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  1. #1
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Default [Build Request] How to most effectively build a halfling FvS?

    Doesn't matter if it's melee or spell specced. My request is:

    -Favored Soul
    -28 Point
    -+2 Tomes only

    Do your very best to make the most synergistic halfling favored soul.
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  2. #2
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    There's no synergy at all between Halflings and FvS.

    You can make one, and with any sort of build quality it will be effective, but there is no magical combo that makes halfling a ZOMG option, akin to warforged + greatsword, elf + scimitar, human + human bonus feat.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  3. #3
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    There's no synergy at all between Halflings and FvS.

    You can make one, and with any sort of build quality it will be effective, but there is no magical combo that makes halfling a ZOMG option, akin to warforged + greatsword, elf + scimitar, human + human bonus feat.
    I understand the lack of synergy, if I wanted to go human/elf/WF it would be easy to build, which is why I'm here. =P
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  4. #4
    Community Member Polarkin's Avatar
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    18fvs / 2mnk Halfing AC Weapon Finesse
    **come on you got to go 32pt minimum on a FVS**

    Dex (18 +2enh +2tome +6item +3exc +1litany +2stance +2ship = 36)
    Max Wis (18 +2enh +2tome +6item +3exc +1litany +5lvl +2ship = 39... 40 if you get a +3 tome from DDO store)
    10 Cha
    12 Con
    any remainder in Str

    Feats (7 +2mnk):
    (m)Weapon Finesse
    Stunning Fist

    Hitpoints = approx 500 with fvs enhancements & gs
    Spellpoints = approximately 2300
    DC's: 36 for evocation and necromancy with +2 item equipped
    To Hit = approximately 46
    Stunning Fist DC = 45 with stunning wraps 50 with challenges belt
    Evasion with reflex save around 45 buffed
    AC = gear dependant but can cap out over 90 (I think my guy hits 80 self buffed (no cookies, bard, or pally)

    You make a great melee based debuffer (destruction, shattermantle, stun) and may even consider dropping toughness (net loss 40hp) and taking improved sunder. 98% of anything that will chase you around a Bladebarrier won't have the evasion high enough to reliably save against a 36dc. The stuff that does + stand-still evasion mobs you stun and beat down doing 50% additional damage. You aren't gonna destruct in epics but most casters in content up to elite (not counting drow) won't be too difficult in general.
    Last edited by Polarkin; 02-29-2012 at 06:39 PM.

  5. #5
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    18 fvs / 2 monk unarmed melee.

    It's true, you won't find any synergy between favored weapon religions and halflings, but halflings get something better, in the form of sneak attack enhancements.

    As a favored soul you are fairly unlikely to have aggro in groups, so you can almost always count on SA damage and the prerequisite Guile to help your to-hit. Unarmed inherently gets more attacks than the other fighting styles, that helps take advantage of it.

    Base stats for a 28pt would be something like 15 dex, 14 con, 10 cha, 15 strength. Numbers may be off a little, but I don't have ddo available for the time being.

    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    There's no synergy at all between Halflings and FvS.

    You can make one, and with any sort of build quality it will be effective, but there is no magical combo that makes halfling a ZOMG option, akin to warforged + greatsword, elf + scimitar, human + human bonus feat.

    I would consider halfling to be better than some, just for the sneak attack alone. Same reason Half-elf with the rogue dilly is a great choice, but they can also choose scimitar/longsword religions to add on top.
    Last edited by porq; 02-29-2012 at 07:08 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    I'd suggest a variant of the Laser build I posted a while back. It works for any race and is great for the FVS on a budget. Lemme find the link - essentially it is a WIS-dumped, direct damage and healing FVS w/ a side order of melee.

    It's STR based, but given Halfling AND the current uptick in weapons that can use DEX or other attributes to hit, going DEX based instead is a valid option - though you may have to hunt around a bit.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  7. #7
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Here's the link, BTW:

    I'd probably change it around a bit for current content and game, but the basics are solid.

