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  1. #21
    Community Member Vengeance777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by testing1234 View Post
    people often looks at completionist and say wow what a grind then spend 2years grinding endgame raid/epics not seeing the irony,
    Very good point.
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  2. #22
    Community Member Madryoch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vengeance777 View Post
    Very good point.
    Whoever said completionists took 2 years of their life to do or that they are not efficient Just saying it made things easier for someone who has access to benefits through real money to get tomes in comparison with someone who doesn't. I know companies run on people's cash I am not naive to think that turbine people do this out of the goodness of their hearts:P It still gives time advantage either we like it or not Then again some people might have the idea that if u don't have access to money benefits u don't have a job thus u have more time to spend in ddo.So it's all good, right ? j/k ofc.
    Last edited by Madryoch; 02-29-2012 at 04:21 AM.
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  3. #23
    Community Member Crann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Madryoch View Post
    Just saying it made things easier for someone who has access to benefits through real money to get tomes in comparison with someone who doesn't.
    What aspect of this game isn't made easier by real money?

    There are two sides of this:

    First, the people who have never spent a dime of real money. They have ground favor for every pack, race, class, and everything else they have unlocked/bought with TP.

    Second, the people who have spent money, either as VIP or Premium. They have access to all or most of the content, classes, races because they bought it.

    In an absolute hypothetical arguement, and by the standards of some, only the first is truly deserving of all they have in the game. They feel this because they earned it all by playing the game.

    They are also the ones who contribute the least in the eyes of others, because they have made no financial contribution. Turbine/WB are companies, they run on money. They aren't supporting out hobbies out of the kindness of their own hearts.

    Everytime something that makes the game easier, and is available for purchase, there are cries of Pay To Win.

    This always astounds me, because unless you are a PvP'er....what the next guy has is completely irrelevent to how the games plays for you.

    Does this tome make obtaining completionist easy......certainly not. It makes it somewhere between 20% and 50% easier depending on your leveling process. That is still very much out of reach for the perpetual clueless.

    Does owning Necro, Desert, Gianthold, and Vale make it easier? I'd say it makes it possible. Are the people complaining about the Tomes sure they didn't use any money at all to obtain access to all the high xp/min content? Did they ever use any money to make anything easier in this game? If so, then this arguement is slightly hypocritical.

    The only person that has an absolute right to complain about these tomes is the one who has earned every TP through favor, and even they have access to it, if they are willing to grind that many more hours out.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Madryoch View Post
    Whoever said completionists took 2 years of their life to do
    Completionist is 13 lives (soon to be 14). The majority of players will spend an average of 50-60 hours per life inside of quests/wilderness areas. Add on another 25% to that time running to/from quests, waiting on your group to fill (looking for trapper, for example) which doesn't account for chatting with friends, banking, browsing the AH or forums, nor the time spent planning out your next TR life. It also doesn't account for the time necessary to obtain 20 epic dungeon tokens for the True Reincarnation heart. That's 63-75 hours per life, or 819-975 hours for completionist.

    Consider the core of DDO's playerbase spends 10 hours a week playing. If you don't account for any breaks (unrealistic in my opinion), that's a total of 82-98 weeks spent for completionist. Can you do it faster? Sure you can, but the hardcore players that can do it in half the time are the exception. They're also the ones paying money for 20% XP potions, TR hearts (and perhaps GR+3/+5 hearts) and now greater tomes. Their time is more valuable than money to them.
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  5. #25
    Community Member Jeremiah179's Avatar
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    If no one paid anything... there would be no game at all... the ftp players are getting to play the game for free... because someone else is paying...

    but I guess they want the people who are paying to get nothing... or nothing the free players deem useful?
    or nothing the free players can not easily earn?

    I give turbine my money... I would be glad to wear an armband to show other purists to avoid me...

    Maybe we can have different armbands we have to wear according to how much we have spend... so the ones with the certain armband can be ashamed for supporting your free game world...


    Sometimes these posts make me think there is actually a leader board somewhere... and your actually on top...but there is not. And you are not.

