doc says: While this metamagic feat is active, spells have twice the range, but they consume 10 additional spell points.
is this true for *all* spells?
is there a path that will make this cost less then the 10 additional spell points?
doc says: While this metamagic feat is active, spells have twice the range, but they consume 10 additional spell points.
is this true for *all* spells?
is there a path that will make this cost less then the 10 additional spell points?
All "ray" type spells already have double range, and the feat will not work on those.
I don't think there are enhancements to lower the cost (EDIT: this wrong, there are). Hmm, wizzie capstone perhaps? Maybe items? I'm not sure, hopefully someone else knows.
Enlarge spell has some uses (FoD'ing beholders from safe distances, nice range on Otto's Irresistible Dance), but I personally don't use it.
Last edited by Dandonk; 03-01-2012 at 07:19 AM.
DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.
[QUOTE=Dandonk;4341599]All "ray" type spells already have double range, and the feat will not work on those. /QUOTE]
darn, i was hoping to be able to use magic missile from a greater distance.
so maybe Melf's Acid Arrow will be enlarged also.
the compendium is up: says:
Metamagic: Empower, Maximize, Quicken
Spell Resistance: No
Blasts a target with fiery rays, each doing 16 to 24 fire damage on impact. The number of rays increases by 1 ray for every four levels beyond 3rd, to a maximum of three rays at 11th level. Ray spells have double range.\n\nD&D Dice: Each ray deals 4d3+12 fire damage (1 ray at caster level 3, 2 at level 7, 3 at level 11.)
so no enlarge.
is there a way to scrape this and grep through it and make a list?
Personally I found this spell meta useful on a divine rather than an arcane. Certain Raids I don't want to be near the action.
Overall not so terribly useful, though.
This meta easily allow me to stay-stun free in ToD, for example.
It works on almost everything yes. Including magic missles, at least when I had my evoc AM that had it a few months ago.
Wizard capstone will make it cost 1 less sp.
Wizard/sorc improved enlarging metamagics make it cost 1/2/ 3 (or 4?) sp less, but cost 2/4/6 AP to get.
Some items may have efficient metamagic: enlarge I, lowering the cost by 1 more (molbs fist out of threnal and noxious embers out of abbot raid)'
So full secced, capstoned and geared, it could cost as little as 4sp.
It's not worth it.
Never found it all that useful, even before they automatically granted it to a large number of spells that it is useful on (rays). Meteor swarm got double range (counts as a "ray") AND enlarge still works on it. So it can go *really* far.
But it's still not worth it. Fingering beholders at long range is cool, but if you are quick you can do it without. Or spin them around and wait for no antimagic. It's just not a good feat, even before many spells got it for free.
Honestly, it's a waste. Occasionally people defend it but the uses for it are only making some encounters slightly more convinient, it doesn't really help most fights.
Here is a list of all Wiz/Sorc spells with MetaMagic: