perhaps changing their crit profile to 18-20/x2.
    • Improve dwarven axe enhancements a bit, perhaps adding an enhancement to expand the crit range by 1, or the multiplier by 1 at high levels, but they could be improved in other ways.
    • Introduce a new exotic weapon, that compares favorably with the khopesh, revamped bastard sword and dwarven axe that isn't tied so heavily to a particular weapon style.

    If you're going to spend a feat on a weapon, it should at least be worth that feat. Bastard swords barely are if you're S&Bing all the time, and are not really at all if you are ever not using a shield. Dwarven axes aren't worth the feat, but they come free. Khopeshes are worth the feat.

    For characters that can't afford the feat for khopesh, they have scimitars and rapiers, which aren't that far behind khopeshes.
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  2. #42
    Community Member Aaxeyu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Talias006 View Post
    I get that.
    They should be buffed if more weapons get the ability to deal glancing blows.
    Acknowledging this and perhaps offering your own idea for a buff would make more sense than just tossing out your own quotes.
    That, IMO, is bordering on the tawdry and tedious.
    If you got that already, then why did you ask?

  3. #43
    Community Member Aaxeyu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by azrael4h View Post
    Since you live in a fantasy world, I'll explain something. Power creep is part of MMO design. In fact, it's part of cRPG design. Why? Because only a tiny fraction of the gaming population cares about actual role-playing, even accounting for the PnP community. Thus you have hack and slash games, which utimately end up being you killing and looting more powerful items to go after yet even more powerful items. When you no longer have power-creep due to new and more powerful items and abilities being added, you no longer have a actively developed game. There's been a lot of whining about the lack of anything to surpass the eSoS yet, and thus not giving THF melees anything to aim for.
    I get that.
    If they never nerf anything, then everytime they make asome bludner and release something that is overpowered they have to buff everything else, and then rebalance the monsters.
    "Nerfing is always bad" is a hossible position.

    Quote Originally Posted by azrael4h View Post
    If you think Khopesh is so vastly over-powered then what is Power Attack? It brings more dps gain to the table. Improved Critical brings more dps gain to the table. Those are no-brainers. Khopesh isn't that far ahead of Scimitar and Rapier to be a no-brainer, unless you are a hard-core min-maxer.
    Where have I said that Khopesh is overpowered? And you say that I live in a fantasy world....

    You see, just because I find it stupid to say that "nerfing is always bad" doesn't mean I want everything to be nerfed. You have to judge it case by case, and not make silly absolutist rules.

    Quote Originally Posted by azrael4h View Post
    So if I disagree with you, I lose the argument then. Care to invoke Godwin as well? It will make your argument more appealing.
    "Nerfing leads to things like WoW" is not so much different Godwins law.
    It got nothing to do with disagreement.

    If you believe that DDO will turn into WoW if things are nerfed... Well, I don't want to get an infraction so I'll let you figure out what I think about that.

  4. #44
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Nerfing something that

    1. is WAI
    2. has been in the game as is for a very, very long time
    3. many people are invested in.
    4. is powerful but not game breakingly so
    5. is fun
    6. belongs to a sector of the game that is underpowered already (melees)
    7. takes an investment to use well (gear/fighter PLs OR a feat)

    Just seems like a horrible decision.

    Which is why you shouldn't suggest these things, as turbine has an astonishingly bad history of terrible, customer alienating decisions...reading this thread and then nerfing khopeshes down to the redheaded stepchild of kamas would be about par for the course.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    Nerfing something that

    1. is WAI
    2. has been in the game as is for a very, very long time
    3. many people are invested in.
    4. is powerful but not game breakingly so
    5. is fun
    6. belongs to a sector of the game that is underpowered already (melees)
    7. takes an investment to use well (gear/fighter PLs OR a feat)

    Just seems like a horrible decision.

    Which is why you shouldn't suggest these things, as turbine has an astonishingly bad history of terrible, customer alienating decisions...reading this thread and then nerfing khopeshes down to the redheaded stepchild of kamas would be about par for the course.

    After reading this thread, I'm convinced that Khopeshes are just fine. They represent a small DPS increase, but they cost a feat, and a Khopesh specialist is limiting his weapon options. There is no point in making an exotic, feat-costing weapon the same as a scimitar.

    Power Attack, Improved Crit, and such also provide pretty similar dps increases, but still allow full flexibility.

    I think what is being done now, by providing some nice epic non-khopesh weapons, is the right approach. The increased fortification of many mobs has also reduced the relative advantage of khopeshes over other weapons. It appears to have a 5% advantage over most 50% fort boss mobs, which seems about right to me.

    In addition, changing the khopeshes will affect many people who have invested literally years into the game based on an established mechanic. Changing khopeshes seems to me to just be change for change sake.
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  6. #46
    Community Member Ravoc-DDO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sephiroth1084 View Post
    That would be awful! And honestly, if you can't recognize why, you probably shouldn't be making comments in discussions seeking to improve or balance the game at all.
    Apologies, it was rather late. My brain must have shut down already...

  7. #47
    Hero nibel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aristarchus1000 View Post
    In addition, changing the khopeshes will affect many people who have invested literally years into the game based on an established mechanic. Changing khopeshes seems to me to just be change for change sake.
    Like TWF Rage Crit II barbarians with dual wounding of puncturing rapiers?
    Or 110%/100% TWF tempest rangers?
    Or Warforged tanks before Healing Amplification?

    Yep, we should never change anything just because many people are used to it.
    Amossa d'Cannith, Sarlona, casually trying Completionist (12/14) [<o>]
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    I want DDO to be a better game. Those are my personal suggestions on: Ammunition, Archmage, Combat Stances, Deities, Dispel Magic, Epic Destiny Map, Fast Healing, Favor, Favored Enemy, Half-elf Enhancements, Monk Kensai, Monk Stances, Past Life, Potency, Potions, Ranger Spells, Summons, Tiered Loot.

  8. #48
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sephiroth1084 View Post
    You know how to solve the problem of the khopesh?
    Give us more feats worth taking that compete with Exotic Weapon Proficiency for space on a character.

    The problem isn't that the khopesh is too strong, it's that it's too automatic, and that the other exotic weapons don't compare favorably.

    In order for a khopesh to be good, you want the feat and a high damage bonus.
    In order for a bastard sword to be good, you want the feat, a high damage bonus, a shield in your off-hand, and three other feats, and then you're necessarily locked into either a lower DPS weapon style (S&B) or not using the weapon you spent a feat on in the first place (THF with a two-hander) when DPS counts.

    The fact that S&B characters are typically strapped for feats to begin with, and that investing in bastard swords really requires 4 feats for very similar DPS to that of a khopesh which requires only 1 means that most characters will still use the khopesh over the bastard sword.

    Dwarven axes fall between the two, since dwarves get the feat for free and gain enhancements to improve the things.

    What I'd prefer to see:

    • Give the feat-starved classes 2 or 3 bonus feats.
    • Introduce another half-dozen to a dozen melee-oriented feats that are worth taking. Ideally, these should be put together into feat chains (maybe building upon existing feats), rather than simply being a bunch of stand-alone feats. Fighters gain the benefit of being able to invest in multiple chains, whereas everyone else typically focuses on one chain with a tiny bit of other stuff thrown in.
    • Give bastard swords a little more oomf, perhaps changing their crit profile to 18-20/x2.
    • Improve dwarven axe enhancements a bit, perhaps adding an enhancement to expand the crit range by 1, or the multiplier by 1 at high levels, but they could be improved in other ways.
    • Introduce a new exotic weapon, that compares favorably with the khopesh, revamped bastard sword and dwarven axe that isn't tied so heavily to a particular weapon style.

    If you're going to spend a feat on a weapon, it should at least be worth that feat. Bastard swords barely are if you're S&Bing all the time, and are not really at all if you are ever not using a shield. Dwarven axes aren't worth the feat, but they come free. Khopeshes are worth the feat.

