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  1. #81
    Community Member zebidos's Avatar
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    I think its a more of a

    "Oh &(%@ halfway through raid and I forgot xyz component and zxy component, *face palm*"

    /p Hey guys wait! lagging out!

    *clicks on the ddo store*

    Type item.

  2. #82
    Community Member StelionisIgnigenae's Avatar
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    You guys know there is a feat that lets you cast a majority of spells, almost all of them, without the use of components, right? RIGHT!?!?!?! How am I the only one that knows this, I feel like I am on crazy pills!

    Yeah sure, you have to spend a feat. Oh no! Doesn't seem like that big of a deal if bag space is a 5+ page big deal. Before any of you reply just let me say two words: spare me.

  3. #83
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Nice concept of item, annoying its store only.

    If it was like the cannith marks of crafting, ie. can be bought from store or from a vendor when you have sufficient favour then they'd be pretty nice.

    in a similar vein, actually having a favour vendor for the 12 available to "honorary members" with those (pretty high PP price), maybe some level 8 scrolls & a few other goodies could be sweet.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  4. #84
    Community Member Sleepsalot's Avatar
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    Thank You for Assuming here yes 99% of us know this.. Seem you are MISSING the Point. Please read the whole topic again please. As for the Feat I can see several feats I would much rather use.

    Quote Originally Posted by StelionisIgnigenae View Post
    You guys know there is a feat that lets you cast a majority of spells, almost all of them, without the use of components, right? RIGHT!?!?!?! How am I the only one that knows this, I feel like I am on crazy pills!

    Yeah sure, you have to spend a feat. Oh no! Doesn't seem like that big of a deal if bag space is a 5+ page big deal. Before any of you reply just let me say two words: spare me.
    Last edited by Sleepsalot; 02-24-2012 at 05:17 AM.

  5. #85
    Community Member Avidus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    These components are a convenience item that will be available in the DDO Store when Update 13 is released.
    I had quite a lengthy response to this all prepared, but I just don't care enough anymore, so this is how I'll leave it.

    Am I upset about this decision? No.
    Am I surprised by this decision? No.

    Am I disapointed by this decision? Yes. It is another something that has so much potential to be really great, then it gets the 'treatment' and comes out the other side a twisted remnant of what the players were actually asking and hoping for.

    I won't buy them and I don't know anyone in game who will.

    Such a great idea... Wasted... Yeah they are ok for those unprepared store addicted souls who run out in a quest/raid I guess. But they could have been tied to favor making people buy more adventure packs. Tier 2 favor omnidust, tier 3 favor omnistone. It's such a simple and elegant solution that actually resolves a player request that has been ongoing for years...

    I guess that'll teach us, ask for something long enough and they'll put it in the store. Coming soon to the DDO store only, Gold Seal Greensteel Deconstruction Alters! ... sigh ...
    ~ Rukan 4/3 pal/mnk(Past Life mnk x3) ~ Ignavus 16 wiz(Past Life sor/wiz) ~ Styphon 20 Game Deformer(Past Life Clr) ~
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  6. 02-24-2012, 07:29 AM

  7. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avidus View Post
    I guess that'll teach us, ask for something long enough and they'll put it in the store. Coming soon to the DDO store only, Gold Seal Greensteel Deconstruction Alters! ... sigh ...
    It would have actually given me a reason to grind out some favor. I don't find most of the other favor rewards all that terribly useful.

    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    *Handwraps. Yes we know. Here is my known issue for handwraps. Hand wraps in assorted flavors are borked.

  8. 02-24-2012, 08:37 AM


  9. #87
    Community Member Entelech's Avatar
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    It's been mentioned in this thread before, but bears repeating:

    The problem is not that a bad marketing decision turned a cool idea into a total waste of everyone's time. The problem is that a bad marketing decision irritated the player base and revealed just what a bunch of stupid, arrogant, ignorant, money-grubbing jackwagons are making the decisions at Turbine these days.

    Store only? Fine, I just won't buy it. Just like I didn't buy Artificer, given the way they handled that whole mess. The bait-and-switch store sale on hearts of wood and veteran status was a particularly nice touch, a day or two before they announced those two things would not work with the new class.

    Sound familiar so far?

    Do you know people who dropped their VIP sub and went to premium after the artificer mess? I do.

    Was there a DDO-related Podcast (read: free advertising) that stopped when the host left DDO in protest over the Artificer debacle? Yes.

    Now, I do not believe the Omnispell fiasco is going to be as big a deal, but there has been a steady stream of miscommunication and boneheaded decisions coming from the DDO store, and every one of these incidents erodes player confidence in Turbine.

