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  1. #1
    Uber Completionist
    The Hatchery
    Shadow7375's Avatar
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    Default Attn.: Customer Service - Something isn't right here !

    As I'm only getting an automated response from the German turbine support site I'll come here in the hopes of someone actually paying attention to my problem.

    I've been a VIP for sometime, but when I received my new credit card (sometime in 2011 I believe that was) I was unable to key that one in under myaccount..... Tried to up-date the new card details several times, never worked. I researched a bit and found out that the reason is that the country from which the card is doesn't match the country I actually live in. I am based abroad.

    So Turbine cancels my VIP subscription and downgrades me to Premium. It's not what I wanted, I would have loved to stay VIP, but it's something I can deal with. No biggie. Over the last couple of months I have invested quite a bit and purchased all the existing packs, races, ect. with points from DDO game cards that a friend from the US brought over for me.

    Yesterday I purchased the new expansion pack as well as 11,000 turbine points. Got an email a few minutes later with the codes, ect. Logged on to myaccount... as mentioned in the instructions to register it and got another failure message.

    Contacted Tolero and he was kind enough to point me to Turbine customer service to get this issue resolved. Sent a message to them and get a reply this morning ... Woot, fast service I thought !!! ... They told me my account was suspended cause I owe Turbine round about US$ 60.00 and that I need to pay to get my new expansion pack registered/installed. I fell of my chair when I read that.

    How can I owe Turbine money I asked them. Waited a bit a got the same reply again and again. All I am getting is an automated response.

    Seriously, how can someone owe Turbine money? If they are unable to charge the credit you have listed with them or if your subscription runs out they cancel your VIP status and downgrade you to Premium or F2P. Why am I told I owe money? I honestly don't understand.

    Also, they happily took US$ 140.00 from me yesterday for the MotU ... I paid with my credit card ! Weird, isn't it ?

    Has anyone else had similar problems? Any suggestions how to solve this issue?

    CUSTOMER SERVICE: I would appreciate if someone could look into this and assist instead of an automated response. Let me know whom to talk to and I'll do so.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery SisAmethyst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow7375 View Post
    As I'm only getting an automated response from the German turbine support site I'll come here in the hopes of someone actually paying attention to my problem.

    I've been a VIP for sometime, but when I received my new credit card (sometime in 2011 I believe that was) I was unable to key that one in under myaccount..... Tried to up-date the new card details several times, never worked. I researched a bit and found out that the reason is that the country from which the card is doesn't match the country I actually live in. I am based abroad.

    So Turbine cancels my VIP subscription and downgrades me to Premium. It's not what I wanted, I would have loved to stay VIP, but it's something I can deal with. No biggie. Over the last couple of months I have invested quite a bit and purchased all the existing packs, races, ect. with points from DDO game cards that a friend from the US brought over for me.

    Yesterday I purchased the new expansion pack as well as 11,000 turbine points. Got an email a few minutes later with the codes, ect. Logged on to myaccount... as mentioned in the instructions to register it and got another failure message.

    Contacted Tolero and he was kind enough to point me to Turbine customer service to get this issue resolved. Sent a message to them and get a reply this morning ... Woot, fast service I thought !!! ... They told me my account was suspended cause I owe Turbine round about US$ 60.00 and that I need to pay to get my new expansion pack registered/installed. I fell of my chair when I read that.

    How can I owe Turbine money I asked them. Waited a bit a got the same reply again and again. All I am getting is an automated response.

    Seriously, how can someone owe Turbine money? If they are unable to charge the credit you have listed with them or if your subscription runs out they cancel your VIP status and downgrade you to Premium or F2P. Why am I told I owe money? I honestly don't understand.

    Also, they happily took US$ 140.00 from me yesterday for the MotU ... I paid with my credit card ! Weird, isn't it ?

    Has anyone else had similar problems? Any suggestions how to solve this issue?

