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  1. #1
    Community Member Miahoo's Avatar
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    May 2010

    Default The Heavy Priest: Con based cleric

    I was looking for another heal bot to serve my guild, and a clone of my con based FVS.

    My requierments were:
    - Be able to heal, especially with pres.
    - High survivability.
    - Tanki.
    - Solid DoTs.

    The build, more than a heal bot, is to save your raid, and disign to get the boss rage while raising the rest of the group and giving the time to recover.

    Why not FVS?

    Thats a very good question.

    FVS has so many advantages:
    - 10 DR.
    - Free heals as capstone.
    - More HP due to enhancements.
    - More SP.
    - Wings.
    And thats the reason you see dozens of solid con-based fvs out there.

    So what do you get from a cleric?
    - More heal power from pres (75%).
    - Mass heal even w/o mana, which regen every 2 minutes.
    - Heals over time with pres: Even when you knocked down - you're still healing!
    - Free* heal every 3 seconds instead of 6 seconds for FVS.
    - DI.

    * No mana usage.

    So what do we have left? 10 DR, Mana and wings.
    Well, DR can be enhanced with items, same is mana (also, dont be too wacky with dots) and wings.. well... wings

    Half Elf (Monk D.) (32 points)
    8 STR
    8 DEX
    18 CON
    12 INT
    14 WIS
    14 CHA

    Final CON = 18 (Base) + 5 (Level ups) + 1 (Enhancements) + 7 (Item) + 3 (Exceptional) + 2 (Tome) = 36
    Pushed: 36 + 3 (Abishai Set) + 1 (Tome) + 2 (Alchemical) = 42

    392 (Base with 26 CON)
    70 (+7 CON Item)
    30 (+3 Exceptional CON)
    45 (Shroud)
    30 (GFL)
    20 (+2 Tome)
    20 (Toughness)
    20 (Ship)
    30 (Abishai)
    10 (+3 Tome)
    10 (SFL)
    10 (CC Trinket)
    20 (Large Guild Slot)
    40 (Yugo)
    (You can add rage for 20 more HP - I dont like adding it since the duration is too low).

    Non-SP [Self] Healing:
    Aura: 7 (Base) * (1 + 0.4 (Enhancements) + 0.75 (Clicky)) * (1 + 0.5 (E.H) + 0.25 (Pre)) = 26

    Burst: (1d8 + 22 (Base)) * (1 + 0.4 (Enhancements) + 0.75 (Clicky)) * (1 + 0.5 (E.H) + 0.25 (Pre) + 0.5 (Emp.) + 1 (Max.)) = 160-209

    Healing amp: 1.2 (Monk D.) * 1.2 (Human) * 1.1 * 1.2 * 1.3 (Items) * 1.1 (Ship) = 2.71
    ==> ~70 HP / Tick Aura (~81 / Tick with SS bard).
    ==> ~433-566 Burst.

    This is where you glow! Where FVS do a single target free heals - you do it AoE! Not only you, but all your teamates will enjoy it. Use it smartly!
    Your aura will be up for ~1:30 Minutes. Every 2 mintues you get another Turn.

    1) Monk D. 1) Thoughness 3) Shield Mastery 6) E. Healing 9) Empower 12) Maximize 15) Quicken 18) Imp. Shield Mastery.

    Imp. Shield mastery can be replaced (-5% damage is nice, but other feats might be better), other valid feats:
    Extra Turning or another Thoughness are nice feats.
    If you think you can hit the DC and have some past lifes to support: Heighten Spell, Spell Penetration or Spell Focus can be nice.
    And if you really really wanna: Extend, Eschew Materials or Mental Thoughness can also fit in (which personally, I dont very like).

    Max Concentration, Balance and UMD. Put 1 point on Tumble and the rest on Jump, Diplo or Tumble (I prefer Jump).
    Dont forget to eat +2 INT Tome at lvl 7 for more SP.

    A heal bot dont really need a good equip in order to function and do his job. But you're more than just a heal bot! You are an ass savior! You are... A DIVINE!!

    Epic Cavalry Plate is a great armor! it gives ya SFL, Demonic shield, DR 5 against most mobs (well.. DQ might be a problem..) and a blue slot to put your Thoughness in it. Other good choices are: Epic Deneith Heavy Chain, Epic Tourney Armor (i know i know... Its basically vs DQ), and more - so dont be upset if you didn't craft the plate from the last CC event.

    Epic chrono set is a great way to boost your hp, give you all the stats you need, +3 CON and enough slots to craft goodies.

    Levik's Defender is a great tower shield for tanking. Alchemical Flametouched Iron shield for healing and Alchemical Silver shield for dots are great: Tier 1 - Martial Water for fire shield, Tier 2 - Mystical Fire (or any type tbh) for Superior Lore (Tier 2 Martial Earth can also be valid for +2 CON, if you feel you already have enough crits).

    Con-Opp Heal Amp GS will be your main hand weapon most of the times.

    Con-Opp 45HP GS as Goggles, can be switched to SP GS.

    Large Guild Slot as Belt, switch with Rahkir's Sash for Archmage Set.

    Rahkir's Ring Will be your main unswitchable ring, crafted with +2 CON. Your other ring will be switchable slot for: Striding, Anathema, ROSS, etc.

    Torc will complete your set and be on you 95% of the time. On HoX and other rare situations I switch to Silver Flame or other necklace I need.

    This build will hand ya a solid cleric, with nice hit points. True - you wont be able to instakill most of the high content nor BB the evasion mobs (So save your mana!), but you wont be squishy like the 400HP cleric next to you, will block much more damage and you wont be a poor-guy caster.

    Post your opinions! also if I have any error or calculation mistakes.

    Wiki, SirValentine, This post
    Last edited by MiahooJunk; 06-04-2012 at 06:28 PM.
    Server: Cannith
    Mains: Miahoo, Miahoorog, Miahoohealer, Miahoohjeal, Miahoopuke

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