Hello, everyone,
I have come across quite a lot of tiny little bits and pieces that imho ditract from he game's immersion.
I will post them here.
I do hope tht they will be fixed at one day, because they mostly really fall into the category of "polishing" and "fine tuneing".
However, I fear that their fixing will either be done never (too low on the priority list) or at least not in this year (the Expnsion will surely consume quite a LOT of programming power !).
However, if I post them here, no-one will be able to say that I haven't tried.
You can post similar bite here as well. Please not real bug reports, except when they *heavily* distract from the game's immersion. I say this because this thread is meant to be for those little bits and bytes that add or distract from the immersion.
To make it clear : This thread should really be rather about immersion and the in-game logic. Not about items, for example, except when something ith them is corrupting the in-game world logic, for example.
The first thing I choose to begin with is the Harbour quest giver for the quest of "The Captives".
The quest as such is quite good, but the uest giver, is somewhat irritating :
She is running around, crying for help. THis adds very much to the liveliness of the city, so please keep that.
What imho hugely distracts from the city is that each time the quest is cloed, she starts running around crying for help AGAIN.
Thoughts about this :
- That the quest-giver is running around "wie ein aufgescheuchtes Huhn" each time AFTER the quest is closed again, this imho very much distracts from the feeling of accomplishment. And this is imho a big thing. How are people supposed to feel "home" in the Harbour when a quest giver reacts as if the quest's fulfillment actually never has happened ? I fear that this is going to affect the game's underlying Philosophy.
On the other hand, I believe it could be difficult to develop a quest giver who is actually quite calm and reserved to the quest-solver, but not to everyone else. Instantiating (right word ?) a quest-giver alone would be too much work, imho.
A possible solution to it could be to kind of "fix" her after the quest is resolved. Like Kaja Bauerdatter from the Korthos Island is.
Another possibility is that Pearl Drumling, the quest-giver, only acts as she does when a player character approachers her within a certain radius. I have seen NPCs turning towards the player character when the player character approaches them (example : Celaeono Kelle). So this mechnism exists in principle. Pearl Drumling could be crying for help ONLY when a player character approacher her within let's say 10 in-game metres.
Other thoughts on this behaviour of Pearl Drumling :
- Is being kidnapped Lady Azdel's hobby ?
- Does the lady perhaps actually LIKE to be kidnapped ?
Another thing that imho distracts from the game's immersion is, that *all* captives from The Captives rather "glide" than walk. Their running animation must be updated as soon as possible ! Player characters have a real "running" animation, and other NPCs have it, too. So why don't have these Captives have them ?
Another thing that I have found after completing "Fathom The Depths" was that the shaman/quest giver reacts even AFTER completing the whole quest as if the "boss monster" was still alife ! This also hugely distracts from the immersion and the feeling of "fulfillment.
And, of course, the player character should have dialog options to inform him of the death of the "boss monster". To retain the in-game world logic.
More things to come as I update this thread over time, irregularly.
And, besides, should I quit DDO one distant day in the future, please keep it up posting those little things that distract from the in-game's immersion. I hereby allow you to "necro" this thread each time if you have something rather serious & meaningful to add for it.