    For characters that can't afford the feat for khopesh, they have scimitars and rapiers, which aren't that far behind khopeshes.

    Hey why not take the THF feats out of the equation for Bastard Sword and Dwarven War Axe. Instead just have the Proficiency open an Enhancement Line that would improve its Glancing Blows in its own way. I've always hated that BS and DWA had to take 3 extra feat to be vaguely in league and additional feat to actually do what they are supposed to.

    Honestly instead of only 1 weapon with those two to get the benefit I'd just change it to main hand get the benefit while off hand doesn't ... that way you could be twf with BS without gimping your benefit.

    example: lets say you want to fight with 2 bastard swords cause you're crazy or something. When you wing with main hand attacks it has a chance to proc either or both an off hand attack and/or a glancing blow. Same thing with S&B with Bastard Swords. You swing your main hand and have a chance to proc a Shield bash and/or a glancing blow. crazy I know but it seems reasonable to me.

    I mean don't get me wrong I'd love to see DDO adopt the Pathfinder Feat Progression of every ODD level getting a Feat... it helps a lot those 3 extra feat, but if we cut down on some of the necessary ones that would be nice as well.

    I agree that the weapon should be worth while and I think the op is partially right though maybe it not as bad as it has seemed in the past. Perhaps making the Exotic Proficiency required to get the benefits would be a good thing. Khopesh maybe doesn't get its x3 multiplier without the feat BS and DWA wouldn't get glancing blows without the Prof... maybe shuriken should have a base double toss chance and Shuriken Expertise improves that, but you get nothing without proficiency. Maybe Kamas should have a Bleed Proc Chance associated with them or something.

    Maybe increase the Base damage of the glancing blow from BS and DWA or start at a higher proc rate... or give a +1 damage bonus while using Power Attack

    Last edited by Aesop; 03-04-2012 at 03:27 PM.
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  9. #49
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    I'm not averse to changing Khopesh in some way to "bring it more in line with other weapons". But, I think that this must be observed:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bacab View Post
    Melees in general do not need to be nerfed.
    That said, bringing 'pesh DPS more in line can't strictly be a nerf. There needs to be some other changes to make the item's functionality high, if not better than what it currently is. Also, Bswords and Daxes could use a functionality boost beyond what they currently have.

    When you look at Daxes and Bswords, they follow a weapon progression:

    Swords: short 1d6 19-20/x2, long 1d8 19-20/x2, bsword 1d10 19-20/x2
    Axes: hand 1d6 x3, battle 1d8 x3, daxe 1d10 x3

    'Pesh could fit in the other blade line, the exotic (from a western european perspective) curved one:

    kukri 1d4 18-20/x2, scimitar 1d6 18-20/x2, khopesh 1d8 18-20/x2

    But this isn't enough. In fact, this would strictly be a nerf. So here's something else that must be done:

    Bastard Swords, Dwarven Axes, and Khopeshes could all gain a new weapon property: Superior Melee Weapon (yeah, I know this doesn't at all fit the real world history of the 'pesh, but then, the 'peshes we have in this game aren't much like their real world counterparts).

    Superior Melee Weapon: If you do not have the Exotic Weapon Proficiency for this weapon, you do not suffer the -4 penalty to attack rolls. If you do have the Exotic Weapon Proficiency for this weapon, when you wield this weapon in one hand, and no other weapon in your offhand (either empty or shield), this weapon deals glancing blows as a two-handed weapon. Also, if you have the Exotic Weapon Proficiency for this weapon, when you use a Tactical feat with this weapon (Stunning Blow, Imp/Trip, Imp/Sunder), you gain a +4 Weapon Bonus to the DC.
    Note: This would replace the current rules for Bswords and Daxes in regards to glancing blows.

