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  1. #1
    Community Member Inferno346's Avatar
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    Default epic Dust solo potless and attempt at epic Servants

    Epic Dust is a nice quick token run and probably the easiest true epic out there at the moment.
    (This chest looks a little reddish because of the lighting but it is indeed epic.)

    Epic Servants is long but very doable up until the fun red alert of the end fight. Mob HP in these quests is in general very low.

    Here's how far I got:

    And here is what my shield looked like:

    Both of these quests are very easy to torc up in, so I'm guessing we'll see some potless solos of Servants pretty soon.
    Thelanis: Takhysys, Tenauch, Vitriolus, Kalav, Leprous

  2. #2
    Community Member WruntJunior's Avatar
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    Haven't tried the second quest, but the first is great fun on epic - been scroll farming by going until I kill the skeletons at the end fight then recalling (after backtracking, of course, so the mini-boss doesn't hurt me). How much harder would you say the second quest is solo than the first?
    Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)

  3. #3
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    I soloed the second quest on Epic on Lamannia (where you have near limitless Turbine points). The final fight took 15 supreme raise cakes, multiple repair forges (gear damage from death and other things), and over fifty SP pots. And that was using an exploit (one I /bugged and that did not make the live servers, but it was a safe spot that protected you from everything except the Hezrous most of the time).

    Incoming damage is far too high to torc through (you need to absolutely spam self-heals, mana efficient ones are not enough), archers spam Cripple undermining kiting, and mob spell resistance is too high to insta-kill many of them. Drow Priestess SR is at least 48, and the Warriors have 46.

    I don't see this being soloed by any character unless they can use Fascinate repeatedly in a fight. *Maybe* a durable Bard build with a Torc, Conc-Opp, and two Epic Elemental Khopeshes of Water might be able to solo it, or *maybe* a 3x Wizard PL elf Pale Master that min-maxxes for max spell pen, but that is about all I can think of.
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  4. #4
    Community Member K_0tiC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    I soloed the second quest on Epic on Lamannia (where you have near limitless Turbine points). The final fight took 15 supreme raise cakes, multiple repair forges (gear damage from death and other things), and over fifty SP pots. And that was using an exploit (one I /bugged and that did not make the live servers, but it was a safe spot that protected you from everything except the Hezrous most of the time).

    Incoming damage is far too high to torc through (you need to absolutely spam self-heals, mana efficient ones are not enough), archers spam Cripple undermining kiting, and mob spell resistance is too high to insta-kill many of them. Drow Priestess SR is at least 48, and the Warriors have 46.

    I don't see this being soloed by any character unless they can use Fascinate repeatedly in a fight. *Maybe* a durable Bard build with a Torc, Conc-Opp, and two Epic Elemental Khopeshes of Water might be able to solo it, or *maybe* a 3x Wizard PL elf Pale Master that min-maxxes for max spell pen, but that is about all I can think of.
    Challenge accepted but gotta wait a day as on timer. Ill be back with some SS in a day or two.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Beethoven's Avatar
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    First off, congratz. Nice job.

    Quote Originally Posted by WruntJunior View Post
    Haven't tried the second quest, but the first is great fun on epic - been scroll farming by going until I kill the skeletons at the end fight then recalling (after backtracking, of course, so the mini-boss doesn't hurt me). How much harder would you say the second quest is solo than the first?
    Significantly. I been solo'ing (including completion) the first one with my caster and fvs with relative little issues. The only real hurdle is the end boss since he hits too hard to easily turtle up (and use C/O and Torc to regain SP), but has a ton of HP. Other than that Lords of Dust is a rather easy epic.

    Random sidetrack: did anyone see Seals/Shards drop in Lords of Dust? I been running it a few times on life (full groups, solo and two-men) and never seen anything but scrolls.

    The end-fight in Savants is a completely different story and I'd probably rank it among the harder ones, mostly because of the diversity and number of spawns.

    You have numerous SR 45 drow (casters both arcane and divine and archers). Usually they are easy to control using web but
    You also have clusters of Fire Reavers who will incinerate webs the moment they spawn.
    Later teleporting Hezrou join the free and finally Bezekira's.

