I just got shot on the run for my lvl 12 arti and I notice that my to-hit is reduced while moving. Does shot on the run not work for repeaters?
I just got shot on the run for my lvl 12 arti and I notice that my to-hit is reduced while moving. Does shot on the run not work for repeaters?
Same thing for me. My arti's cap on to hit bonuses drops by 10 points when moving. This feat has to be broken.
tried with a bow, same thing. I take a penalty while moving. Sent in ticket, but of course, got nothing of substance back from gm.
For some reason Shot on the Run don't negate the -4 but Spring Attack does.
I believe it does work as intended. Here's my reason:
1. Shot on the Run is a worthless feat.
2. You have to take other worthless feats to get shot on the run. Except for Point Blank Shot which is not worthless.
3. Therefore, Worthless feats + Worthless feats = Big Turd Worthless feat Shot on the run.
So yes, shot on the run is working correctly. It's a big turd of a feat as intended.
TR'd: Oloam | Wudiso | Nurinil | Dolurth | Quoer | Alyinsa
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Doesn't explain why I take a -10 on my to hit roll when I move. Not only is it a wasted feat, it is detrimental. A big part of my survivability hinges on being mobile while shooting. I was counting on this feat to help with that.
So, ignoring the rambling of how one person doesn't like the feat as it is defined, I am hearing that others are experiencing the same thing. Can a DM comment on this? The feat is obviously not working as advertised. I used bow and repeater and still received the same penalty. If the feat is broken, acknowledge it so people don't waste $ and shards finding out it doesn't work.
ps I find it funny that the above post that said SotR (giving +4 to hit) is a turd, but point blank shot (giving +1 to hit while in close range) is good.
Which attack? When you are standing still you get +0/+0/+5/+10 to your attacks, for the 4 attack sequence.
When you move you get +0/+0 bonus to your attacks.
So if you are comparing your 4th standing still attack to your moving attacks and you have shot on the run, sounds like it is working to me.
Oh yeah, and do NOT use the inventory page. I don't know where you are looking for your dice rolls for the total bonus, but the combat log is normally reliable.
Ascent, Argonnessen ~ Cleatus Yogurthawker | Isostatic Rebound | Mohorovicic Discontinuity | Angular Unconformity
Ghalanda ~ Feldspathic Greywacke
That doesn't even make sense. You can call it whatever you want, but losing out on a +5 or +10 when moving is a penalty to moving. The feat says it removes penalties for moving. Thus it is lying if its working as intended.
I'm looking at my DICE. You know the one that rolls on your screen in the lower right side of your main screen.
If the feat is working as intended and you loose a +5 or +10 when moving, then I want my two feats back I spent for it because its worthless.
You don't get iterative attacks when moving. These iterative attacks are for standing still, and unlike pen and paper, give bonuses for the attacks that are later in the chain. Spring attack and shot on the run take away the further -4 penalty you get for attacking while moving. They do nothing with regards to the iterative attacks.
Which......is a penalty of moving. The description of shot on the run doesn't make and differentiation between what it does or does not do except that it removes penalties for moving while attacking. To me that means that attacks made while moving are the same as attacks while motionless. Clearly they are not. Now I've got two feats on my character that I can't get rid of unless I spend money to do so. That is clearly a shortfall of the game in one way or another. And it sounds like I'm not the only one who got screwed.