I'm trying to create some leveling builds to do the completionist.
What i'm wondering is, is it worth adding 2 levels of rogue to get find/disarm traps? Would 2 levels of rogue be enough to reliably find/disable traps on elite all the way through to level 20?
I'm thinking of something along the lines of 12/6/2 builds where 12 is the current life i'm working on, 6 would be the secondary helpfull class (healer for non-healer current life, dps or tank class for healer current life) and the 2 would be rogue. This is just a generalisation, and the specific builds could vary to 10/8/2 or 10/6/4 or whatever.
For instance, for my next life, which is going to be a Barb, i'm planning on going 14/6 Barb/Wiz and going warforged. That would give me some good solo healing, but then I thought about traps, so would making the build 12/6/2 Barb/Wiz/Rogue allow me to reliably find/disarm traps on elite while I level? I tend to solo A LOT (though not exclusively...sometimes I see groups in LFM for what I'm looking for at the time, and sometimes I can get a guild group).
I'm not so much looking for a detailed breakdown of a Barb/Wiz/Rogue build (though if you have one I'll look at it) but more looking to know if the 2 levels of rogue for find/disable traps is enough to reliably find and disable traps on all builds? Or would you need more rogue levels?