As I was blasting through the first quest in the new chain on elite on Ormadil with a group that was fairly free flowing, even without a cleric, I thought that much of the pack would be a breeze. I was rather painfully pointed out that that would not be the case in Servants of the Overlord. As I watched a group of rangers start to blast holes in many of my companions, I realized something. There was not a single enemy in that dungeon that was under a 25, which was the rangers that hit us for 40-60 damage per hit. For a L18 quest on elite, isnt it a little strange that the monsters would have such high CR? We made it to the end room and survived the first major fight, before getting wiped on the second. I honestly think that this quest might just be the new hardest quest to complete on elite at level. Even bypassing shroud.
Let the discussion begin!