    CUSTOMER SERVICE: I would appreciate if someone could look into this and assist instead of an automated response. Let me know whom to talk to and I'll do so.
    Well, to be honest, if you have have a cell phone contract over 12 months and you not pay the phone company, then the company as well will terminate the service till you have paid. Probably if not otherwise declared they surely want to have as well the full amount at one time.
    So if you have choosen the 3 month payment plan and suddenly stop without noticing them, then you had a valid contract running with them and then I bet in nearly all countries its alike - if you have a valid contract running where you have to pay for, then you owe them the money.

    This is totally independent of the fact that you may have done other payments for other things that would be handled like independent contracts. Like buying the pre-order.

    A company with such a contract expect to have for the time slot this renew this money internally available and it is included in the internal calculation for that time frame. Its like you signed a 12 month contract in a company and expect to get regularly a money from which you now buy a car and suddenly the company stop paying you even thou the 12 month aren't over. However you bought the car under the assumption you get payed and then the company owe you that money.

    So what you can ask for them is to drop that charge on goodwill but directly via customer service and not via the forum.

    Regarding the credit card information. I just recently updated my payment methods as well but there isn't a field where you need to enter the country. However maybe temporary change the billing address to match the country of the card if this is the issue? Keep also in mind that credit cards expire after a certain time and then you have to update all credit card informations. So even if you can order with your new card, any old info stored in the turbine account management will not work from the day of expiration.

    PS: Regarding the automated response, maybe try to contact them via phone instead?

    PS2: Try to create a new ticket at the ticket service "Billing Inquiry", as certain eMails are only for one way direction and can't be answered directly. Beware that they force you to seach the internal database first. Just type the incident as complete sentence (e.g. "owe money for cancled contract") to proceed to step 4.
    Last edited by SisAmethyst; 02-29-2012 at 02:09 PM.
    * We have collectable bags, mind you, even hireling folders, but can I have that 6-pack for my potions please?
    * Having already a past life on the dieng EU servers, I rerolled here and started from scratch as I like the game and the community, so lets see what awaits me here

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SisAmethyst View Post
    Well, to be honest, if you have have a cell phone contract over 12 months and you not pay the phone company, then the company as well will terminate the service till you have paid. Probably if not otherwise declared they surely want to have as well the full amount at one time.
    So if you have choosen the 3 month payment plan and suddenly stop without noticing them, then you had a valid contract running with them and then I bet in nearly all countries its alike - if you have a valid contract running where you have to pay for, then you owe them the money.
    While this is true, in my 5yrs of subscribing to DDO, you pay in full up front for the term of your subscription and even if it's month to month - you pay for the month at the beginning (depending on you sub date). SO there isn't really a way to "owe" them money; unless the system had an error and allowed his subscription to run longer than it should.

    In the example you gave, if he had a 3mo sub, if the CC was unable to authorize the full 3 month renewal, then it would have downgraded him to Prem.. Same goes for a yearly, and month-to-month.

    But my advice would be the same as DaVoyd: Reply to the automated one to get a hold of a rep, or try calling them. But be prepared to hold if you call during US prime time (especially with the "issues" occurring right now). I called a few times and gave up holding as it was just too long.

  4. #4
    Customer Service Representative
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    When submitting a ticket for any department through the Support Website you will receive an automated response. Sometimes it lets you know that the ticket is received and will be worked on, but sometimes it contains a solution based on the type of ticket you chose to enter.

    However, if the solution does not work for your specific issue, reply to the automated response. It will be reviewed by a customer service rep and they will do there best to get the solution you need. But, if you do not reply, the system will assume the solution provided worked and close the ticket.

    So, if you still need help with your product key or your Turbine Points code, reply to the auto-response and an Account Management rep will be happy to assist you
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    To request support from a Customer Service Agent, simply click on "Submit a Ticket"
    English Account/Store Support is available from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday (GMT -5). 855-WBGAMES (855-924-2637)

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