I went a different way, myself. I have a Docent of Defiance from my past life, but I went halfling because I wanted to actually melee on the toon and the +4/8 sneak attack bonus is a big help to melee dps and accuracy.
Here's a video of my toon in action:
Item Revision:
Helm Minos Legens - +20hp, Heavy Fortification
Goggles Greensteel Goggles - +45hp, Concordant Opposition, +6 Wisdom
Necklace Epic Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II - Greater Spell Penetration VIII, Wizardry VI, Transform Kinetic Energy, Exceptional Constitution +1
Chest Epic Robe of Shadow - Superior Nullification IX, Superior Void Lore, Superior False Life, Greater Necromancy Focus, Boon of Undeath
Cloak Epic Cloak of Night - Invisibility Guard, Ghostly, Deathblock, Nightmare Guard, DR 5/Good
Bracers Epic Bracers of the Demon Consort - Demonic Curse, Demonic Shield, Demonic Retribution, Intimidate +15, Exceptional Wisdom +1, Resistance +4
Gloves Epic Brawling Gloves - 20 Unarmed Proc, +4/+6 Sneak Attack Bonus, Strength +7, Dexterity +6
Epic Charged Gauntlets (Until Crystal Cove Event) - Greater Shocking Blow, Strength +6, Greater Lightning Resist, Dexterity +6
Boots Greensteel Boots - Minor Fire Guard, +50sp +2 Cha Skills, +100sp +3 Int Skills, Radiance Guard
Epic Rock Boots - Superior Corrosion IX, Superior Acid Lore, Stone prison Guard, Earthgrab Guard, Spell Focus: Conjuration, Charisma +6
Belt Epic Spare Hand - +5 Exceptional Combat Mastery, 3% Doublestrike, +2 Good Luck, +1 Exceptional Dexterity +1
Ring 1 Sanura's Band - Intelligence +6, Exceptional Intelligence +1, Pale Master Set Bonus, Holy Burst
Ring 2 Epic Ring of the Stalker - Exceptional Sneak Attack +3, Seeker +6, Manslayer, Ghostly, Constitution +6, Exceptional Strength +1
Handwraps +7 Byeshk Alchemical Handwraps - Shocking Burst, Stunning +10, Alchemical Dexterity +2, Lightning Strike, Doublestrike 6%, Electric Storm
+7 Epic Calomel Handwraps - Greater Dragon Bane, Tidal Burst, Crushing Wave, Corrosive Salt, Lifedrinker
+6 Epic Wraps of Endless Light - Light Bringer, Greater Undead Bane, Brilliance, Radiant Blast
+5 Thaarak Wraps - Acid Burst, Acid Blast, Thaarak Corrosion, Nightmares, Inherent Acid Resist 10
+5 (Special Material) Vicious of Greater Bane Handwraps, Crafted
Trink 1 Litany of the Dead - +1 Profane Bonus to All Ability Scores, +1 Profane Bonus to Attack and Damage, Turn the Page
Start 36 Comp Tome Level Enh Itm Buff Final
STR 13 2 4 0 0 9 4 32
DEX 14 2 4 0 0 8 2 30
CON 16 2 4 0 0 8 4 34
INT 16 2 4 5 3 8 2 40
WIS 12 2 4 0 0 8 2 28
CHA 8 2 3 0 0 7 2 22
Level 1: Toughness, Stunning Fist
Level 2: Spell Focus: Necromancy
Level 3: Completionist
Level 4: Two Weapon Fighting
Level 6: Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy
Level 7: Empower Spell
Level 9: Maximize Spell
Level 12: Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Extend Spell
Level 15: Heighten Spell
Level 17: Quicken Spell
Level 18: Power Attack
Stunning Fist DC:
10 Base + 10 Level + 10 Stunning Wraps + 5 Epic Spare Hand + 9 Wisdom = 44 Stunning Fist DC (45 In Water Stance)
Halfling Cunning I
Halfling Cunning II
Halfling Cunning III
Halfling Cunning IV
Halfling Guile I
Halfling Guile II
Halfling Guile III
Halfling Guile IV
Wizard Improved Empowering I
Wizard Improved Heightening I
Wizard Improved Maximizing I
Way of the Faithful Hound I
Racial Toughness I
Racial Toughness II
Corrosive Spellcasting I
Corrosive Spellcasting II
Corrosive Spellcasting III
Corrosive Spellcasting IV
Corrosive Spellcasting V
Corrosive Spellcasting VI
Deadly Acid I
Deadly Acid II
Deadly Acid III
Deadly Acid IV
Deadly Acid V
Deadly Acid VI
Acid Manipulation I
Acid Manipulation II
Acid Manipulation III
Acid Manipulation IV
Acid Manipulation V
Acid Manipulation VI
Acid Manipulation VII
Wizard Energy of the Scholar I
Wizard Energy of the Scholar II
Wizard Energy of the Scholar III
Wizard Intelligence I
Wizard Intelligence II
Wizard Intelligence III
Shroud of the Lich
Wizard Pale Master I
Wizard Pale Master II
Wizard Pale Master III
Shroud of the Vampire