Excellent I'd love it if you left some impressions on leveling it that way here too, along with what you did differently (feats/stats/race). The way I see it, You could easily TR 7 times with this...3x fighter for the +3atk & DC's...and LR+3 into bard 11 3x for +6 saves from illusions and enhancements (essentially will save...our weakest save) and 3 more songs. If the rumors are true, and dwarf tactics enhancements are getting reduced cost, we should be able to squeeze in the Dwarven Spell Defense line as well. This all synergizes pretty well IMO.
One thing I regret, which I would address in a TR...is Intimidate. Not that I would go for no-fail boss or anything, but in general questing for me at least, I find by starting most fights with my tactics to "lock-down" a couple mobs, I never seem to grab aggro...meaning I need to chase to stun/trip the next mob. I'd like enough intimidate to draw trash easily, as my dedicated running-mate always starts off a tad squishy in her builds. HP won't be a problem, so when **** hit's the fan, it would be nice to pull 'em all in for an enthrall as well.
As someone else suggest earlier, which I poo-poo'd...If I specced into inimidate, I wouldn's mind some Diplo as well for easy trash aggro-management. I still don't see a use for diplo, unless intimidate is taken first. Intimi=Class Skill Fighter...Diplo Class skill=Bard ...should make for easy point distrobution.