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This is a wall of text. Please run away. I don't also think I made much sense, I'm just rambling my thoughts, and hopefully you can share yours. Lets talk! (I was told that I can't use Lets talk again next time because it is trademarked)
You can always see the FVS vs Cleric debate on this threads. They will list down all the Pros and Cons. FVS is better than this, cleric is good in that.
This is not one of them. (I hope)
But every time those threads appear, I always say that FVS is really more powerful than Cleric.
Wait, don't get your pitchforks yet.
1. My main is a cleric.
2. I don't have any fvs.
3. It is only my opinion.
Hey, Arjiwan, you are stupid, why do say FVS is more powerful even though you don't play one. Well first of all, wait, did you just call me stupid? I thought for a second I'm in a super secret message boards.
Seriously, I played a lot with other FVS friends. Fvs Pugs. FVS elites. You can even see a guild raid in my server that has 12 fvs on it. Seriously, that is not a hipster kind of thing. FVS is really powerful.
You will see clerics that say, Pack it! Ima going to TR my cleric to an fvs. But I haven't seen, if it ever exists, I haven't seen the FVS say, this sucks, I'll TR my fvs to a cleric.
With all of that, I still play my cleric. I am still enjoying playing a cleric.
So what is my point of all of this? This is really the point of my post. Honestly:
Just now, since I am a noob, just now, I saw that the FVS has the FVS toughness enhancement. That's 30hp.
That is such a freaking big deal! My opinion of FVS > Cleric just leveled up!
But Arjiwan, it is just 30hp, it wont help. Well it does, really. A lot of times that lag monster eats up everything, or the wayward DBF spell, or the disintegrate leaves me with only 10-30hp. If I don't have that 30hp, I'll be dead, well, not dead, because I have DI on. Well, if I still have the Turn Undeads after spamming all my burst heals. But that's not the point!
30hp. Wow.
Please, don't argue about that FVS is p2p while cleric is not. Yes it is true of course, but it doesn't mean the cleric doesn't bring back the bacon for Turbine. I have a friend who bought Character slots just to create a cleric.
I am sorry my join date doesn't appease you.