Ok so I would like to purchase the pre-order for the expansion(1st I need to figure out which one is best 4 me which I will post sometime in the days/weeks/months to come before the deadline in June) *however* need to figure out all my options for purchasing it. Which needs to be untraceable >><<
I have some major *cash* left over from xmas, I can't use my c/c that is tied with my account or paypal(if my c/c was online billing np, if my bank book wasn't perused over np not the case though >><<).
So what I was thinking was a couple of things: #1. If I have a friend or family member fill in the form with their billing info & then we put *my* email address to have the codes sent to. Then I login to my account on the turbine website/my account section & use the 1 code to redeem for the expansion will that work?
I am premium was VIP in the past, also the person I'm thinking of asking to do it is premium as well.
Want to make sure there are no issues/problems to be caused by them using their c/c that's on their account to buy the pre-order expansion for my account?
The 11K points code we've done that before so not to concerned I get the code log on in game & redeem it in the store. #2. If #1 doesn't work out using prepaid c/c cards however I've read about customers having nightmares trying to use these cos of the certification of the billing of them.
So any & all info would be greatly appreciated! Again no rush we have until middle of June so.