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  1. #21
    Founder kitselli's Avatar
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    Default rework the renown mechanism

    I’ve seen a plethora of positions, jabs, barbs, and taser shots taken in this thread each trying to convey their feelings on the guild renown issue.

    Here’s my two coppers:
    DDO is a game. Games are meant to be played, enjoyed, walked away from, returned to; temporal.

    Having the biggest, best, most über guild (and ship) in the game with all the bells and whistles is a demanding taskmaster.
    You get the benefits of working hard at each level of guild progression. The issue I take with the posters stating ‘…well, if you only do this & that, then BAM! magically you’re level 100…’ is that to get to that level – for any size guild – takes commitment. For medium and large guilds that commitment can translate into farming renown. When that farming activity becomes mandated in order to maintain the current level, something is borked.

    Ultimately the lifestyle that the guild develops for its membership depends on its membership. If those values and choices and lifestyles of mandated farming runs to meet daily quota prevent one from enjoying an activity designed to be entertainment, then it’s not worth it to me.

    Guild decay for any size guild should not require farming to sustain a level. It should also not drop below certain milestones (every 10 or 20 levels).
    To be equitable, have all size guilds receive the same bonus [or no bonus at all] to renown. Why should a 5 member guild with 200% bonus take a month to get to Glevel 10, while a 20-50 member guild with a 50% bonus takes 2-3, simply because of the guild decay? As stated in many posts, ‘…if you have 200 people farming renown for 2 hours per day, you’ll reach Glevel X in no time…’ Who cares!? I come here to play and have fun. Being forced to run loot just to keep the guild at current level is not only not fun but also, is unsubstantiated in its implementation.

    I’d love to see my guild hit 70 (from 69) soon.
    And while I do contribute favor each quest, and enjoy the benefits of our current guild level, I will not be mandated to support a particular Glevel because Turbine has executed a substandard mechanism for adequately controlling renown. Unless some catastrophic event takes place within the guild, there should always be overall progress made with renown without requiring farming.
    Granted, progression may be slower… But there should be no worry that cresting GLevel 40 (by 11k renown) at 9:17pm EST will turn into a 96k loss when the sun rises. That’s just insidious and asinine.

    If you want to travel quickly, go alone; if you want to travel far, go together.

    Forum account 7286 of 424302 (and growing)

  2. #22
    Community Member Vengeance777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kitselli View Post
    I’ve seen a plethora of positions, jabs, barbs, and taser shots taken in this thread each trying to convey their feelings on the guild renown issue.

    Here’s my two coppers:
    DDO is a game. Games are meant to be played, enjoyed, walked away from, returned to; temporal.

    Having the biggest, best, most über guild (and ship) in the game with all the bells and whistles is a demanding taskmaster.
    You get the benefits of working hard at each level of guild progression. The issue I take with the posters stating ‘…well, if you only do this & that, then BAM! magically you’re level 100…’ is that to get to that level – for any size guild – takes commitment. For medium and large guilds that commitment can translate into farming renown. When that farming activity becomes mandated in order to maintain the current level, something is borked.

    Ultimately the lifestyle that the guild develops for its membership depends on its membership. If those values and choices and lifestyles of mandated farming runs to meet daily quota prevent one from enjoying an activity designed to be entertainment, then it’s not worth it to me.

    Guild decay for any size guild should not require farming to sustain a level. It should also not drop below certain milestones (every 10 or 20 levels).
    To be equitable, have all size guilds receive the same bonus [or no bonus at all] to renown. Why should a 5 member guild with 200% bonus take a month to get to Glevel 10, while a 20-50 member guild with a 50% bonus takes 2-3, simply because of the guild decay? As stated in many posts, ‘…if you have 200 people farming renown for 2 hours per day, you’ll reach Glevel X in no time…’ Who cares!? I come here to play and have fun. Being forced to run loot just to keep the guild at current level is not only not fun but also, is unsubstantiated in its implementation.

    I’d love to see my guild hit 70 (from 69) soon.
    And while I do contribute favor each quest, and enjoy the benefits of our current guild level, I will not be mandated to support a particular Glevel because Turbine has executed a substandard mechanism for adequately controlling renown. Unless some catastrophic event takes place within the guild, there should always be overall progress made with renown without requiring farming.
    Granted, progression may be slower… But there should be no worry that cresting GLevel 40 (by 11k renown) at 9:17pm EST will turn into a 96k loss when the sun rises. That’s just insidious and asinine.


