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  1. #21
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logic View Post
    Awesome build.

    Only thing I saw is that the healing aura does not benifit from the +0.25 PrE empower healing metamagic for some reason (I believe). Total metamagic factor is only 1.5 w/ empower heal active for some reason (tested myself yesterday 2/29/2012 ... need to gather a little more data to see exactly what its doing).
    I checked and I'm still getting the exact same per-tick non-crit from my normal non-Ardor'ed aura that I got since update 7 or so.

    34 per tick, on a 20 Cleric, Emp Heal, Sup Potency 7 item, 20% amp item, 10% amp shipbuff, Human improved recovery I and II (so 20%).

    Quote Originally Posted by Mubjon View Post
    I am not sure why people think that DI is so great, to long of a cool down and only lasts what 5 min? Yes it can be useful, but more useful than say say 2 more feats? Not sure I agree with that. Splash two fighter and now you can get a few melee based feats and still keep all the casting feats that you want.

    Now if the capstone did something a bit more useful, like add +2 to my wisdom stat, or added +2 DC to my evocation spells, or even doubled the length of the healing aura that would be a tough choice to splash or not splash.
    DI is very situational. I like it on my main Cleric, but I do a lot of solo'ing. It lets me pull trapped levers in eVoN4 and eWizKing without dying. It lets me stand beside the Titan in that raid and not have to worry about laser or pillar death. It lets me more easily open the path to VoD. It lets me recover from an "oops" moment or a sudden spike of damage.

    It's not something I absolutely NEED, however, and my caster's current TR is a Clonk. I will only rarely miss the ability.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarisa View Post

    DI is very situational. I like it on my main Cleric, but I do a lot of solo'ing. It lets me pull trapped levers in eVoN4 and eWizKing without dying. It lets me stand beside the Titan in that raid and not have to worry about laser or pillar death. It lets me more easily open the path to VoD. It lets me recover from an "oops" moment or a sudden spike of damage.

    It's not something I absolutely NEED, however, and my caster's current TR is a Clonk. I will only rarely miss the ability.
    In the times I had it on my pure cleric, first life, it seemed to be a waste of mana. I would cast it, get brought back up and then die again for something else. While still waiting for it to cool down to cast it again. Maybe if the cool down was not so long I could see it being worth more than the 5 or 6 times I might absolutely need it. Of course I ran most of time in random pugs so that might have had a lot to do with my bad experience with it.

  3. #23
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mubjon View Post
    In the times I had it on my pure cleric, first life, it seemed to be a waste of mana. I would cast it, get brought back up and then die again for something else. While still waiting for it to cool down to cast it again. Maybe if the cool down was not so long I could see it being worth more than the 5 or 6 times I might absolutely need it. Of course I ran most of time in random pugs so that might have had a lot to do with my bad experience with it.
    It can also be useful in raids to allow someone to go incap, and shed aggro, without them actually dying and losing their buffs. This can be especially useful in part 3 of ToD (since Horoth heals if someone dies) or LoB (since there are lengthy death penalties on harder difficulties).

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarisa View Post
    It can also be useful in raids to allow someone to go incap, and shed aggro, without them actually dying and losing their buffs. This can be especially useful in part 3 of ToD (since Horoth heals if someone dies) or LoB (since there are lengthy death penalties on harder difficulties).
    I just got the artificer pack so I have not ran LoB yet on a character and I no longer have a cleric in that range. Not that I will ever make a pure cleric again til final life and even then might not be pure.

    The capstone is just that weak in my mind, even in the less than 6 quests that you have mentioned. I would rather splash two fighter and get feats that actually help my survival or 2 monk for feats and evasion than have an ability I might use 5% of the time if I am lucky.

  5. #25
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Like I said, I like having it on my pure Cleric, but on my other (a Clonk), I don't really mind missing out on DI.

    It's situational enough that it's really personal choice what you choose.

  6. #26
    Community Member Miahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mubjon View Post
    I am not sure why people think that DI is so great, to long of a cool down and only lasts what 5 min? Yes it can be useful, but more useful than say say 2 more feats? Not sure I agree with that. Splash two fighter and now you can get a few melee based feats and still keep all the casting feats that you want.