    In a full group I try charm the Hezrou and also throw a charm at the drow which usually gets me a couple. Both will initially draw aggro. Crowd control and insta-kill the reavers. Then crowd control/insta-kill Hezrou and Bezekira's. Meanwhile I try keep webs up on the drow at all times; once everything else is dead the melees can pick off the drow. You have a stunner you also can have him/her go for the drow casters right away. So, using a diversity of crowd control and tactics can make the fight very manageable but if you solo you do not have the convenience of other people killing stuff for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    I don't see this being soloed by any character unless they can use Fascinate repeatedly in a fight. *Maybe* a durable Bard build with a Torc, Conc-Opp, and two Epic Elemental Khopeshes of Water might be able to solo it, or *maybe* a 3x Wizard PL elf Pale Master that min-maxxes for max spell pen, but that is about all I can think of.
    I don't know about Bard. They could do well fascinating things up until they work up a red dungeon alert. It may be difficult to keep mobs nicely clustered together to hit them with using only a song or two. You couldn't afford for groups to break (or stay free too long after they spawn) since even the most sturdy bard will end up slowed (DA), crippled (archers) and potentially tripped.

    A multi-TR caster with high enough Spell Pen for the Drow (45) would be a better bet, I think as he could control most of the stuff there with Dancing Balls (putting them at the spawn points) then insta-killing them. My bet would be on Sorcerer though, particularly water and air with air potentially having an edge.

    Electric Loop has a stun effect and does not check for SR. Abundant Step makes it easier get out of tight spots even if having a DA and like you said, mobs generally don't have a lot of HP so their AoE spells may actually beat insta-kills (might need two spells, but they need to worry less about cooldowns and SR).
    Characters on Sarlona: Ungnad (Morninglord, Wizard 17 / Favored Soul 2 / Fighter 1) -- Baerktghar (Dwarf, Paladin 18 / Fighter 2) -- Simulacruhm (Bladeforged, Artificer 16 / Paladin 3 / Wizard 1)

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  6. #6
    Community Member Inferno346's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Incoming damage is far too high to torc through (you need to absolutely spam self-heals, mana efficient ones are not enough), archers spam Cripple undermining kiting, and mob spell resistance is too high to insta-kill many of them. Drow Priestess SR is at least 48, and the Warriors have 46.
    I think you would be surprised just how much damage a cleric or fvs with shield mastery and high healing amp can torc through and still maintain positive sp regen. Every heal is mana efficient when you have you enough amp.

    The big hurdle here is the red DA, but I'm confident someone will get it done quite soon.
    Thelanis: Takhysys, Tenauch, Vitriolus, Kalav, Leprous

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    I soloed the second quest on Epic on Lamannia (where you have near limitless Turbine points). The final fight took 15 supreme raise cakes, multiple repair forges (gear damage from death and other things), and over fifty SP pots. And that was using an exploit (one I /bugged and that did not make the live servers, but it was a safe spot that protected you from everything except the Hezrous most of the time).

    Incoming damage is far too high to torc through (you need to absolutely spam self-heals, mana efficient ones are not enough), archers spam Cripple undermining kiting, and mob spell resistance is too high to insta-kill many of them. Drow Priestess SR is at least 48, and the Warriors have 46.

    I don't see this being soloed by any character unless they can use Fascinate repeatedly in a fight. *Maybe* a durable Bard build with a Torc, Conc-Opp, and two Epic Elemental Khopeshes of Water might be able to solo it, or *maybe* a 3x Wizard PL elf Pale Master that min-maxxes for max spell pen, but that is about all I can think of.
    You're kidding right? I personally probably can't solo it, but been on achievement forums long and after what I've seen being done solo bye a FvS this is peanuts. Here is what I've seen:
    eChrono: Solo
    eDQ: Solo
    eDA: Solo

    No give me one reason why an epic QUEST cannot be solo'd xD
    Bradt: 19bard/1fighter| thedungeons: 17clr/2sorc/1wiz
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  8. #8
    The Hatchery Fefnir_2011's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerclan View Post
    You're kidding right? I personally probably can't solo it, but been on achievement forums long and after what I've seen being done solo bye a FvS this is peanuts. Here is what I've seen:
    eChrono: Solo
    eDQ: Solo
    eDA: Solo

    No give me one reason why an epic QUEST cannot be solo'd xD
    I'll give you three.

