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  1. #1
    Community Member tekkentroop's Avatar
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    Dec 2010

    Default BtC gear for next life as evasion stalwart


    Im currently leveling a Barbarian, planning and gearing for a next (and maybe final) life as 12/6/2 fighter/pal/monk eFang build. Which BtC gear would be useful for leveling up and should be acquired this life? no lvl 20 endgame gear, and Im too lazy to farm for a SoS. I dont have much access to challenges either, unfortunately.

    BtC on my to-get list:

    Voice of the master (lvl 5) - check
    Claw Set (lvl 7)
    Nightforge Necklace (heavy fort) (lvl 9)
    GS HP goggles (probably min II) (lvl 11)
    GS Lit II greataxe (or greatsword? no falchion please) (lvl 12)
    GS double pos maul (lvl 12)


    Carnifex (lvl 4) - check
    Abishai set (lvl 5) - check
    Parasitic Breastplate (lvl 14)
    Tharak Bracers (lvl 14)
    Terror (lvl 18)

    On Thelanis: Makkuroi - Heroic+Epic completionist, 30+ Past lives - Guild: Zeugen der Dreizehn

  2. #2
    Community Member Bill_Jones's Avatar
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    Jan 2011

    Default Some ideas on gear/consumables from favor rewards

    I plan a TR soon on my main, so I have looked at several threads concerning what gear is best for a TR. I have listed a few items here, but check out for proposed leveling gear for The Emerald (it's listed 1/4 down the page)

    Agents of Argonnessen: 75= Collapsed Portable Hole for 5th inventory tab from 150 coin Lord Favor.

    The Silver Flame: 150 = Silver Flame Symbol (consumable) "bestows Blessing of the Silver Flame improving regeneration in town or tavern, permanently receiving 4hp and 10 sp every six seconds instead of the default 2hp and 5sp"

    House Phiarlan: 150 = Pendant of Time, casts Warp Time in city areas. Excellent for running to and from quests, or selling/repairing errands.

    The Twelve: 100 = Large Ingredients Bag

    House Deneith: 150 = sturdy (returning 75%) arrows and bolts. Also, can purchase the Deneith thin quiver at this level or Wide Quiver at 75 favor.

    GEAR (in no order of importance)
    -Muckbane and wooden shield
    -Planar Gird (from The Xorian Cipher quest or from AH; rare drop, but very useful)
    -Silver Flame Talisman (from necro quests; a necklace that has negative energy absorption, deathblock, and permanent protection from evil)
    -Ring of Feathers (from Shan-to-Kor) or the crafted equivalent for "always on" featherfall
    -Visor of the Fleshrender Guards: deathblock clickie
    -Mantle of the Worldshaper (Ruins of Threnal chain): minor regeneration, spell absorbtion, and true seeing (if used with Voice of the Master)
    -Armor/Outfit of Invulnerability: gives dr5/magic, useful for low levels
    -Detect Secret Doors clicky
    -Haste clicky (Goggles of Time Sensing from Chronoscope are good; I see you have the Abishai set)
    -Fens sets: boots/ring of the mire, siren's charm/belt seem the most useful for your next life, in addition to the bracers/gloves you already have
    -Sora Kell items: kartra's wit, teraza's sight, maenya's fists; all from free to play quests in Lordsmarch Plaza, but can be upgraded via marks from the p2p quest chain

    Hope this helps!

  3. #3
    Community Member scoobmx's Avatar
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    Upgraded quiver of alacrity. No ML striding 30 in an out of the way slot. One of the best TR items and second probably only to voice of the master
    Scoobmx Scoobshot Arcscoob Beefscoob : Imperial Assassins : Argonnessen
    My Builds : Abbot Raid Manual : Weapon Damage Modeler : My Trades

  4. #4
    Community Member Wraith_Sarevok's Avatar
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    Kundarak Boots - VITAL to any TR run. Once you get these, you're immune to a ton of debilitating effects including Hold Monster, Web, Grease, and Slow. Even Warforged get a lot of use out of these because it blocks the stuff they're not immune to. Unfortunately, the only thing that will save you from Earthgrab is a high Reflex save.