    Now if the capstone did something a bit more useful, like add +2 to my wisdom stat, or added +2 DC to my evocation spells, or even doubled the length of the healing aura that would be a tough choice to splash or not splash.
    Basically, its not only the capstone (which can save your life! its like a free death pact). You also heal a bit less with masses and pre.

    If splashing, I'd take 2 monk (or 3 monk for path) and not a fighter, so you also get evasion.

    It is posible - I just like my divine pure.
    Last edited by MiahooJunk; 03-02-2012 at 05:16 AM. Reason: fixed
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  7. #27
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MiahooJunk View Post
    It is +2 DC if you take heighten.
    Slightly off. An 18/2 splash will have the same DC (but see below), but two less spell penetration. Spell Pen is based off your caster level plus feats/enhancements/items, DC's are based off the level of the spell plus WIS mod plus feats/items. Since both 18/2's and pure Clerics both can cast level 9 spellls (and Heighten makes everything effectively level 9), there is no difference level-wise in your spell DC's.

    An 18 CLR/2 MNK in Water Stance, however, will have 1 additional DC over a pure Cleric due to the additional +2 WIS, or an 18/2 in any non-water non-fire stance.

    The Spell Pen can matter on some builds and playstyles.

    Quote Originally Posted by MiahooJunk View Post
    You also heal a bit less with masses and pre.
    This is true, up to a point. Bursts will do more. An 18/2 and a 20 pure will heal the same amount with the Aura. A 17/3 or 17/2/1 split will heal 1 point less base per aura tick.

    For mass cures/heals, this is true, but only because the Mass Cures and Mass Heal cap at CL:20 or higher. Heal will hit the same for 17, 18, or 20 levels of Cleric because it caps at CL:15.

    It's up to the player to decide if the additional 2 or 3 base Cure (which is then modified by items, enhancements, ardor, and/or metas) amount is worth what you gain from a split.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by MiahooJunk View Post
    It is +2 DC if you take heighten.

    Basically, its not only the capstone (which can save your life! its like a free death pact). You also heal a bit less with masses and pre.

    If splashing, I'd take 2 monk (or 3 monk for path) and not a fighter, so you also get evasion.

    It is posible - I just like my divine pure.
    The capstone does not give any boost to DC

    The splash depends on what you want to accomplish with the cleric I think. Heck a caster focus cleric could go 2 wizard and get a nice boost to their most used damage spells in blade barrier and comet fall and still not be harmed the least bit on the healing end as the heal spell has a cap of level 15 on it. And using the cure spells you are getting 4d6+8 plus 1 for caster level. I do not think 2 extra damage healed will make that big of a difference.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarisa View Post
    Slightly off. An 18/2 splash will have the same DC (but see below), but two less spell penetration. Spell Pen is based off your caster level plus feats/enhancements/items, DC's are based off the level of the spell plus WIS mod plus feats/items. Since both 18/2's and pure Clerics both can cast level 9 spellls (and Heighten makes everything effectively level 9), there is no difference level-wise in your spell DC's.

    An 18 CLR/2 MNK in Water Stance, however, will have 1 additional DC over a pure Cleric due to the additional +2 WIS, or an 18/2 in any non-water non-fire stance.

    The Spell Pen can matter on some builds and playstyles.
    And there are ways that a splash can make up the difference Spell pen over a pure with equipment. You have to give up a choice of a nice guard maybe but you can get +3 to your level 8 and lower spell pen on the Dragon Touch armor. Will not help implosion, but that is the only spell it will not help.

    This is true, up to a point. Bursts will do more. An 18/2 and a 20 pure will heal the same amount with the Aura. A 17/3 or 17/2/1 split will heal 1 point less base per aura tick.

    For mass cures/heals, this is true, but only because the Mass Cures and Mass Heal cap at CL:20 or higher. Heal will hit the same for 17, 18, or 20 levels of Cleric because it caps at CL:15.