    Now, since nobody posting to this thread has said they would buy these items, it's safe to say that they are unlikely to be a significant moneymaker for the DDO store. If this move irritates only a tiny number of players enough to spend less money in the store, drop from VIP to Premium, or go check out other MMO's, it will be an idea that ends up losing Turbine money.

    And unfortunately, the Marketing team seems to be so utterly clueless that they will continue to cost Turbine money until the only three employees are Fernando "prettiest race in DDO" Paiz, the marketing genius who cost them all their income, and the HR clown who screws up their payroll checks and will eventually process their termination paperwork.
    Last edited by Entelech; 02-24-2012 at 02:06 PM.
    Give a man a fish, and he demands two more tomorrow.
    Teach a man to fish, and he'll leave to find somebody who'll just give him a fish.
    Beat him unconscious with the fish, and it's comedy.

  10. #88
    Community Member Elaril's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StelionisIgnigenae View Post
    You guys know there is a feat that lets you cast a majority of spells, almost all of them, without the use of components, right? RIGHT!?!?!?! How am I the only one that knows this, I feel like I am on crazy pills!

    Yeah sure, you have to spend a feat. Oh no! Doesn't seem like that big of a deal if bag space is a 5+ page big deal. Before any of you reply just let me say two words: spare me.
    I've got two words in mind for you. The second one is the same as yours, but the first is far different.
    Akori-Fighter Iroka-Sorcerer Censured-Rogue Isilti-Cleric Tony-Sorcerer Duress-Cleric Elaril-Fighter Avatard-Fighter Mitigation-Paladin Loose-Bard Shiken-Fighter Unreasonably-Barbarian Jueh-Monk

  11. #89
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Entelech View Post
    Was there a DDO-related Podcast (read: free advertising) that stopped when the host left DDO in protest over the Artificer debacle? Yes.
    Isn't he playing again?

    Now, since nobody posting to this thread has said they would buy these items, it's safe to say that they are unlikely to be a significant moneymaker for the DDO store.
    That could be an incorrect assumption. The people on these boards are a small minority of players and are represented more by powergamers than true casuals who might spend money (once every 3 months) on consumables (compared to powergamers who would run through those same number of components in 3 days)
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  12. #90
    Community Member goblean's Avatar
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    At first I was awesome, then the potential store only I was all sad face, now just, meh.

    I see it as a consolidation of items on the store, and reduces consumer mistake for the people that buy them. I imagine with the addition of two new classes with the expansion, and more planned that will add a lot more wizzle snaps and doodle berries. If they had to add levels 1-9 every time they add a casting class this would add up.

    Think about it they didn't really have much fanfare or even mention them until everyone stumbled across them. Of course I don't agree with spell component bags either. We shouldn't have to carry around levels 1-9 snapasnoos or diddlebeeps to begin with. I would rather see them all go away.

  13. #91
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyr View Post
    So yet another DDOstore item not available in game then?
    If it could be easily purchased in-game why would anyone buy it.

    IMO I like stuff like this because while I'm ussually pretty good at being sure to have ingreds there's be a few times where my lastest spell fizzled due to no ingreds and the DDOstore helps when your just about to hit up the dungeon boss with no ingreds for your bes was said it's a convenince item...just like tomes, blind potions (I liked perma-blind it was fun), etc.

    Besides if even 10 people decide they have enough money that this will be their prime source of ingreds that means alot more cash flow for turbine thus more devs, thus more content makers/bug hunters.

    Side-note: I'd still like to see ingredients bags and potion belts (With the option of naming any and all containers)
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

  14. #92
    Community Member Stormanne's Avatar
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    Will I buy the Omnidust and Omnistone components? I'd like to say no, but even when I buy stacks of 1,000 components, sometimes I run out mid-quest. So, if they are a reasonable price (i.e. 5-10 tp for a stack of 100) then yeah, I'll probably pick them up if I'm in a pinch.

    That said, I think Turbine would make far more money in the long run if they were to create ingredient bags. Say, three tiers. Small - Holds 10 stacks of 1,000; Medium - Holds 20 stacks of 1,000; and finally, Large - Holds 25 stacks of 2,500. Some of you are probably looking at these and wondering "why we'd need more than 10 stacks?" The extras would be for spell inscription materials, maybe even scrolls.

  15. #93
    Community Member Sleepsalot's Avatar
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    In the store on Lammy Dust is 50 tp per 50... Stone is 95 tp per 50 so I would say Live will not see much drop on the price. and at that price I think I can do with out a spell until I pick up more of what component is needed.. But that is just my way of thinking..But on Looking at all the components they range from 20-80 tp for 50 so is a wild price. Makes me want to make sure I have plenty of what I need. Before a quest run.