    The problem with the system is it assumes everyone logged on is questing. That isn't always the case especially not in the large guilds. If all 200 active players in the large guild quested during their time on they would easily beat decay and gain levels. But players aren't always questing, people shop, chat, do challenges, pvp, and tons of other things that don't bring renown. Small and Medium guilds can easily make up for the inactive members, and most small/medium guilds are all active players. Larger guilds with 1000s of players will have a proportionally larger number of people who just log in to say hi and don't quest.

    No clue how Turbine can fix that.

    Best way I've found to deal with it is when you see your renown dropping below decay is to farm renown to make up for the inactivity till you build a buffer that can handle the inactivity.
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  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khimberlhyte View Post
    Lots of people want something for nothing in life. Every night you can see some new player on a level 4 character in general chat (or even worse, using the LFM panel) begging to be recruited, but demanding a level 60 or higher guild.
    Hey, I saw that guy in the harbor last night, except he was bumming for plat rather than a guild invite. LOL

  4. #24
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    Why is it all the big casual guilds complaining about decay always compare themselves to the small, super active guilds.

    If they would make the more accurate comparison of their large casual guilds to a small casual guilds they'd be happy they plateau in the 60-70 range rather then still being in the 40-50 range.

  5. #25
    Community Member Crann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McFlay View Post
    Why is it all the big casual guilds complaining about decay always compare themselves to the small, super active guilds.

    If they would make the more accurate comparison of their large casual guilds to a small casual guilds they'd be happy they plateau in the 60-70 range rather then still being in the 40-50 range.

    From a small casual guild member.

  6. #26
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ladypummel View Post
    lol look the idea is to be the best highest most superuber guild right
    the ceiling has been set for the little guilds some have hit 100 levels right someones been there and done that /

    so whats the next challenge of extremeness
    why not go to meduim size guild cause what you said is small guilds already work harder shouldnt be very hard for them at all

    The next step should be why not the largest biggest baddest to date with absolute all the end guild perimeters in place
    __________________________________________________ ___________
    For Loot And Glory 255modified account size 1000toon cap 73level
    __________________________________________________ _________

    so after reading all the junk post about how great this renown system is and how uber the little guilds are i say none have tried to grow hum can someone explain this? . Why is it there is a 1000 toon cap and somehow we are suppose to beleve that they are tring there maximum hardest and way more active too they said it not me.
    > I say ney till you fill all of your spots all you are doing is milking the system like free welfare and afraid the system will change and your free advantage would be over. I mean post after post about pushing to the max but never not one time coming out of the small guild bonus it makes all them post unreadable to me. It is painfully clear that without the small guild model with the small guild bonus they just couldnt do it or they would have .
    So then the "come one come all" guilds should be the highest level guilds in your eyes? Well managed raiding guilds with less than 30 members, or guilds with a few accounts from RL friends should receive little to no benefit, while guild leaders who blind invited every noob on korthos and in the harbor should just reap all the benefits?

    That is the picture you are painting.

    This whole "you did nothing but reap the benefits of an unbalanced system" stuff you are tossing around is hilarious, because when you consider the alternative, its not tough to figure out what the system in place does.

    All anyone would have to do without those tier levels in place is recruit noobs til they hit the cap, then cull the herd. If you want to talk about doing to least amount of work for the most benefit, thats what guild renown would turn into without a tier level system. People mass inviting others they dont know, dont want to know, and dont want to associate with, for the sole purpose of farming through mass repetition. If theres no decay system its even easier because the lead can just boot those who dont play and mass invite more noobs who do.

    In short, what you are infavor of isnt a guild, its a pixelated caste system. Instead of a small community of people who actually want to have something to do with eachother, its like building a city where no one cares about anyone else but since they all pay taxes (renown) into the system they all benefit from being in a huge head count guild.