    It's up to the player to decide if the additional 2 or 3 base Cure (which is then modified by items, enhancements, ardor, and/or metas) amount is worth what you gain from a split.
    Heal, mass is maxed at character level 15 as well. So the only thing that a splash would lose over a pure is 1 point of healing when using any cure spell above cure moderate (which caps at level 15 if I remember right)

  10. #30
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mubjon View Post
    And there are ways that a splash can make up the difference Spell pen over a pure with equipment. You have to give up a choice of a nice guard maybe but you can get +3 to your level 8 and lower spell pen on the Dragon Touch armor. Will not help implosion, but that is the only spell it will not help.
    With the same equipment, feats, and enhancements, a pure will have 2 higher spell pen. You can decide to forego some equipment on a pure if you feel you have enough, but at full capability, there is still going to be a gap. Since most of the epic trash outside of Drow has SR in the low to mid 30's, I try to get as close to that number as I can.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mubjon View Post
    Heal, mass is maxed at character level 15 as well. So the only thing that a splash would lose over a pure is 1 point of healing when using any cure spell above cure moderate (which caps at level 15 if I remember right)
    Update 9 changed the caps of many of the spells. Last I checked, the post-u9 versions of those spells cap Mass Heal at CL:20, and the Mass Cures start at CL:25 and go up from there.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarisa View Post
    With the same equipment, feats, and enhancements, a pure will have 2 higher spell pen. You can decide to forego some equipment on a pure if you feel you have enough, but at full capability, there is still going to be a gap. Since most of the epic trash outside of Drow has SR in the low to mid 30's, I try to get as close to that number as I can.
    I never had much problem on the first life cleric with Spell pen outside of drow. But, then I never really paid that much attention to what was getting through and when either as I was more interested in just getting through the quest and getting the tokens as I was looking forward to the TR.

    Update 9 changed the caps of many of the spells. Last I checked, the post-u9 versions of those spells cap Mass Heal at CL:20, and the Mass Cures start at CL:25 and go up from there.
    So the wiki has not been changed to reflect this? The mass cures do go up to CL 40 on the last one, but mass heal still shows a base of 150 (or level 15).

  12. #32
    Community Member Miahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarisa View Post
    Slightly off.
    Yeah, I was a bit off while writing it. Thats so not true.
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  13. #33
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mubjon View Post
    So the wiki has not been changed to reflect this? The mass cures do go up to CL 40 on the last one, but mass heal still shows a base of 150 (or level 15).
    The description on the individual spell pages have been changed.

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mubjon View Post
    Heal, mass is maxed at character level 15 as well. So the only thing that a splash would lose over a pure is 1 point of healing when using any cure spell above cure moderate (which caps at level 15 if I remember right)
    Heal, Mass is not capped at 15, or even at 20, which is not hard to verify. The 15 cap was purely a copy-and-paste from single-person-Heal description error. In P&P, I think it capped at 25.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    Heal, Mass is not capped at 15, or even at 20, which is not hard to verify. The 15 cap was purely a copy-and-paste from single-person-Heal description error. In P&P, I think it capped at 25.
    It is hard to verify when you do not have a cleric in that level range yet I Tr'd my cleric and went with Arcanes and melee since update 9. I just started creating clerics on other servers to test out new builds without affecting my main that I will eventually take back to cleric.

    I have one close now so I would be able to check probably this week, but that is why I was asking if the wiki was not updated as it still says max is level 15.

  16. #36
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mubjon View Post
    It is hard to verify when you do not have a cleric in that level range yet I Tr'd my cleric and went with Arcanes and melee since update 9. I just started creating clerics on other servers to test out new builds without affecting my main that I will eventually take back to cleric.

    I have one close now so I would be able to check probably this week, but that is why I was asking if the wiki was not updated as it still says max is level 15.,_Mass

    Edited on September 25, 2011 to note the change in caster level cap.

    All of the other specific spell pages were edited at that time to match the the change. Whatever page you are seeing the Wiki not showing the correct cap is wrong, and should be edited if you have the ability to.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarisa View Post,_Mass

    Edited on September 25, 2011 to note the change in caster level cap.

    All of the other specific spell pages were edited at that time to match the the change. Whatever page you are seeing the Wiki not showing the correct cap is wrong, and should be edited if you have the ability to.
    Thank you, never thought to go beyond this page for the wiki

    I do not think I have the ability to edit it, not sure never bothered to try.

    ETA: I was able to change it so that it more closely reflected what the page you showed me says.
    Last edited by Mubjon; 03-02-2012 at 09:30 AM.

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