Bad move, Turbine.
I hope this doesn't push through.
Courtesy of Randil_Keeper.
Bad move, Turbine.
I hope this doesn't push through.
Courtesy of Randil_Keeper.
Last edited by Isharah; 02-27-2012 at 08:08 AM.
It has come to the point where more money means more xp...
Games don't make you violent, lag does
That's an image from live? or from Lamannia? if Lamannia, we know, if live, turbine just earned about 9.2k worth of turbine points from me.
Right, since the xp pots hadn't been doing that since a looooong time ago? These tomes are pretty much just xp-pots that you don't need to remember to drink every 6 hours of play time, easier for the 'casual' player that actually likes to get the most bang out of his buck and still be able to explore new quests/do low xp opts, instead of those being mutually exclusive. (standard xp pot = duration counting down in the quest = optimal use is rushing them as fast as possible, ignoring low xp opts and sight-seeing.)
This is classic example of a so-called free to play MMOG that gives more edge to the players that got access and alot of money to spend on games.
Just read the comments from the link Ishi provided... "weeeee they just got 100$ from me" another guy "They got 120$ from me!"...
Games don't make you violent, lag does
I'm not sure why this is a supprise....the info has been on the Lamania boardss for some time.
The following is new.
If you pre-order the expansion then you get a free minor tome of learning for EVERY character...if you pre order the collecters edition the one of your characters instead gets a free Major tome of learning.
There are also a lot of other goodies/fluff available for pre-ordering the expansion
Now wether its worth it as a VIP is another question, and one for people to decide for themselves
Leader of Shrodingers Cat Support Group a Husband and Wife guild on Orien.
Tolkiens Law: Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
Dresdens corollary: Screw subtle!
certain people do like to spend money on activities they enjoy, like games, but don't want to be forced to religiously play said games. An xp pot is nice and all, but it has a duration, I would feel obliged to try and get the most out of it, because it was worth the cost be it in platinum, turbine points, or time spend gathering the fragments, to obtain the pots. The tome is a 'use and forget' item, which is how I prefer it, a 'permanent' unlock, instead of a consumable.
also: the 11k tp for 50 dollars is a good deal really, which is what I'm using for it.
for me it's a right way for anyone who might to play less time and have more fun.
there is no shame in that. imho
I agree that this game has been running on money anyway, but IMO this is over the top. It's not even mostly about the money, it's mostly about the availability of such an item that is capable of destroying whatever balance there is in the game in terms of toon and player progression. For example, getting to level 20 without having a brain cell's worth of knowledge about the game (this would've been okay if there was a lot of end-game content new toons can run and actually learn the need-to-knows, but IMO the game is still lacking this).
I think this is a fail attempt to "cut the grind" for players.
At least as what people said in the thread, have some heavy penalties or restrictions on who can use the tomes... Like -4 to all stats, lol.
They want folks to get to cap sooner rather than later so they can do the new content.
This will make it less of a grind to multi TR a toon. I was putting off doing a third life on my main, now I will be doing a third TR sometime in the future.
The Fockers of Argo
LOOON (Rogue); Reaperbait (Warlock); Eatuhdiq (Sorc); Fuglymofo (Barbarian)
Buttscracher (Arty), Hobaggin (Druid)
Live price is:
Upgrade from Lesser to Greater=600
Also note....with Collector's preorder, you get one free Greater per server, as well as an unlimited number of free Lessers.
Two guys want to learn golf. They go to the store and buy a basic set of Wilson clubs. They play for a year. One guy goes and buys a top of the line Ping set. The other guy gets upset with the first (he can't afford the set). He finally get's over his anger and they go out to play a round.
The second guy (with the old clubs), beats the first handily. First guy tosses Pings into the lake, smacks his buddy, goes home, get's in a argument with his wife, get's kicked out of the house, goes into work with a Motel stink, get's fired, ends up in a cardboard box.
Moral of the story? Don't play golf, play DDO, it's much cheaper than Pings.
Last edited by madmaxhunter; 02-27-2012 at 02:33 PM.
Completionist Lighthardtt Tuisian of Sarlona
leader emeritus, Bridge Burners
"Just another day in pair-o'-dice"
And what exactly is this "edge" that people get from earning more XP? Nothing in game has changed except how fast you level. An "edge" would be a meaningful in-game advantage, which this does not provide. Earning more XP doesn't make you complete quests any easier, so it doesn't offer an edge. People that spend $ on this end up in the exact same place as people that don't spend $ on them. It's a convenience item, and nothing more.
Hi welcome.
You should pay attention to the boards more. This has been on Lammania and discussed to death for weeks now.
edit: thought I'd provide a helpful link:
The Silver Legion - Guild Medieval
Arisan - Arisanna - Arisanto - Arisgard - Betatest
Hmmmm ... How about u lvl up faster then u tr then u gain past lives way faster then u end up with a toon that would take roughly 1/3 more time for other people to get? If u are trying to justify ur choice to buy the tome u don't have to it's ur money and ur right. If u look at it from the standpoint of someone who's spending 1 extra month for every 3 months u spend lvling then yes it is unfair.
Then again so is life XD
Last edited by Madryoch; 02-28-2012 at 11:36 AM.
Rilynrae of the Eclipse - lvl 20 Sorceress,Deneria Daughter of Dragons - lvl 12 Paladin 1 Ranger 7 Monk Intimihate Tank both of guild V'''''V Rego Vitae
''Never argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience''
Hmmm, gotta agree with the new post being a little too late but,
since you like providing helpful links
The Office of the Exchequer. 1750 on all live servers via Pure pugging. Thank you very much to all who helped carry a gimp. (wayfinder was a soloist build)
People can already level double trs in almost 24 hours of play time already. Some players can't level a first life toon in 6 months.
No one should be forced to level at the slowest possible level because someone thinks its unfair or can't afford optional boosts.
Imagine if we all had to be bandwidth capped at 1.4 kbs because someones still playing the game on dialup. Imagine if we were all capped to 10 miles per hour on highways because that's as fast as some guys old beaten up car can go and he won't buy a faster one.
This tome allows the players that take 6 months to lessen there time. The guys that level in 24 hours will still do it with or without the tome.
Tring a completionist becomes tedious and boring anything to speed up the process is a good thing for the game.
Last edited by Vengeance777; 02-28-2012 at 02:08 PM.
Server: Orien
Guild: Over Raided
Toons: Phasma - Swashbuckler ; Ceroni - Acrobat ; Selina Air Savant ; Cachin - Artificer
Leveling has very little correlation with being a competent player. I've played with completionist toons who can knock out a 4.3M XP life quickly, yet the player is horrible in raids. The only thing that makes someone better at raids is raiding.
You know why freemium models work? Because a small user base pays for premium features (like the XP tome) so the rest of the population can enjoy the non-pay services. I suggest reading Chris Anderson's excellent book "Free: The Future of a Radical Price" or any of the pieces he published in Wired magazine.
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
people often looks at completionist and say wow what a grind then spend 2years grinding endgame raid/epics not seeing the irony, reason for this i belive is that completionist does not have a luck drop % its 100% the same amount of work for everyone were equipping a character can wildly vary and likely the unlucky never can cap out a charaters loot.