    EDIT: So, didn't realize this at first, but the above basically gives ALL classes basic Khopesh, Daxe, and Sword proficiency, even rogues, monks, or wizards. So what could be done instead is this: 3 new feats would come into being, Martial Weapon Proficiency: Khopesh, MWP: Daxe, and MWP: Bswords. These would only alleviate the -4 non-proficient penalty to attack rolls, but would not grant the glancing blows or DC bonuses. Any class that grants all Martial Weapon Proficiencies, like Ranger, Fighter, Paladin, or Barbarian, would grant these. Exotic Weapon Proficiency would still be needed to unlock the glancing blows and DC bonuses, and of course, it would alleviate the -4 penalty to attack rolls if a character did not have the corresponding Martial Proficiency.

    So this does two things: first, if you were uninterested in glancing blows or tactics, you could still use Bswords, Daxes, and 'Peshes without having to spend a feat on the weapon. That means those pure dps toons who never tank and never use tactics wouldn't have to worry that the feat they spend on 'Peshes is a waste: they could simply trade it out for something else, and still uses 'Peshes without penalty. Second, it makes the feat spent on Proficiency for these weapons still worthwhile: if you're a tank, you like getting the glancing blows (probably); if you're a tactics melee, you like the +4 to DCs.

    Maybe it's not enough, but this would bring 'Pesh dps in line with other weapons, while not screwing over 'Pesh pure-dps builds (it actually frees up a feat for them without forcing them to re-do their weapons), gives a boost to tactics-based melees, gives another weapon option for tanks, and still doesn't obviate scimitars any more than they are (would be mostly an elf weapon, as now) or longswords (mostly fvs or monk splash weapon). The draw to use Daxes is still there: dwarf (they get Prof for free, making Dwarves one of the best tactics melee races, and they get racial enhancements to boost damage). The minuscule draw to use Bswords is still there: eFang (there's really no other reason to go this weapon--maybe humans could get an enhancement line for Longsword and Bastard sword attack and damage?). And 'Peshes would still be the highest dps one-handed weapon in the game, so the draw there is obvious.
    Last edited by waterboytkd; 03-04-2012 at 05:22 PM.

  10. #50
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    I'm with the faction saying, rather than nerf Khpeshes, Buff DAxes and BSwords...
    I'd like to see Fortification have more of an impact, so that one weapon (Khopesh, for example) is the best up to 50% or so fort, another (DAxes, for example) is hands-down the best versus above 60 or so fort, and the other (BSwords, obvioisly) is middle of the road, a little behind each in their ideal use, but a little ahead of each in their weak side.

    As it is... Khopesh doesn't fall behind until, what? 90 fort? and then by a marginal amount.
    Also, unless my math (or the logic behind it) is wrong, Khopesh out DPS's the DAxe even when the DAxe is used by a Dwarf with racial enhancements etc. That's kind of sad.

    Don't take away from Khopesh, add to DAxe and BSword.
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  11. #51
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    Nerfing something that

    1. is WAI
    Umm to be fair, this is not true, they are not WAI.

  12. #52
    Community Member Grailhawk's Avatar
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    There is an issue with weapon proficiency Khopesh but it is not that it is overpowered. In truth it is no more powerful than Improved Critical when taken in isolation. The issue with WP: Khopesh is that it forces you to use one time of weapon many people do not like being limited to one type of weapon because it removes the personal style element of the game (e.g. if I want to dual wield axes cause its cool or I want to be a ninja using short easy to hide weapons).

    WP: Khopesh when taken in isolation is actually weaker then Improved Critical this alone means to me that the feat is not overpowered. What actually bothers people is that; it is the only other feat in the game that stacks with Improved Critical this maybe overpowered in some peoples opinion. I am of the belief that it’s in game now and shouldn't be changed. If anything should be done about this it’s that other weapon need additional feat or other mechanics to bring them even with Khopesh + Improved Crit.

