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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default to tr or not to tr

    So I'm considering a tr (again) when I swore I'd never do it again. My question is, is Drow all that bad for a pm?

    background: i'm a second TR wiz, warforged both times. I have 49 int with yugo and store pots. My DC without arti is a 44. I mow the lawn, pretty well too. But I'm tempted to get even better.

    TR plan: Drow, max int should give me a 45 DC with my +3 tome (int of 51). I'll force myself to do abbot and get my +4 tome so that I should end up with a 46. My spell pen is 28 now, after tr will be a 31 - that's pretty good. But bare in mind that I level extremely slowly. I don't think I'd even be at 20 by the time the expac is released. On top of that, I'll have to give up my Mabar Epic Docent of Shadow. That really sucks though I can make due with Death's Touch or something.

    So to sum up:
    pluses - +1 DC, +2 spell pen, (2 useless ability points? I just max con and int and skip the rest)
    minuses - lose my epic docent , have to work really hard and probably not be lvl 20 at expac launch, lose WF immunities

    i know everyone loves WF for pretty much every class. So should I put myself through hell just to get a little better?
    Last edited by Armus; 02-29-2012 at 08:21 PM.

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