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Thread: TR assistance

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  1. #1
    Community Member PlatnyumWizard's Avatar
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    Default TR assistance

    So I TR'd awhile back and have been slowly climbing the TR ladder...unfortunatly without a plan. I have gotten back upto 12 with really focusing on VoN3 and Delera's. I have gotten to run Raiyum once on normal (This was before bravery bonus, I was working on alts for awhile and missed out on the bravery streak). I was just looking for a kind soul to guide me in the right path as what to do next, in the way of finishing this life. If I recall correctly I could probably run Raiyum until 13 and maybe run Offering of Blood and/or Chains of Flames a few extra times. However, I am at a loss as to what to run after that. If anyone has a good guide or any helpful tips that could be even slightly useful, I would be very appreciative.

  2. #2
    Community Member totabc's Avatar
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    Iplaye (20 - Bard) Alinosa (20 - Barb)

  3. #3
    Community Member ka0t1c1sm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PlatnyumWizard View Post
    So I TR'd awhile back and have been slowly climbing the TR ladder...unfortunatly without a plan. I have gotten back upto 12 with really focusing on VoN3 and Delera's. I have gotten to run Raiyum once on normal (This was before bravery bonus, I was working on alts for awhile and missed out on the bravery streak). I was just looking for a kind soul to guide me in the right path as what to do next, in the way of finishing this life. If I recall correctly I could probably run Raiyum until 13 and maybe run Offering of Blood and/or Chains of Flames a few extra times. However, I am at a loss as to what to run after that. If anyone has a good guide or any helpful tips that could be even slightly useful, I would be very appreciative.
    It would help to know if you're VIP, Premium, what packs, etc.

    That aside, after the desert I'd say hit Gianthold, then the Vale of Twilight.

    Morgulion • Romenion • Valmyrion • Vanielle • Zandrine • Zeldaryne • Zinnuviel

  4. #4
    Community Member PlatnyumWizard's Avatar
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    Oh, right sorry. I am ViP I think I use the 3 month plan thing. I'll check out that link in the near future. Thanks for the help guys.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    A plan isn't really needed. Just don't take the next level until everything is farmed out at lower levels.

    From where you are probably go..
    Necro2-farm out shadow crypt if you haven't already.
    von-possibly a von5 if flagged
    Sands (best quests: wizking 8-10x, maraud the mines 8-10x. don't do chains of flame more than once)
    framework (hop the wall in back, 3min quest)
    GH (best quests: most are pretty good, trial by fire I am quite partial to)
    necro4 (best quests:most pretty good, vol can be amazing as can ghosts...and of course litany)
    vale (best quest: running with the devils is awesome)
    reavers (kobold, monestary both amazing)

    1st lifers or 2nd lifers that farmed earlier packs heavily with xp pot and banked levels cap off of just that. Others might go...

    IQ1-2 (best quest-the monkey mine one)

    Amrath (only sins really decent)

    Cannith pack (none. all revolting)

    Consider challenges as well, they can be good.

  6. #6
    Community Member ka0t1c1sm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    A plan isn't really needed. Just don't take the next level until everything is farmed out at lower levels.
    I'll concur with this as well. Bravery Bonus is awesome. Just go down the lists of quests and run everything on Elite no more than 2 levels over the quest level on Normal (i.e., at level 6, run all level 4 quests on elite, at level 7, run level 5 quests on elite, etc.). At the low to mid levels, you won't need to repeat/farm many quests for XP unless you want to or for gear.

    Morgulion • Romenion • Valmyrion • Vanielle • Zandrine • Zeldaryne • Zinnuviel

  7. #7
    Community Member Demaril's Avatar
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    if you have a means to invis several times blockade buster is pretty decent too

  8. #8
    Community Member PlatnyumWizard's Avatar
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    Yeah, I have been really kicking myself for not utilizing the Bravery Bonus as much as I could. This information should help out alot.

  9. #9
    Community Member testing1234's Avatar
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    cant go wrong if you go by mrcow

    he has a guide on his TR diary
    has 4 of these melee. arcane, divine and artificer since artificer is with bravery effect ingame it may be the most accurate, the newest artificer is based on update 11 so its almost uptodate
    give it a go either you love it or you dont use it,
    his list of each quest he did at any lvl and the exp/time it gave also have video of each quest

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