    Anyway, the premise of the build is essentially this ...
    - FVS are very strong in and of themselves; a pure FVS could probably get to cap wielding a ham sandwich for most of the game
    - You can build a FVS that has a strong DPS casting component that doesn't require good DCs
    - Melee is only important up to 12th (when you get Blade Barrie); after that most of your DPS is casting
    - Any pure FVS can raid heal
    - WF FVS with greatswords aren't that much ahead of anyone else as far as melee - plenty of folks have been running pure or slight-dipped FVS to reasonable success, so using something that isn't your favored weapon isn't horrible

    So, 28 points and a halfling

    6 points CON 14 ... you still won't be hurting for HP; FVS get solid HP
    16 points STR 16 ... wee-hulk smash ... levels here
    4 points CHA 12 ... for casting
    2 points INT ... for some skills, yo

    (1) Toughness
    (3) Weapon Proficiency feat
    (6) Maximize
    (9) Empower
    (12) Quicken
    (15) Improved Crit
    (18) Shield Mastery

    For Weapon Proficiency I'd go Greataxe early if you had twink like Carnifex / Maelstrom. I'd consider using Fred to remove it later. You can debuff well enough in the late game with quarterstaves if you wanted an extra feat (like Extend) or swap it to Greatsword if you've got a spare Terror hanging around and use it for trash. I'd go Silver Flame personally, though Sov. Host for the longsword prof and healing capstone is an option.

    Also a very simple plan. Mandatory:
    - The light/good smiting line.
    - At least some of the healing line (don't bother with heal crit)
    - The Angel of Vengeance (this PRE was made for you) + prereqs
    - Scroll Mastery

    Optional, fill to taste:
    - FVS Toughness
    - Racial APs that apply (but only up until they are too expensive - Cunning for you)
    - FVS CHA to hit targets you like


    If you have some BTA twink items that let you use DEX for hit (the new Envenomed Blade, etc.) those may be an option. Otherwise, you're STR based. Being 28 points I wasn't sure what you had.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  8. #8
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    I'm hoping that as a part of the fill-out-the-PrEs for the expansion, they will include racial deity choices for dwarves and halflings.

    Or...give access to Faerun deities available to all races. Yum.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  9. #9
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    Here's the link, BTW:

    I'd probably change it around a bit for current content and game, but the basics are solid.

    Anyway, the premise of the build is essentially this ...
    - FVS are very strong in and of themselves; a pure FVS could probably get to cap wielding a ham sandwich for most of the game
    - You can build a FVS that has a strong DPS casting component that doesn't require good DCs
    - Melee is only important up to 12th (when you get Blade Barrie); after that most of your DPS is casting
    - Any pure FVS can raid heal
    - WF FVS with greatswords aren't that much ahead of anyone else as far as melee - plenty of folks have been running pure or slight-dipped FVS to reasonable success, so using something that isn't your favored weapon isn't horrible

    So, 28 points and a halfling

    6 points CON 14 ... you still won't be hurting for HP; FVS get solid HP
    16 points STR 16 ... wee-hulk smash ... levels here
    4 points CHA 12 ... for casting
    2 points INT ... for some skills, yo

    (1) Toughness
    (3) Weapon Proficiency feat
    (6) Maximize
    (9) Empower
    (12) Quicken
    (15) Improved Crit
    (18) Shield Mastery

    For Weapon Proficiency I'd go Greataxe early if you had twink like Carnifex / Maelstrom. I'd consider using Fred to remove it later. You can debuff well enough in the late game with quarterstaves if you wanted an extra feat (like Extend) or swap it to Greatsword if you've got a spare Terror hanging around and use it for trash. I'd go Silver Flame personally, though Sov. Host for the longsword prof and healing capstone is an option.

    Also a very simple plan. Mandatory:
    - The light/good smiting line.
    - At least some of the healing line (don't bother with heal crit)
    - The Angel of Vengeance (this PRE was made for you) + prereqs
    - Scroll Mastery

    Optional, fill to taste:
    - FVS Toughness
    - Racial APs that apply (but only up until they are too expensive - Cunning for you)
    - FVS CHA to hit targets you like


    If you have some BTA twink items that let you use DEX for hit (the new Envenomed Blade, etc.) those may be an option. Otherwise, you're STR based. Being 28 points I wasn't sure what you had.
    While I saw your build, I didn't think it could be adapted in that way, and I always thought any casting damage required max WIS.