    Somehow you think this is harder to manage than a smaller guild where people want to play together, which is incorrect.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  7. #27
    Community Member Roderickus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by android666 View Post
    i see everyone compalining about not having renown decay for guilds, i think there should not be decay
    let people play and at there own times, if that is the case then experience decay should be next .
    if you dont play your toon then you should lose experience it's the same !
    i belive that is going to be next the turbines agenda.
    so let get rid of renow decay and make some sort of next level guild reward ie. a ship at level 125 a ship
    with all shrines and stuff with no costs so the reward would be worth the grind.
    The hell did I just read. You want experience decay?

    Games don't make you violent, lag does

  8. #28
    Community Member lordpummel1-1's Avatar
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    Default just to set the record straight

    Just to set the record straight and of course anyone can think however they want For Loot and Glory is NOT a spammer guild. We have NEVER once blindly invited anyone, never put an LFM up for people to come to join our numbers. Never built up numbers then kicked people, Never invited people from korthos/harbor. And we have never split because of in fighting. Some of the 1000 people cap comes from alts because we allow any of our members to play as many toons as they like with the benifit of using the buffs they worked for. There have been many spammer guilds come and go over night and For Loot and Glory has been here and had the numbers before the renown system took place. As a matter of fact FLAG and Epic fail are the only two remaining first guilds on the server that I am aware of. (I might have misssed one or two my bad if I did) That IS the only reason we recently complained about renown and that was after a really longtime. Because as far as we were concerned and still are, shutting our doors to friends, and friends of friends, to maintain a certain amount of renown is just not who we want to be. But we have been here a really longtime and we have done something that I feel no other or not many other people have been able to do and thats maintain large numbers, avoid a split of guild, and still gain renown without shutting our doors or nazi contoling our people into renown grinding. Everyone in our guild participates in getting renown cause its a sense of pride to contribute. I dont feel at all that small guilds should be penalized, I feel they should get certain bonuses because there is less people to do the job, but I also feel that big guilds thats have standed the test of time and done something extreme in its self should maybe get a bonus too or at least catch a break. Because what we have done is not easy either, its very rare since the renown system took place. To address another matter, I agree about there being a system/Tier to control spammer guilds. They were horrible for this server and they didnt last long because the system was there to bring them back down when they got to big for their breeches. Ie.. causing infighting and splits about how to control the loss of renown, and plain hesitation on bringing anyone in from said guild because of so many different personalities you never knew what you were going to get. Bad reps. Im glad there is a system to stop that from happening but For Loot and Glory isnt one of those and I know maybe one or two others that arent either. We shouldn't get penalized because of them. ~Starlissa

  9. #29
    Community Member pSINNa's Avatar
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    Well, i'll start out by saying this is going to be a little facetious, fair warning.

    But my favourite part of the guild renown system is having the oppurtunity to congratulate a particular Ghallanda guild on achieving lvl 70....... every day..... whenever i see their members.

    It's a big part of the positive in my days play. I see them hit lvl 70......each day..... and i smile.

    That won't happen anymore? They're really taking the jam outta my donut right there...

    Coit out~
    Coitfluff Coitrippr Luciforge Coitburner Coithealz: Ghallanda

  10. #30
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    The best thing about guild decay is people in 100+ man guilds talking about having to split up friends and deny friends into their guild for the sake of leveling their guild, when theyve probably never even grouped with half the people in their guild to begin with. I've probably spent more time in the last month running with various random people in pugs on random days then they've spent with their good friends in their guild.

    The other awesome thing about renown decay is people with alts in multiple guilds crying about it. If I had someone with an alt in my guild that logged in once a week and spent the rest of the week running alts in other guilds, and was concerned about guild level at all, people like that would be the first to go.

    I've been on plenty of other games where the "best" guilds = the biggest, and I'm glad they aren't like that on this game. Its a lot more interesting to see a variety of guilds around, and if you are into pugging can save you a lot of aggrivation to learn which guilds tend to be full of morons and not group with them.

  11. #31
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    the system isnt broken, the intefrace is.

    as i see it, the main hurdle for larger guild to controll decay is the total lack of an admin interface.

    We need to be able to track our decay. Server time it's deducted, total decay and the calculation determining the total.
    We need to be able to track our incomeing renown. Total today (same time period as decay). net balance for the last 7/14 days. individual earning over the day/week/14 days and total earned.

    seriously, this is just nuts.

    auctually, perhaps a new thread with this in the general section

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