DDOcast is a weekly DDO podcast created by fans for fans! We discuss nearly everything related to Dungeons and Dragons Online – Eberron Unlimited.
Episode 247 is ready! Here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3. You can find DDOcast on iTunes, the Zune Marketplace and Cyberears.com.
This week Sig and guest Samius chat about DDO news and gaming with your spouse. Necrobotanist also calls in, followed by DDO community news, listner mail, a Crunchy Bits Melee Arty Build, and general gaming news.
This week's music is THESE FOUR MEN by Paul and Storm from their Acquisitions Incorporated music pack bundle, now available on sale on their website at http://www.paulandstorm.com. Paul and Storm are a comedy music duo, and they have been performing as a duo since 2004. They often are guests at both PAX Prime and PAX East.
DDOcast Episode 247 (02-18-12)
0:00:50 Intro
0:02:14 Welcome Samius
0:05:59 DDO News
0:15:02 Sponsor Break
0:16:15 Looking for more Segments!
0:16:31 Samius Pimps Cocktail Hour + Gamer Divorce Fund
0:21:00 Necrobotanist Calls In with DDO Puzzler
0:26:16 DDO Community News
0:43:14 Lightning Post
0:56:09 Crunchy Bits Build: Dwarf Fighter 2 / Monk 2 / Artificer 16
1:20:25 General Gaming News + Gaming with your Spouse
1:35:28 Closing
TOTAL TIME: 1:38:42
LINK for Friday Additions for Lamannia Update 13 Release Notes
LINK for BUG: Kobold Boss Jumps inside walls in “Moving Targets” Challenge Quest
LINK for GameSpot: DDO Update 13 Gameplay Video on YouTube
LINK for Preview Screen Shots for Update 13 now on DDOcast.com
LINK for DDO Store Sales
LINK for Eberron Chronicle
LINK for Marcy Rockwell Blogs about Her new DDO Book: Skein of Shadows
LINK for DDOZonixx YouTube Channel Updated!
LINK for Samius Editorial on Loot Changes in U13
LINK for Best DDO Store Items for Soloing Debate
LINK for Staff Picks
LINK for PAX East Commits to 10 years in Boston
LINK for D&D Next Central is Up!
LINK for Paizo: Top 16 Advance to Round 3 of RPG Superstar
LINK for Dungeons, dragons and divorce? Online role-playing games can make or break your marriage
LINK for Me, My Spouse, And My Avatar: The Relationship Between Marital Satisfaction and Playing Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORGPS)
You can find DDOcast on Twitter, Facebook, iTunes, DDOcast RSS Feed, and UStream.
Hotline for Voicemail and Live Calls: (650) 336-5424 Yes that's (650) DDO-LICH
Email: ddocast@gmail.com
Website: http://www.ddocast.com
DDO Forum Names: Theris and Sigtrent
Sig and Anne