Build challenge: the casual tank
Hello everyone, I have a build challenge for you guys should you wish to take it.
I am looking for a tank for a casual guild raids. Looking to be able to facilitate easy guild raid completions.
a) Tank lob normal, Tod normal/hard, and everything less than that.
b) Have sufficient self healing and/or damage avoidance to be able to do the above with very little outside support.
c) be useful, fun, and self sufficient outside of raids.
effectively be un-killable, able to get aggro, and be fun to play.
1) 32 point build
2) no non-cove epics
3) very little raid gear
4) feel free to use +2 tomes, any cannith crafting, shroud items, and most any BTA quest gear.
I'm not very good at building multiclass mixes and my knowledge of tanks is slim. I don't know the all important ac thresholds and if a build can meet them. thanks in advance.
PS. at this point my ignorance is leading me to a monk/pally/something mix of some sort.
Edit: there are some crazy good builds out there but they are mostly geared to the teeth, is there anyway I can reach my goals without all that gear?