    At current there are 9 weapon critical profiles in the game (the number in parenthesis is how much the profile multiplies damage by assuming you only miss on a 2)

    20 x3 (1.05x)
    20 x4 (1.10x)
    19-20 x2 (1.05x)
    18-20 x2 (1.10x)
    19-20 x3 (1.15x)
    17-20 x2 (1.15x)
    19-20 x4 (1.25x)
    15-20 x2 (1.25x)
    17-20 x3 (1.35x)

    The best is 17-20 x3 the next best is 15-20 x2. The 17-20 x3 profile multiplies critable damage by 1.35 and the 17-20 x2 by 1.25. This means that to bring the next closest weapons damage in line with Khopesh a feat or other mechanics needs to boost damage by 10% and cannot be applied to a Khopesh. I bring this up because in the past the belief was that racial enhancements could make up the difference and maybe back then this was true however as the game has gone on there have been more and more stacking damage bonus to the point where a static racial damage enhancements will not due. This is because the nature of the Khopesh and Improved Critical is to multiply the damage you do.

    TLDR: Don’t nerf khopesh it’s not overpowered if you must do something buff other weapons.

  13. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by Seventh View Post
    2) The nerf makes the khopesh feat no longer worthwhile, by either making the increase to DPS so small you're better off taking a different DPS-increasing feat or making it not increase DPS at all, and everyone stops using khopeshes altogether. Everyone will instead use the next best weapons on the DPS tier list- rapiers and scimitars.
    This. Really, the only way to create diversity is to make weapon effects, you know...well, diverse. You could:

    (a) Pick some epic or unique weapons of other types that have higher DPS than a (alchemical/Lit II/otherwise-crafted) khopesh. This creates the eSoS effect: some THF characters get themselves an eSoS, but it's not ubiquitous.

    (b) Introduce other interesting side effects that give the weapons some other advantage besides *just* straight-up damage. The BSword/DAxe change is a great example of this. There are lots of other 'house rules' type variants you could introduce for different weapon types that would make them an interesting alternative to straight-up max DPS. Some ill-conceived and probably-unbalanced suggestions to give you an idea of the flavor I'm talking about:

    - Give all bludgeoning weapons an implicit exceptional Stunning +2
    - All daggers give a +10% bonus to sneak attack damage
    - All quarterstaffs have an extra Cannith craftable slot
    - All greatclubs have implicit Maladroit
    - Kamas can shoot freakin' laser beams. Pew pew.

    You get the idea. Don't nerf khopeshes -- give other weapons extra benefits *that aren't just straight-up DPS improvements*, and people will no longer be able to decide on a simple DPS calc. Once you force people to use judgement, then you get more diverse choices.
    The Brotherhood of BYOH--Thelanis: Charged, WF Artificer; Venomshade, Half-Elf Monk; Poxs, Fist of an Angry God; Crash, Pale Monkster

  14. #54
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    1. Melee is not the top of the power curve...look elsewhere for your nerf suggestions.
    2. Nerfing people's gear type choices is a horrible idea. The game gets less fun for everyone when people are made worse by a move of the devs.
    3. Khopesh would actually be fairly mediocre with the proposed change. As in not worth bothering with the feat.
    4. Khopesh prof is hardly the highest feat on the tables for added dps...
    I also agree that the D-Axe and B-Sword change were ill advised also as they basically forced a weapon choice for certain builds and made it pointless for others..since we all know there is a very low chance of the developers removing this buff and adding a more universally useful one. Specific weapon choices being made superior for one build only is a horrible move.

    The right way to make different weapons worthwhile is to make them situationally useful, not build dependant useful. This puts bigger bonuses upon being flexible in weapon choice allowing for more powerful specific weapon buff lines.
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  15. #55
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grailhawk View Post
    There is an issue with weapon proficiency Khopesh but it is not that it is overpowered. In truth it is no more powerful than Improved Critical when taken in isolation. The issue with WP: Khopesh is that it forces you to use one time of weapon many people do not like being limited to one type of weapon because it removes the personal style element of the game (e.g. if I want to dual wield axes cause its cool or I want to be a ninja using short easy to hide weapons).

    WP: Khopesh when taken in isolation is actually weaker then Improved Critical this alone means to me that the feat is not overpowered. What actually bothers people is that; it is the only other feat in the game that stacks with Improved Critical this maybe overpowered in some peoples opinion. I am of the belief that it’s in game now and shouldn't be changed. If anything should be done about this it’s that other weapon need additional feat or other mechanics to bring them even with Khopesh + Improved Crit.

