You know how to solve the problem of the khopesh?
Give us more feats worth taking that compete with Exotic Weapon Proficiency for space on a character.

The problem isn't that the khopesh is too strong, it's that it's too automatic, and that the other exotic weapons don't compare favorably.

In order for a khopesh to be good, you want the feat and a high damage bonus.
In order for a bastard sword to be good, you want the feat, a high damage bonus, a shield in your off-hand, and three other feats, and then you're necessarily locked into either a lower DPS weapon style (S&B) or not using the weapon you spent a feat on in the first place (THF with a two-hander) when DPS counts.

The fact that S&B characters are typically strapped for feats to begin with, and that investing in bastard swords really requires 4 feats for very similar DPS to that of a khopesh which requires only 1 means that most characters will still use the khopesh over the bastard sword.

Dwarven axes fall between the two, since dwarves get the feat for free and gain enhancements to improve the things.

What I'd prefer to see:

  • Give the feat-starved classes 2 or 3 bonus feats.
  • Introduce another half-dozen to a dozen melee-oriented feats that are worth taking. Ideally, these should be put together into feat chains (maybe building upon existing feats), rather than simply being a bunch of stand-alone feats. Fighters gain the benefit of being able to invest in multiple chains, whereas everyone else typically focuses on one chain with a tiny bit of other stuff thrown in.
  • Give bastard swords a little more oomf, perhaps changing their crit profile to 18-20/x2.
  • Improve dwarven axe enhancements a bit, perhaps adding an enhancement to expand the crit range by 1, or the multiplier by 1 at high levels, but they could be improved in other ways.
  • Introduce a new exotic weapon, that compares favorably with the khopesh, revamped bastard sword and dwarven axe that isn't tied so heavily to a particular weapon style.

If you're going to spend a feat on a weapon, it should at least be worth that feat. Bastard swords barely are if you're S&Bing all the time, and are not really at all if you are ever not using a shield. Dwarven axes aren't worth the feat, but they come free. Khopeshes are worth the feat.

For characters that can't afford the feat for khopesh, they have scimitars and rapiers, which aren't that far behind khopeshes.