VIPs don't get screwed. This is the best thing that could have happened to VIPs. You now have an opportunity to convert to Premium and get a bunch of the adventure packs that you would have had to buy.
VIPs are only getting screwed if they *stay* VIP. I think this is a pretty clear message from Turbine on what you are better off doing...
Okay, to clarify for everyone that is confused, and taking away all fluff items:
Automatic access to the Challenge Pack and Druid Class
Basic Pack, $30
Access to the Adventure Pack and Epic Destines
One Lesser XP Tome / Server
[Essentially the Vip pack, as it includes the two main elements VIPs don't get]
Standard Pack, 50$
Access to the Challenge Pack, Adventure Pack, Druid Class, Epic Destines.
One Greater XP Tome / Server
One XP Pot / All other toons you ever create / have ever created
1,000 TP
[And, if you don't already have them, also includes four old adventures and Veteran status 4]
Collector's Pack, 80$
Access to the Challenge Pack, Adventure Pack, Druid Class, Epic Destines.
One Greater XP Tome / Server
One Lesser XP Tome / All other toons you ever create / have already created
2,000 TP
Idol of level 18 Panther Hireling summoning
Veteran Status 7
[And, if you don't already have them, includes the four adventures included in Standard, plus four additional epicable packs, as well as Veteran Status 4]
In summation
Basic: Includes all non-VIP core elements, no major additional benefits
Standard: Everything anyone else would need
Collector's: Lesser Tomes for all other toons, Panther Hireling Summon, and Veteran Status 7
In other words, assuming you're not a new player [whom can take advantage of the bundled adventure packs]:
Standard: You're paying 20$ more for effective VIP status and better tome benefits
Collector's: You're paying 30$ more for lesser tomes to all secondary characters, Veteran Status 7, and a Panther Hireling.
I'd suggest the following additional bundles to address concerns:
VIP Bundle: Includes Basic, as well as all bonus elements; But not the two [free to VIP] other core elements, or Vet Status 4, Vet Status 7, and bundled adventure packs. 50$ - 60$
Veteran Bundle: Includes Standard, but removes Vet Status 4 and Adventure Bundle. 40$
Veteran's Collector Bundle: Includes Collector's bundle, but removes Vet Status 4 and both adventure bundles. 60-70$
Yes, but that is very subjective as well. I TR a couple of characters that I play a lot. Those I want Greater Tomes on. I don't care for Lesser Tomes. If I would make a new character I wouldn't put a lesser on it, since I will start from level 7 (3000 Favor) and a first-life character is capped very quickly anyway.
So saying that it is "22,845 TP's worth for $79.99" is an exaggeration for some players, that's what what I'm saying. Instead everyone should think about how they play and count for themselves instead. And if you are a VIP, with TP's stored, it might not be a good deal for you at all. (That said, being VIP in DDO is a rotten deal anyhow, so maybe it is just silly being cost-concious in the first place)
Various hedge-wizards and halfwits, please see MyDDO for all your squelching needs
Lyrandar 2006 - Devourer 2007 - Thelanis 2009 - Ghallanda 2010
I like what you're thinking here.. I just recently came back from a 6 month "Break" and was Premium again.. One issue not addressed above... I had 10 toons as VIP 5 were CAPPED 1 was Up and Coming, and 4 are mules... As Premium.. I had to CHOSE which 4 I was going to play. I couldn't bring myself to exclude any of my "mains" so I bought an Extra Character slot... then there was GRRONND my "up and coming" so I bought another slot to bring him aboard.. yay all was well .. right?? well no I wanted to TR 3 toons with U13... and all my twink gear and much of my other good stuff (cookies, pots, scrolls etc) are on the mules...