    At current there are 9 weapon critical profiles in the game (the number in parenthesis is how much the profile multiplies damage by assuming you only miss on a 2)

    20 x3 (1.05x)
    20 x4 (1.10x)
    19-20 x2 (1.05x)
    18-20 x2 (1.10x)
    19-20 x3 (1.15x)
    17-20 x2 (1.15x)
    19-20 x4 (1.25x)
    15-20 x2 (1.25x)
    17-20 x3 (1.35x)

    The best is 17-20 x3 the next best is 15-20 x2. The 17-20 x3 profile multiplies critable damage by 1.35 and the 17-20 x2 by 1.25. This means that to bring the next closest weapons damage in line with Khopesh a feat or other mechanics needs to boost damage by 10% and cannot be applied to a Khopesh. I bring this up because in the past the belief was that racial enhancements could make up the difference and maybe back then this was true however as the game has gone on there have been more and more stacking damage bonus to the point where a static racial damage enhancements will not due. This is because the nature of the Khopesh and Improved Critical is to multiply the damage you do.

    TLDR: Don’t nerf khopesh it’s not overpowered if you must do something buff other weapons.
    I'd like to see racial weapon enhancements become more than simply +2 to damage. I like the extra to-hit portion, as that's important, but the straight damage numbers should get replaced with things like:

    • Treat scimitars and longswords as finessable weapons.
    • Add 5% to your base damage with dwarven axes.
    • Add glancing blows to longswords when paired with a shield.

    Stuff that isn't a straight numeric bonus, and therefore scales with increasing power level of characters as they grow in levels and acquire more and better equipment. Maybe add other special effects to the stuff, like an inherent Destruction effect, or a damage mitigation property (a la Shield Mastery).

    Quote Originally Posted by cforce View Post
    This. Really, the only way to create diversity is to make weapon effects, you know...well, diverse. You could:

    (a) Pick some epic or unique weapons of other types that have higher DPS than a (alchemical/Lit II/otherwise-crafted) khopesh. This creates the eSoS effect: some THF characters get themselves an eSoS, but it's not ubiquitous.

    (b) Introduce other interesting side effects that give the weapons some other advantage besides *just* straight-up damage. The BSword/DAxe change is a great example of this. There are lots of other 'house rules' type variants you could introduce for different weapon types that would make them an interesting alternative to straight-up max DPS. Some ill-conceived and probably-unbalanced suggestions to give you an idea of the flavor I'm talking about:

    - Give all bludgeoning weapons an implicit exceptional Stunning +2
    - All daggers give a +10% bonus to sneak attack damage
    - All quarterstaffs have an extra Cannith craftable slot
    - All greatclubs have implicit Maladroit
    - Kamas can shoot freakin' laser beams. Pew pew.

    You get the idea. Don't nerf khopeshes -- give other weapons extra benefits *that aren't just straight-up DPS improvements*, and people will no longer be able to decide on a simple DPS calc. Once you force people to use judgement, then you get more diverse choices.
    I like those suggestions. Quarterstaves could stand to get 3 weapon enhancements on them I think, instead of the Cannith crafting. Something like a 50/50 split of an extra prefix or suffix effect. Cannith items could gain either a second prefix or a second suffix of your choice (works like regular crafting, but you can put one extra shard on the item).
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  16. #56
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ungood View Post
    Umm to be fair, this is not true, they are not WAI.
    How exactly are khopeshes not working as intended?

    Because they are the highest dps weapon?

    Have develpers mentioned that khopeshes are not working as intended?

    Because they are not the same as pen and paper?

    SOME weapon has to be the best. If you expect all weapons to be equal damage then you are living in a dreamworld.

    Buff other weapons all you want, equal to khopesh even, but nerfing khopesh at all will make some people (over half of twf) very very unhappy. And it's not like we need a good chunk of melees nerfed anyway.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    How exactly are khopeshes not working as intended?
    Khopesh is listed as 1d8 19-20x2 vertego/trip

    Have develpers mentioned that khopeshes are not working as intended?

    Because they are not the same as pen and paper?
    Yes to both Accounts. Originally the Kopesh was put in as intended, it was changed because the vertgo effect was OPed back then, and now it is OPed because it no longer balances with other weapons.

    SOME weapon has to be the best.
    In the real world, you know, the one we actually live in, there is no "best" weapon, hence the vast diversity of them, so it is a fallacy to believe that some weapon has to be the best in a game world.

    Buff other weapons all you want, equal to khopesh even
    This line alone should be a clue that the weapon is out of place.

    But buffing all other weapons would lead to rescaling of the entire game, which, is just a very, very, very, bad idea.

    However, you know, I could see giving Basties and Dwarf Axes a buff by having their damage modifier base off 2H weapon damage, IE: +10 for Power Attack, and a X1.5 Str Modifier for Weapon Damage. Which would make sense since they are basically 2-Handed weapons used one handed. That would balance things out quite nicely.
    Last edited by Ungood; 03-06-2012 at 08:51 AM.

  18. #58
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ungood View Post
    Khopesh is listed as 1d8 19-20x2 vertego/trip

    Yes to both Accounts.
    No. The devs have stated that the khopesh is not working as intended. They made it, and it's doing what it was made to do. If they are a little unhappy with it, it is in balancing effects that add to damage that heavily favor the khopesh, but that still doesn't mean it isn't WAI.

    If it were changed back to 19-20/x2, +2 Vertigo, no one would ever use them.
    In the real world, you know, the one we actually live in, there is no "best" weapon, hence the vast diversity of them, so it is a fallacy to believe that some weapon has to be the best in a game world.
    The reason for that is due to the number of variables present. In D&D there aren't many variables. We have damage die, crit range, crit damage, damage type (slashing, bludgeoning, piercing), one-handed, two-handed, light, and the possibility for addition effects which are difficult to balance, since too much makes the weapon overpowered early in the game, and probably still isn't sufficient later in the game, and too little makes it irrelevant. Also, in addition to have a relatively small number of variables, the shades of difference from one to the next are also rather minor.

    It's not at all unreasonable for us to have best weapons. The fact that we don't have best weapons in most cases is surprising. The khopesh is the best 1-handed weapon IF you have the feat to spare to pick it up, and IF you don't want to use the Epic Chimera's Fang, and IF you don't want a 1-hander with glancing blows, and IF you aren't fighting something with 100% fortification. That isn't the best. It's the best a lot of the time, but not "THE BEST".

    However, you know, I could see giving Basties and Dwarf Axes a buff by having their damage modifier base off 2H weapon damage, IE: +10 for Power Attack, and a X1.5 Str Modifier for Weapon Damage. Which would make sense since they are basically 2-Handed weapons used one handed. That would balance things out quite nicely.
    I think it would be excessive for these weapons to gain +10 to +15 damage a swing.
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  19. #59
    Community Member dkyle's Avatar
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    This again? Khopesh was already nerfed. Increased boss fortification.

    Giving Khopesh "Elasticity" instead of the x3 multiplier is simply nerfing it into pointlessness, given the feat cost. It would be, at best, 1 damage more per hit than Scimitar. Even assuming that Burst effects scale correctly with Elasticity (not sure if they do or not), with Holy Burst, the Khopesh is at only .3 damage per hit higher. Add a Bloodstone, and Scimitar is actually .3 damage per hit ahead of the Khopesh. This is because alignment burst and seeker benefit higher crit range weapons, even if they have the same crit power (which is crit range times crit multiplier minus 1; with only base damage and alignment bursts, weapons with the same crit power have identical DPS).

    Khopesh, as it is, is worth the feat, exactly as it should be. Weakened in any significant way (and the OP's nerf is very signficant), and Khopesh might as well be removed from the game.

  20. #60
    Hero nibel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dkyle View Post
    Even assuming that Burst effects scale correctly with Elasticity (not sure if they do or not)
    Quick note: It does. You can test it with the flaming burst imbue on a bow of sinew. The x4 crits have a higher fire burst damage.
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