Your first warchanter : GTWF? So what weapons for a gtwf bard? your STR for this build?
I had the same build (without ESOS) for my spellsinger before getting the dual epic elyd edge.
My charisma based spellsinger is human and have Maximise, Quicken, wizard past life, bard past life, and the 3 TWF feats. So the difference is IC,PA, extend for you and 3 TWF feats for me. So we can say for the CC & heal job, this is the same.
But for you build you need to invest gears on STR to have some dps, gears on Charisma and gear on CONS/Hp.
Your STR: 16 (starting base) + 1 (Human enhancement) + 4 (tome +4?) +2 (rage) + 2 (guild) + (7 epic item) + 3 (exceptional TOD Ring) + 3 (profane?? habishai set?) +2 (yugo potions). So : 40?
And you need to invest some gears on Char to be a CCer spellsinger.
Epic item charisma +7, TOD ring exceptional +3? +2 spell focus enchantment item etc...
With my build i can only focus on charisma and Constitution and keep free gear slots for others bonus and have the same magnitude of dps.
Here is the misunderstanding.
My post :Here i speak about the example of a cha-high warchanter and his enchantment DC is indeed 39."Advantage of a cha-high warchanter:
- Better dc spell : 10+ 18 +6 (heighten) + 2 (item) + 2 (capstone) = 38 (+1 with the new update, see release note "The House Phiarlan Retainer's buff for Enchantment Save DC's is now a Morale bonus instead of an Enhancement bonus, to allow it to better stack with items.") So 39 (decent after a crushing despear + hold person/hold monster or mind fog+ crushing despear + Otto's sphere of dancing)."
But when i speak about a dc of 41, i speak about my spellsinger high charisma.
So, for the OP : yes dual Epic elyd edge is viable, but for an high charisma bard.
TIPs: The charisma damage bonus from the off-hand is full and not 1/2! The, the damage is the same for the main hand and the off hand.
+1 the proc rate is the same as incineration, it would be great if the proc rate was same as greater incineration...