So I submitted a bug report on this but thought I'd put a thread up in case there are more people like me who are trying to find others with a similar problem. Since the new update DDO will randomly restart the whole computer. I only started playing a month and a half or so ago but this problem has only been happening since the update. It crashes anywhere between 5 minutes in up to about an hour, though it seems to take ~20 mins average now. I was considering buying some VIP time but this makes it impossible to play. My computer does not do this unless DDO is open and not with any other games. Since it reboots the computer instantly there are no logs (at least that I've found). I wiped my hard drive and did a clean install of windows and the problem persists in the same way. I've also dusted out the inside of the computer and checked to make sure fans are all working properly. I've had more rarely some instances where the computer freezes rather than rebooting, which I see other people reporting more often than my problem of instant involuntary reboot.
Intel Core 2 Duo E7300 2.6Ghz
3.25GB RAM
P5N7A-VM mobo with onboard Nvidia GeForce 9300 video
Windows XP SP 3
Also sorry to any of you I left in the lurch on quests due to this bug.