I would like it if you would make DDO Store-bought bags Bound To Account.
I can see how you'd prefer we buy bags over and over on every character, but people with many characters are already shelling out lots of money for character slots, classes, races, and DDO Store items to run those characters.
Combine that with the fact that most of the things I put in bags (essences, gs ingredients, epic item upgrade ingredients, collectibles) are things I need to combine from all my runs to get enough to build an item on one character and there's a lot of tedium to move them around as I unbag, shared bank, switch to character that has the huge bag, unbank on new character, re-bag on new character, check totals, switch back to character I'm actively playing and farm more. That's A LOT of unpleasant tedium.
I would like to be able to buy huge, etc. bags from you and use the shared bank I bought from you to transfer them across the 7 characters I bought from you.![]()