    JKLOL, I'll roll this. Thanks a bunch.

    Also shield mastery? Why is this?
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  10. #10
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TehBeWop View Post
    While I saw your build, I didn't think it could be adapted in that way, and I always thought any casting damage required max WIS.

    JKLOL, I'll roll this. Thanks a bunch.

    Also shield mastery? Why is this?
    1 feat for 20% damage mitigation when using a tower shield. It's incredible.

    I know some sorcs and wizards that splash fighter or burn 2 feats to get 15% damage reduction.

    You only need to spent 1 feat for 20%. It's situational but any FVS can tank a lot of bosses with just that and DP if needed.

    I would consider it required on any divine build-feats aren't that tight generally and it gives a TON of survivability particularly in epics.

  11. #11
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Polarkin View Post
    DC's: 36 for evocation and necromancy with +2 item equipped
    You aren't gonna destruct in epics
    Why ever not? DC 36 is workable. Low fort save mobs are no problem, and medium-high fort save mobs no problem if you lead it with an Energy Drain.

  12. #12
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    1 feat for 20% damage mitigation when using a tower shield. It's incredible.

    I know some sorcs and wizards that splash fighter or burn 2 feats to get 15% damage reduction.

    You only need to spent 1 feat for 20%. It's situational but any FVS can tank a lot of bosses with just that and DP if needed.

    I would consider it required on any divine build-feats aren't that tight generally and it gives a TON of survivability particularly in epics.
    Awesome, I will keep that in mind.

    And little Luett is performing quite admirably. Thanks a ton for reminding me that the laser build exists.
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  13. #13
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TehBeWop View Post
    Awesome, I will keep that in mind.

    And little Luett is performing quite admirably. Thanks a ton for reminding me that the laser build exists.
    I know it's low rent, but FVS can work with pretty minimal resources. I had a blast with mine ... once the update is done I'm going to TR that one a bit and head for DCs, but with minimal stats and gear I didn't feel I could succeed doing what I wanted to do in that realm to my level of satisfaction. At the core, the Laser is a WF FVS who isn't WF ... not many of those are WIS-based DC specialists on their first life. You miss out on some weapon synergy, but you get better starting healing amp. When you think about it that way, it makes a ton of sense.

    Shield Mastery is a great feat to mitigate some damage when you've got tons incoming. That won't be most of the time, but when you're sitting in eDQ or something, the extra reduction is super nifty.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  14. #14
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    I know it's low rent, but FVS can work with pretty minimal resources. I had a blast with mine ... once the update is done I'm going to TR that one a bit and head for DCs, but with minimal stats and gear I didn't feel I could succeed doing what I wanted to do in that realm to my level of satisfaction. At the core, the Laser is a WF FVS who isn't WF ... not many of those are WIS-based DC specialists on their first life. You miss out on some weapon synergy, but you get better starting healing amp. When you think about it that way, it makes a ton of sense.

    Shield Mastery is a great feat to mitigate some damage when you've got tons incoming. That won't be most of the time, but when you're sitting in eDQ or something, the extra reduction is super nifty.
    Well, the best part is you can do whatever the heck you want as well, as long as you're healing you can herpderp around otherwise. While I do my best to contribute most-times, sometimes I just will like, do random stuff in the back if my party is doing everything great.
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  15. #15
    Community Member Polarkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    Why ever not? DC 36 is workable. Low fort save mobs are no problem, and medium-high fort save mobs no problem if you lead it with an Energy Drain.
    You have a 36 necro DC and a total of 1 nineth level spell on this build. Are you going to use that one spell on energy drain or on mass heal?

    I would contend that going into an epic with the plan/intention to destruct your way thru it would make for a difficult time of things with a 36 dc. That doesn't mean you won't occassionally use it on an annoying caster or ranger or other low fort mob but it's probably not going to be your bread-n-butter spell.


    To OP: Good luck on your build... I'm not sure how a THF str based build plays to a halfings strengths/effectiveness but it should work.

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