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  1. #1
    Community Member Bakarne's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default Suggestions for Abbot - Issues for this raid are getting out of hand

    My comprehensive list of issues that should be addressed in Abbot.

    Fix truncated 20th completion lists.

    Fix Loot tables to remove the chance of not getting any loot at all.

    Fix or clarify the number of charges granted by the Deific Diadem, Noxious Embers, and Vile Blasphemy.
    - As it stands now, in a much more difficult raid, these base items have been nerfed inexplicably.
    - No one has the courage to make their existing versions "down"gradable with Tapestries.

    - Also, I don't think anyone prefers the new version (GEOB) of the Enduring Conviction to the old version with Banishing. GEOB is Cannith craftable, but Banishing is not. In addition this was the only slashing weapon with the Banishing effect. The old version is arguably the best Elemental beater in the game.

    - Incite description on the upgraded Ring of Hatred is inconsistent. Currently states - Incite 30%: This weapon increases the threat generated by melee damage by 20%.

    Increase in difficulty from 50k HP on Elite to (post-U12) 200k+ HP on Hard and 300k+ HP on Elite should correlate with some measurable increase in loot drop percentages. Both Titan and the Abbot have egregiously low drop rates that should be modernized in this outdated and progressively more irritating raid.

    Currently, it is less resource intensive to reform the party after any puzzle failure.

    When the Abbot's HP was 50k+, beating him down to 33-40% to open up the puzzles again was not particularly arduous. However, because the Abbot's HP has been magnified by 4-6x, this HP cutoff for puzzle reentry should be adjusted to 60-70%. Aside from bug fixes, I think this is the most important adjustment to reduce reforming annoyances that are a product of very poorly designed raid mechanics where one mistake, wand misfire, or lag spike fails the raid.

    Currently, Elite is very rarely run.

    For pugs anyway, it is not worth the effort to wait for the ideal all melee/divine group + 1 arcane (the arcane largely being crippled by the Abbot's Evasion). It takes too much time, if it even forms at all. With Vanshilar noting that the phasing rates of tiles in goggles now scales with difficulty, Elite is even less likely to be run. A 5% extra chance for seals is not enough incentive to run Elite. A significant portion of the raid loot is very desirable to casters, but the usefulness of arcanes is diminishing in this raid.

    Currently, Elite is more difficult than eDQ or eVelah, yet these raids have been modernized recently for the better. I do not understand why Abbot is being stealthily changed nearly every update, when changes to eDQ and eVelah have met with mostly positive feedback from the community.

    Abbot only has one raid chest and no side chests.

    Reaver's Fate has 3 side chests while both HoX and VoD have 2 side chests that drop unique loot on Hard and Elite. Even DQ and Titan have one side chest. With Abbot being so difficult, I feel that Elite should be labeled epic and should reward an Epic Raid Token. I also think this raid would benefit from extra chests. It is very disappointing when the entire group sees nothing of value, and all you end up with personally is one +7/+8 great crossbow or scepter from Abbot's raid chest.

    Personally, I have not earned a Seal of the Black Abbot in 22-25 completions (3 on Elite) over 3 characters. My bard has also gone 15 completions without raid loot dropping in her name.

    Despite all the rage I have for stealth buffs continuing despite the bugs listed above not being fixed for 3+ months and counting now, I hope something constructive comes from this.
    Last edited by Bakarne; 02-29-2012 at 05:18 PM.
    Collecting Holy Aura Scrolls - Please mail to Surare, or the cursed Illithids will eat my brains.

  2. #2
    Community Member dodger72's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I've gotten one token out of many...many failed attempts (my legend toon completed finally) and no loot for two completions, none...not one iota in the end chest.

    Until this raid is fixed....not going back in on any of my toons.
    --Fallen Immortals, Thelanis

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