Originally Posted by
Mine is less pocket sized. It also looks nicer on my word doc, forums always screw up spacing.
Ritual Attuned Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Benefit
Armor Ritual Attuned Armor 15 Strings of Prayer Beads 5 Vials of Pure Water +1 dodge bonus to AC
Shield Ritual Attuned Shield 2 Tomes: Prophecies of Khyber 6 Silver Flame Hymnals +1 dodge bonus to AC
Force Damage Attuned Weapon 3 Luminescent Dusts 9 Fragrant Drowshood mushrooms +1 force damage on each hit
Force Critical Attuned Weapon 6 Sparkling Dusts 12 Deadly Feverblanch mushrooms +1d4 force damage on critical hit
Resistance Attuned Jewelry 4 Lightning-Split Soarwoods 22 Funerary Tokens +1 competence bonus to saves
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Devious, Mockery/Grasping, Poisoner/Hungry, Night = Snake, Octopus, Wolf, Scorpion, Monkey, Bat
Devious, Mockery/Poisoner, Grasping/Hungry, Night = Snake, Monkey, Octopus, Wolf, Scorpion, Bat
Grasping, Mockery/Night, Devious/Poisoner, Hungry = Octopus, Bat, Scorpion, Snake, Monkey, Wolf
Grasping, Night/Mockery, Devious/Hungry, Poisoner = Octopus, Monkey, Snake, Wolf, Bat, Scorpion
Grasping, Poisoner/Night, Hungry/Mockery, Devious = Octopus, Scorpion, Wolf, Monkey, Bat, Snake
Grasping, Devious/Hungry, Night/Poisoner, Mockery = Octopus, Snake, Bat, Scorpion, Wolf, Monkey
Hungry, Grasping/Devious, Mockery/Night, Poisoner = Wolf, Octopus, Monkey, Bat, Snake, Scorpion
Hungry, Devious/Night, Mockery/Grasping, Poisoner = Wolf, Snake, Monkey, Octopus, Bat, Scorpion
Hungry, Night/Grasping, Poisoner/Devious, Mockery = Wolf, Bat, Snake, Scorpion, Octopus, Monkey
Hungry, Poisoner/Mockery, Grasping/Night, Devious = Wolf, Scorpion, Octopus, Bat, Monkey, Snake
Hungry, Poisoner/Night, Mockery/Devious, Grasping = Wolf, Bat, Monkey, Snake, Scorpion, Octopus
Mockery, Grasping/Poisoner, Hungry/Devious, Night = Monkey, Scorpion, Wolf, Snake, Octopus, Bat
Mockery, Hungry/Devious, Night/Grasping, Poisoner = Monkey, Snake, Octopus, Bat, Wolf, Scorpion
Mockery, Night/Devious, Poisoner/Hungry, Grasping = Monkey, Snake, Scorpion, Wolf, Bat, Octopus
Mockery, Poisoner/Grasping, Devious/Night, Hungry = Monkey, Octopus, Bat, Snake, Scorpion, Wolf
Night, Grasping/Hungry, Poisoner/Devious, Mockery = Bat, Octopus, Scorpion, Snake, Wolf, Monkey
Night, Mockery/Poisoner, Devious/Grasping, Hungry = Bat, Scorpion, Snake, Octopus, Monkey, Wolf
Poisoner, Grasping/Devious, Night/Mockery, Hungry = Scorpion, Snake, Bat, Monkey, Octopus, Wolf
Poisoner, Hungry/Devious, Mockery/Night, Grasping = Scorpion, Wolf, Bat, Monkey, Snake, Octopus
Poisoner, Hungry/Mockery, Grasping/Night, Devious = Scorpion, Monkey, Bat, Octopus, Wolf, Snake
Poisoner, Hungry/Night, Mockery/Grasping, Devious = Scorpion, Bat, Octopus, Monkey, Wolf, Snake
Poisoner, Mockery/Grasping, Night/Hungry, Devious = Scorpion, Monkey, Wolf, Bat, Octopus, Snake
Poisoner, Mockery/Hungry, Devious/Night, Grasping = Scorpion, Monkey, Bat, Snake, Wolf, Octopus
Poisoner, Night/Devious, Grasping/Hungry, Mockery = Scorpion, Bat, Wolf, Octopus, Snake, Monkey
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Victory [Blue] = The Coalescence Chamber [Funk, Twig]
Might [Purple] = Ritual Sacrifice [Petals, Fungus]
Strategy [Yellow] = Let Sleeping Dust Lie [Husk, Funk]
Foresight [Green] = Rainbow in the Dark [Pebble, Twig]
Battle [Red] = Running with the Devils [Pebble, Fungus]
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Yellow - Grave
White - Map Of Stormreach/Ship
Green - Ruins
orange - Harbor
Red - Korthos
Blue - House J
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