*cough* Yep!
That's the point right there I've tried to make and got shouted down for it.
It's not WAI. They know that. They're trying to fix it. Yet they are still selling it.
Fine, it doesn't work right, there are bugs. No biggie.
Just let peeps know about this BEFORE they purchase it, not AFTER.
Not sure it's even immorality.
It may just be impossible to effect this kind of change quickly within their current management structure. (Giving you guys a HUGE benefit of doubt here)
<-Curelite Bottling Company->
Originally Posted by Chilldude
Thank you so much for selling me something I shouldn't have used.
Too bad I found out something was wrong after I attempted using a second token (I used one succesfully monday night) today.
did I just waste a lesser tome of learning?
R.I.P. Devourer - 20-Aug-2010 11:00 GMT(+1 DST)(World Broadcast): World broadcast: 'Farewell to all our loyal players and thank you for your time in Eberron. We wish you all the best for your future adventures. Please log out now as the servers are now going down. Many thanks, Codemasters Online.'
Oh, ***!
Then that is ONE MORE THING I DIDN'T GET!!!!!
None of my toons got any pets! Even the ones that got their XP tomes and onyx statues! Man, that freaking sucks!
Well, I guess it's cool that all my toons will get to use them, if they fix anything any time soon.
Last edited by countfitz; 02-29-2012 at 02:20 PM.
Not there. But now I'm confused. Are you talking about the Onyx Panther (I got those for every toon that worked, 2 out of 6) but none of them got the cosmetic pets. Not a one. So are we saying all the toons get cosmetic pets? Or all of them get Onyx Figurines? Or all of them get all of them?
all get panthers, that are hirelings, that go in your hireling folder if you have one.. some people only got those, some got nothing, all different variations.
Okay. So. Like I said, I did get my Onyx Figurine (Panther Hireling) and that worked on the two toons that got their items. 4 toons didn't get anything, because of the bug. That seems about right, since the bug seems to affect a vast majority, about 7/10 attempts, at using it.
But my question is this: Does every toon, when WAI, get access to the COSMETIC pets? Because none of my toons, even the ones that things worked for, got those.
I was pretty much assuming the bug was an all or nothing issue, your toon got everything or nothing at all. Apparently not?
Truthfully, we are going to hear more from the people who were affected than were not, BUT, I've only seen THREE people on the forums that purchased the items and were not affected on at least one toon. They were trying to give advice on where/how to use your token to have the best chances of it working. Apparently one person got it to work correctly on all 18 of his toons.
But yeah, other than that, it was pretty much affecting a vast majority of players, like posted, 7/10. In my guild not one person who used the item didn't have at least one bug. Online nobody I spoke to didn't
But, once again, you have a far less likely chance of hearing someone say "Hey, I'm good over here" than "OMG WHAT JUST HAPPENED!"
So annecdotes for a situation like this aren't foolproof. But "vast majority" does seem reasonably used here.
Of course, what are the chances Turbine will release the actual numbers? We could argue all day and never find out.
There was one thread that was hilarious about this. Some guy spent weeks calculating a Lit II's proc rate. He figured it out. He posted it. Then a dev said "yep, that's right." Seriously devs, just tell us the info! Making us do all the work when you have the answer in front of you!