I do like how the $80 pack would get me most of the packs I hadn't purchased before I went VIP 2 years ago.. Tomes, DDO Points and the pets are nice addons. So, I'll probably let my sub lapse and buy that but first I'll have to transfer all my Mule items to my about to TR toons so they can sit in a Reincarnation caches
Starabelle McClean / Shamurai Daemon Slayer/Faithrune Justicar /
Samuiree Kensai / Daviniti Soul Finder/ GRRONND HammerPain
"If you’ve pre-purchased the Limited Time Collector’s Edition, you’ll get a Greater Tome of Learning per game world for the character of your choice. Your other existing characters, and every new character you create from then on, will receive a free Lesser Tome of Learning."
So, if I don't currently have a character on a given world, will I get my tome whenever I roll one on that world?
Or to put it another way, do I need to roll one character on every world before I buy the expansion, if I want to get all my greater tomes of learning?
Thelanis: Mithran, Mithrana, Aggrond, Arcanned, Ainadan, and others
Is the panther figurine (summoned hireling) considered a "gold hireling" or a standard hireling?
Hilarious Princess....Sorry your life is so medicore after all this time..Lol, you are scared of a farmer? with a tractor....?
Every single character you have and create in the future will automatically get a Lesser Tome, whether you use it or not is entirely up to you. I did specify that the total value was only based on 5 character slots on a single server, you would still have 8 x Greater Tomes for at least 1 character on each server. Those 8 x Greater Tomes were not factored into the TP value I calculated.
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So for Premium Players that select Collector's Edition they don't need to "re-buy=it" for
Menace of the Underdark Expansion Adventure Packs, the Druid Class, Epic Destinies, and the Eveningstar Challenge Pack...
plus get all the following...
•Greater Tome of Learning
•Lesser Tome of Learning
•2,000 Turbine points
•Veteran Status (Level 7)
•Veteran Status (Level 4)
•DDO Epic Classics Adventure Pack bundle
•DDO Classics Adventure Pack bundle
Pre-Purchase Bonus Items!
•Demonweb Spiderling Creature Companion
•Druid's Wolf Pup Creature Companion
•Onyx Panther Cub Creature Companion
•Elite Spider Cult mask cosmetic helmet
•Figurine of Wonderous Power: Onyx Panther
SO pre-purchase expansion and you can start June 25th versus waiting for Update 14 in August...
Very quickly can I ask, can players buy the greater tome of learning through TP as of now?
Mausetrap / Meowingtons / Ppuple / Mausegurl
Did you try selecting Game-card/other payment option for "renewing a subscription", and then tell it that you don't have a card now, but will get one later? That might do it. I think it's even mentioned here.
Last edited by Ziindarax; 02-27-2012 at 10:52 AM.
Ziind Stargazer - Level 12 fighter/6 Barbarian/2 rogue Half-Orc (Neutral Good) - Formerly a level 20 Paladin Human - Orien
Fernian Summer Carnival
Probably most FTP have already purchased the offered Classic DDO Adventure packs
in the Pre-Purchase Collectors expansion...
Too bad we couldn't get some compensation for previously used TP on the below bundles...matter fact I've purchased them on two accounts
•DDO Epic Classics Adventure Pack bundle
◦Vault of Night
◦The Red Fens
◦Sentinels Stormreach
◦Devil Assault
•DDO Classics Adventure Pack bundle
◦Phiarlan Carnival
◦Attack on Stormreach
◦The Path of Inspiration
◦The Dreaming Dark
Doesn't help, still very subjective. I have no need for Lesser Tomes - only Greater. Nor do I have any need for Greater Tomes on the x number of servers I never play on.
So claiming the pack "is worth 22,845 TP" - like it is some postulate - is a little misleading, sorry. It might very well be worth 22,845 - For You. For me it would be worth 7785.
Edit: 7085 TP rather, with the Greater Tome confirmed store price.
Last edited by Razcar; 02-27-2012 at 10:44 AM.
Various hedge-wizards and halfwits, please see MyDDO for all your squelching needs
Lyrandar 2006 - Devourer 2007 - Thelanis 2009 - Ghallanda 2010
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DDO Store List, with references on how you can gain items ingame for free!
Visit the DDO Wiki! Unique items: Quest Rewards - Raid Loot - Chest Loot - Item Sets
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