    1. This is the first time we've seen this much spell resistance in game. This means we can't do this the way we run 99% of the content right now.
    2. The sheer numbers. That end fight is essentially epic Weapons Shipment, with Drow who hit hard and fast and can't be easily CC'd or instakilled. (Web is out, for example, as long as the reavers and hellhounds are up)
    3. Torcing is going to be rather difficult, and you WILL need to torc to solo, because you have to self-heal and kill through brute force rather than instakill. I'm not saying it can't or won't be done, just that this is a whole different bugbear than current epics.
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  9. #9
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    I soloed the second quest on Epic on Lamannia (where you have near limitless Turbine points). The final fight took 15 supreme raise cakes, multiple repair forges (gear damage from death and other things), and over fifty SP pots. And that was using an exploit (one I /bugged and that did not make the live servers, but it was a safe spot that protected you from everything except the Hezrous most of the time).

    Incoming damage is far too high to torc through (you need to absolutely spam self-heals, mana efficient ones are not enough), archers spam Cripple undermining kiting, and mob spell resistance is too high to insta-kill many of them. Drow Priestess SR is at least 48, and the Warriors have 46.

    I don't see this being soloed by any character unless they can use Fascinate repeatedly in a fight. *Maybe* a durable Bard build with a Torc, Conc-Opp, and two Epic Elemental Khopeshes of Water might be able to solo it, or *maybe* a 3x Wizard PL elf Pale Master that min-maxxes for max spell pen, but that is about all I can think of.
    where there is a will there is a way. Really Sirgog you get confused there are some players that are downright insanely special at this sort of scenario and well there are everybody else. You fit into the more or less everybody else category so speaking for the special players is well something you should not even attempt..
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  10. #10
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Also don't forget that it's very likely when solo'ing and Torc'ing up, that your equipment will break. Unlike eChains or eADQ1, there are no disjunction traps to use.

  11. #11
    Community Member Doomcrew's Avatar
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    hmm, isn't it about time that Teth post?
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doomcrew View Post
    hmm, isn't it about time that Teth post?
    I did just go on spring break, havent even checked out anything from u13. Oh and hello DDO community!
    Teth - Ascendance

    Old School n00b that used to be pretty good at the game.

  13. #13
    Community Member elraido's Avatar
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    I am going to do it on my Paladin! Ok, maybe not.
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  14. #14
    Community Member badbob117's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Good job man.

    That second mission kicked my favored souls butt on epic. Will be a feat and a half to get it done with out any pots alone. Will be awesome achievement. I am rooting for ya
    Born to play, Forced to work !

  15. #15
    Community Member heyytoi's Avatar
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    Hello community member xTethx!
    Last edited by heyytoi; 03-01-2012 at 07:25 PM.
    >T H E L A N I S<


  16. #16
    Founder Palantyr's Avatar
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    Not very intersted in soloing myself but in servants you can ddoor out of the end fight, some mobs can be pulled through the barrier while other spells work through the barrier. Considering there's an abundance of shrines in the quest, optionals that can be skipped & baring a couple dark elf spawn points most of the trash is easy to insta kill, well if you couple all that with a willingness to use techniques not necessarily intended & some patience soloing epic servants doesn't seem like it'd be that impossible or even resource intensive.

  17. #17
    Community Member Dwarfo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palantyr View Post
    Not very intersted in soloing myself but in servants you can ddoor out of the end fight, some mobs can be pulled through the barrier while other spells work through the barrier. Considering there's an abundance of shrines in the quest, optionals that can be skipped & baring a couple dark elf spawn points most of the trash is easy to insta kill, well if you couple all that with a willingness to use techniques not necessarily intended & some patience soloing epic servants doesn't seem like it'd be that impossible or even resource intensive.
    wouldnt the barrier keep you from re-entering the endfight?

  18. #18
    Founder Palantyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dwarfo View Post
    wouldnt the barrier keep you from re-entering the endfight?
    No, if you click on the switch in front of the barrier after ddoor'ing out it will teleport you back into middle of the room behind the barrier. You can wait to hit that switch as long as want, mobs will agro towards or cluster at the barrier. Hezrous will teleport straight through it, other types may take a bit of work to get them to come through, or if you have the patience (which you probably would were you soloing epic servants) there's a variety of spells that can whittle down mobs through the barrier. I like the chaos of the end fight so seems to me a less fun way to do the end of the quest but would likely be at least a risk free way of dispatching a fair amount of the mobs.

  19. #19
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    Nice, we tried 2 people and still could not do it, red dungeon alert hurts on epic :P

    and plus we had 8 death all in the end fight, but at least we got the optionals (of course we got nothing from them)

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