Is there a way to set a different keymapping for each character, or to save them so you can easy reload different keymaps?
Is there a way to set a different keymapping for each character, or to save them so you can easy reload different keymaps?
Last time I tried, it turned out that keybinding for all characters was the same file, and any change made to one character's keymap changed all of them. Its kind of disappointing. Best you can do is arrange the hotbars (and other screen clutter) differently.
Maybe as a work around you could make copies of the file and drop them in or out of the ddo folder as you switch toons. I'm too lazy for that to work for me, so I put up with keybinds that are a compromise...
I don't like it though.
"It's ok Anna, no one will have to know!"
asked the same long time ago, no way around it, you could use 3rd party macro software, but that would be pretty complex and hard to maintain, in general all the UI in this game is pretty bad
quote , a custom keymap for character will be nice it will help for action reflexses.
You can set up a key for each hotbar slot on the Keymap screen.
If you put, say, slot 1 of bar 9 on the "C" key, it will be set that way for all your characters.
Set the keys you want to use as shortcuts on some deep bar (9 is a good one) and put the stuff you want to use there on a per character basis.
My "C" key has silver flame pots on the rogue, the barb and the sorc. On the bard and FvS, it's "cure critical wounds"![]()
Kmnh * Kmn * Kmm * Knn * Knm
Leader of Templar
Yes i know thank you anyways , but we are searching for a more advanced key-mapping sistem that allows to execute a custom keymap for character.
When you log your Hulk character it will load in automatic Hulk.Keymap
When you log your Tarzan character it will load in automatic Tarzan.Keymap
It will really nice and will make the game more "confortable"
Last edited by niko18; 03-12-2012 at 08:49 AM.
I do have it set up that way, and it was working fine until I got me an arti.
I prefer to use my mouse in the left hand and use the numerical keypad for movement and hot bar actions.
But the arti needs an extra fire rune arm key, which can't be put onto the hot bar nor the right mouse and there is no spare key on the keypad.
Realistically, no. Ive wanted this feature for years, since I use a gamepad - which is perfect for my rogue, but not so much for my casters.
However - if you REALLY REALLY REALLY want to do it, what I used to do - and this was literally 2-3 years ago if not more, so I have no idea if it still works - you can make a copy of the keymap.ddo file in My Documents folder (I forget the specific address of the folder off the top of my head, but it is the Turbine DDO folder where your keymap files and such are saved - just search for keymap.ddo); then, you basically have to make several copies, and rename them and put them in places where you won't forget which is which. So, say you have ToonA's keymap.ddo file: make a copy of the file to a directory named ToonA or something. THEN, say you make another keymap for ToonB - set up the keymapping, then save it. Copy THAT file (which will still be named keymap.ddo), move it to a folder called ToonB or something.
Now, say you are playing on ToonA, and want to switch to ToonB. Exit the client (and this is what makes it a pain - you have to restart the client each time). Copy the keymap.ddo from the ToonB folder, overwrite the keymap.ddo file in the original directory (where the keymap file the client uses resides), then start up the client. When you want to switch back, quit the game, copy the keymap.ddo file from ToonA's folder, overwrite the existing keymap file, then start the game back up.
Sorry, its early, Ive had no coffee, and im not going to proofread any of that for coherence's sake. But hopefully that gives you the basic idea of how to do it - and why it is really too much of a hassle to bother with it, at least for me.
Chaeos of Argonessen, Human Rogue/Fighter
Please re-break AC differently.