    Minos Legends - Blows Nightforge out of the water and you're definately not wearing your Abishai at lvl 11. Easy to get from Necro 4 by paying 20 Tapestries and +20 HP is tasty.

    Smoke GS Goggles with Triple HP - Best slot for GS HP item. Available as early as lvl 11 and will stay with you forever. The permanent blur greatly extends your toughness and it comes with two 1:30 minute Displacement clickies! The skill boost raises your Balance skill so you can take on Air Elementals. Overall, the best GS item in the game for melee.

    Spectral Gloves or Ethereal Bracers - A GODSEND in Necro 2 and beyond. This will greatly reduce the stress you feel when running any quest that has incorporeal undead. Many people farm Shadow Crypt around lvl 11 so this is extremely useful. Get it at all costs!

    Tharne's Goggles - Ideally, wear this whenever you're in a heavy CC group and sneak attack away! Dump your voice at lvl 13 and wear Litany or Bloodstone instead. This item will grant you True Seeing.

    Firestorm Greaves - Very useful when soloing quests with heavy fire-based traps or when facing fire-based nuking casters. Overall, it's situational and you can do without.

    Ring of the Djinn - Again, it's very useful when dealing with electric traps and nukes. Also situational. You don't want to give up your trinket slot though, so this is nice.

    Cloak of Ice - Like Firestorm, this greatly cuts fire traps to the point where they only deal 20-30 damage on Elite. Situational.

    Pick up the Anger's Wrath set when you get to Korthos as it's the best starter melee set in the game by far. Keep it on for as many lvls as possible.

    Haste clickies are really rather useless especially to a barb. They only work 1-5x in between shrines and you can just use 100 potions cheap from the guild vendor instead. The only good haste clickie comes at lvl 20.

    You will want to stock up on potions of Lesser Restore, Remove Curse, Remove Blindness, Rage, Haste, and the five elemental resist 20's. Fleshies also need to carry Remove Disease and Neutralize Poison because there are a lot of mobs that will hit you with those.
    Last edited by Wraith_Sarevok; 02-24-2012 at 05:42 AM.
    Khyber: Iqus Tres (Half-Orc Barbarian 20 / Epic 5 / Legendary Dreadnought 5), Ixupi (Drow Sorcerer 20), Outlake (Warforged 7 Monk-in-progress), Petroglyph (Warforged Artificer 16)

  5. #5
    Community Member BDS's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    If you run abbot grab upgrade a necklace and get a nightshield clicky.. Magic missiles are annoying...
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    Game development is like sex. If you make a mistake you'll have to support it for the rest of your life...
    Tearrr Warmachene Autocrit Favordarchon Muramusa Restorative Zergjing Zjerging

  6. #6
    Community Member tekkentroop's Avatar
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    Dec 2010


    Hmm I dont intend to send the barb into abbot raid, not much else except the quiver to get there.

    Kundarak boots ill watch out for, maybe this will be my first char with regular VoN raid runs, might get lucky and grab a SoS. I doubt Ill go for 20 VoN completions on first life, though, might take a bit too long.

    About Minos: Im thinking about min2 shroud hp (smoke or triple air/earth wont help much while raid tanking, even though theyre better while leveling), which is also lvl 11, and use the cheap nightforge gorget on the barb until hes in shroud, and during 2nd life lvl 9-10 only.

    about elemental absorb: 2nd life will be a pala splash evasion tank, I think evasion saves will be high enough so I dont have to farm out these.
    Last edited by tekkentroop; 02-26-2012 at 12:56 PM.

    On Thelanis: Makkuroi - Heroic+Epic completionist, 30+ Past lives - Guild: Zeugen der Dreizehn

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