    I bought the expansion exactly for the greater tome/lesser tome option alone, the rest just was fluff and hopefully things that will be enjoyable as I play the game I already enjoy. (or parts I was buying separate at some point anyway)

  6. #26
    Community Member Isharah's Avatar
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    I'm not sure how this thread became an argument of how fast completionists can level. o_o

    I was whining about this because before the learning tomes, it is already very easy to cap a toon in this game compared to other big MMOs. Very easy -- not necessarily very fast, more along the line of you can get to level 20 without even realizing that Con is not a dump stat or that fortification is actually useful, if not important. I join PUGs a lot, and I've encountered so many people like this, some of which actually fight with people trying to teach them and end up getting booted from parties. I don't believe that it's their fault 100%, because they got to level 20 with 6 Con, why would they believe it when someone tells them they don't have enough Con for the game? Then it may be that by the time they realize this, it will be much harder to correct.

    I think that DDO should make the actual journey to capping more substantial and enjoyable than just entering a dungeon alone and whacking everything that comes in your way. Like make more quests that require teamwork, or require roles, or harder monsters even, stuff like that.

    I believe that releasing such an item (the learning tomes) makes the situation of these newbie players worst. Why, because now they will have no reason to go through majority of the content since they level up fast anyway. So whatever little knowledge they obtain from the journey is truncated even more.

    I'm not against tome usage for people who already know what they're doing. Which is precisely why I said it would've been much nicer if there was some restriction to the usage of this tome, like the -4 to all stats penalty I joked about earlier (ofc it's a joke :S), or a favor unlock requirement, or a more sensible "usable by TRs only" prerequisite.

    But this is just my opinion, of course. And it's not like there's anything to be done about it since it's out anyway.


  7. #27
    Community Member rakhtal's Avatar
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    I think this thread sums it up perfectly
    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingTurtle View Post
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  8. #28
    Community Member Crann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Isharah View Post
    ... a more sensible "usable by TRs only" prerequisite....
    I think this would make alot of sense. I agree with your point that new players will get to 20 quicker learning less than they do now getting pulled along to twenty.

    This run through Life 3 on my FvS, I am even running into some multi life TR's who have a pretty bad understanding of game mechanics, and they TR'ed before all the increases in first time xp, Bravery Bonuses, and now these Tomes. This will only get worse with the new influx of players this expansion will bring.

    I would have to question what percentage of new players are really going to spend the money to get these tomes though. Thre lure of instant gratification is what makes games with a fast leveling/progression system attractive, and even new players without a tome are going to shoot through the first part of the game pretty quickly.

    I would personnally like to see some type of skill test to pass certain leveling milestones, maybe like 6, 12, 20, TR'ing. I understand the implausibility of it, but then a character's level would give you an indication of their skill.

    Absent of that, we have what we have. Multi TR's who don't understand basic game mechanics, Level 20's who don't know con isn't a dump stat, and TR'ed barbs running around screaming "hjeal me" between fights who have never tasted a Healing Potion.

    People can stop judging a players skill by there level, or wings, or by the number of past lives they have, those factors have less and less to do with player skill anymore.

    They have had little to do with it for some time now.

  9. #29
    Community Member Crann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rakhtal View Post
    I think this thread sums it up perfectly
    /\This/\ +1

    People with this attitude are amusing, since they weren't the first either, and had advatages those before them didn't.

    Not saying everyone with concerns is like this tho....

    Ishara's comments (IMHO) express a concern for the state of the game, and not a "I did it that way, so should you mentallity" prevalent in other posts opposing the learning tomes, as well as the Vet II and other new perks.

  10. #30
    Community Member kauetomaz's Avatar
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    Default time = money

    lets say the average person makes $10/hour, and the average lvl 20 grind is 30hours(of playtime), with the tomes u would cut it by a third, thus far saving urself 10 hours take u could use to make another $100 or grind xp or tp or whatever u want. so id say, yeah tomes make it easier and im freakin glad they r finally here, even if the game will be overflowing with lvl 20s that have 200hp (i just saw the first one yesterday during an epic house d run lol) it wont matter, think of the dead hours that u spend having nothing to do coz there are no other ppl to play with at lvl 20 coz every1 is at work/school. they might not be the best runs ever but bad run > no run at all

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