    Quote Originally Posted by Stormanne View Post
    Will I buy the Omnidust and Omnistone components? I'd like to say no, but even when I buy stacks of 1,000 components, sometimes I run out mid-quest. So, if they are a reasonable price (i.e. 5-10 tp for a stack of 100) then yeah, I'll probably pick them up if I'm in a pinch.

    That said, I think Turbine would make far more money in the long run if they were to create ingredient bags. Say, three tiers. Small - Holds 10 stacks of 1,000; Medium - Holds 20 stacks of 1,000; and finally, Large - Holds 25 stacks of 2,500. Some of you are probably looking at these and wondering "why we'd need more than 10 stacks?" The extras would be for spell inscription materials, maybe even scrolls.
    Last edited by Sleepsalot; 02-26-2012 at 10:14 AM.

  16. #94
    Community Member Iwinbyrollup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
    That's fine. No one is making you buy them.

    Why are you guys getting so angry? Feedback is good (i.e. Hey, a bunch of us would buy a permanent bag, but we're smart enough to limit spending TP on temporary consumables whenever possible, so no thanks on store components), but there's no reason to get mad.

    It's like wal-mart started offering something lame that only idiots buy. I don't care. Why would I care?
    While I wouldn't call myself angry, I think there is a reason to care. I've been interested in the potential for some sort of spell component bag, and now we have a store-only item that Turbine might see as the equivalent of that desired item--it functions in the exact same way, just that it's consumable instead of permanent. To the extent that they see the bag and the dust as equivalent, they actually now not only have no need to work on the component bag, but they actually will potentially have a negative effect on profit if they do so (I say potentially because there are likely a lot of people--myself included--who would jump to buy a bag from the store but not these).

    Really, I would just prefer it if they didn't release an item that would serve as anti-motivation to make the item that I actually want and would be willing to spend plat or TP on. There is still potential for them to release a bag (XP tomes versus XP pots is a similar discussion), but it seems more likely in the case where the two items don't provide the same function (XP tomes and pots stack, so max benefit involves having both). If they were going to release a bag as well and they announced such an addition, I would have no problem whatsoever with these components.
    Khyber: Carinn (TR 18 Sorcerer) -- Kyrainne (TR 20 Paladin) -- Arrail (TR 20 Favored Soul) -- Aoede (18 Bard) -- Terrabourne (20 Ranger) -- Ankhalla (20 Monk) -- Cylanna (20 Rogue)
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  17. #95
    Community Member azmodeus1's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    These components are a convenience item that will be available in the DDO Store when Update 13 is released.
    worthless then. trying to sell a minor convenience like this in the store, just ****es people off and you will find the sales of these components miserably low.

    would have been a great idea if sold from vendors and store, like haste pots (there'll always be some noobs who don't know better right marketing?). as it is i find thier existance insulting...
    "I don't know half of you half as well as i should like, and i like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

  18. #96
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    So how does this dust actually work?

    Say i run out of a component in a quest and I decide I absolutely must be able to cast that spell at the next encounter, so I decide to purchase some omni-****. Lets say 50 uses.

    Next I start casting spells for which I actually do have components for. Is my omnidust still at risk of being being consumed?

    Whatever the answer, it will be a cold day in hell before I buy any of this stuff, and I spend quite a bit at the store.

  19. #97
    Community Member MaxwellEdison's Avatar
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    It was reported on Lam that the spell uses the first available component that works, so keep your omnidust in the last slot (bottom right) of the last tab of your inventory and you shouldn't have to worry about wasting it on jump or nightshield (dunno if they use components, and that's not the point future pedants).

  20. #98
    Community Member Stormanne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sleepsalot View Post
    In the store on Lammy Dust is 50 tp per 50... Stone is 95 tp per 50 so I would say Live will not see much drop on the price. and at that price I think I can do with out a spell until I pick up more of what component is needed.. But that is just my way of thinking..But on Looking at all the components they range from 20-80 tp for 50 so is a wild price. Makes me want to make sure I have plenty of what I need. Before a quest run.

    If that's the case, then I agree, I'll just go without the spell until after I get a chance to re-up my supplies with in game currency.

  21. #99
    Community Member azmodeus1's Avatar
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    i actually got neg repped for my not-so-positive opinion of the new omnispell components,

    but i would like to know one person that bought it on live. we promise not to make fun of you....
    "I don't know half of you half as well as i should like, and i like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

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