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  1. #21
    Community Member Mistral's Avatar
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    Angry help

    I have been haveing the same trouble as most of y'all game locking up. I have tried rolling back drivers no change.
    I can log in and out fine but soon after loging in the game lock up. I see what is happening around me, take damage.

    My G. card is Nvidia GeForce 9100

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    Having issues lately as well crashes and lock ups and a strange one where I am frozen can't move or access anything on my character but I can still chat and see everyone else moving around also I take occasional damage but can't be healed and I know my system is more than adequate and so is my connection
    The strange one sounds network related honestly. NIC, router, path to server.

    For all:
    What do you guys have running in the background?
    What sound device/hardware is running?

    These are two critical questions that most of you haven't answered.

    While I'm not saying something isn't up, but my wife and I have been playing without any new issues at all, and the systems are pretty different too.

  3. #23
    Community Member Falco_Easts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    The strange one sounds network related honestly. NIC, router, path to server.

    For all:
    What do you guys have running in the background?
    What sound device/hardware is running?

    These are two critical questions that most of you haven't answered.

    While I'm not saying something isn't up, but my wife and I have been playing without any new issues at all, and the systems are pretty different too.
    What do you guys have running in the background? - Nothing. In the past I have been downloading torrents, had iTunes running and surfing the net with no issues to DDO at all. Now I run DDO on it's own with nothing else going and it still crashes on exit.
    What sound device/hardware is running? Just my normal speakers that have worked for years prior to U13.

    In short, I changed nothing before/after U13 but never had a crash on exit but it has been ahppening 60-70% time since U13.
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  4. #24
    Community Member Dulcimerist's Avatar
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    Missing_Minds wanted to know which sound card everyone is using. (A DXDiag report would show that and other good details.)

    After doing a survey about DDO crashing when trying to exit DDO after Update 13, nVidia graphics and 32-bit operating systems are the commonality so far. Perhaps something in the update isn't getting along with one or both of those factors.

    If I were to wager a guess, Update 13 seems to have worsened the underlying memory leak issue in DDO. There's been a theory that DDO loads audio files into memory, forgets to unload them from memory when it's done with them, and eventually there's insufficient free memory remaining. This results in a crash or a nonfunctioning of certain hardware, such as the scroll wheel of a mouse. Audio files being the culprit is further hinted at with regard to the "phantom sounds" issue, where sometimes audio from a quest will mysteriously repeat itself minutes or hours later during a gaming session. Perhaps Update 13 introduced even more audio data to DDO, without the ability of DDO to unload these new files after the game doesn't need them in memory anymore.
    "Swords will cut you wide open!" - Trip Fisk

  5. #25
    Community Member Arctigis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dulcimerist View Post
    Missing_Minds wanted to know which sound card everyone is using. (A DXDiag report would show that and other good details.)

    After doing a survey about DDO crashing when trying to exit DDO after Update 13, nVidia graphics and 32-bit operating systems are the commonality so far. Perhaps something in the update isn't getting along with one or both of those factors.

    If I were to wager a guess, Update 13 seems to have worsened the underlying memory leak issue in DDO. There's been a theory that DDO loads audio files into memory, forgets to unload them from memory when it's done with them, and eventually there's insufficient free memory remaining. This results in a crash or a nonfunctioning of certain hardware, such as the scroll wheel of a mouse. Audio files being the culprit is further hinted at with regard to the "phantom sounds" issue, where sometimes audio from a quest will mysteriously repeat itself minutes or hours later during a gaming session. Perhaps Update 13 introduced even more audio data to DDO, without the ability of DDO to unload these new files after the game doesn't need them in memory anymore.
    Running Windows 7 Pro (64 bit) so 32 bit is not common to this.
    Nvidia looks like it is common.
    I have a Soundblaster XiFi audio card.

    I get the sound repeats, usually the last DM voice, when I alt-tab. Since 13.1 I've also found that the client
    stutters or hitches when it's been running a while and I change equipment. I'll keep an eye on the footprint.

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Arctigis View Post
    Running Windows 7 Pro (64 bit) so 32 bit is not common to this.
    Nvidia looks like it is common.
    I have a Soundblaster XiFi audio card.

    I get the sound repeats, usually the last DM voice, when I alt-tab. Since 13.1 I've also found that the client
    stutters or hitches when it's been running a while and I change equipment. I'll keep an eye on the footprint.
    The alt-tab and get some audio play is a known issue I think. No clue on the fix for that. This one I'm pretty certain is a Turbine issue.

    Soundblaster has been LONG suspect by players who frequent Tech assistance as being a cause for crashes with their junk drivers. Impaqt used to have crashes with zoning and the like often, removed his soundblaster and no more crashing. (if you wanted an exmaple.)

    I do not crash, but my wife who has a sound blaster does.

    Wife has nVidia and seems to crash just a little more than normal. I've been running with ATI, Intel i7 (so not nForce controllers), and non sound blaster, and Win 7 or XP I crash maybe.... once every two months IF that.

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