I need one hammer of life scroll. plz pm or post if you have one and what you want for it.
Have lds, other larges(especially bones), some scrolls
We can work something out
I need one hammer of life scroll. plz pm or post if you have one and what you want for it.
Have lds, other larges(especially bones), some scrolls
We can work something out
Hob. I may have one. Will be home to check after 9 PM tonight eastern. No charge if I have it. Which toon you want it mailed to if so?
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Sorry again Hob. A ton of scrolls and no hammer scroll. I'll run some epic von 1 and 5's tonight and see if I can get you one.
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Hob remind me in game tonight, I probably have a scroll.
Don't have one. Just want to discuss the hammer itself.
Do we think it is that good? I (like the nice guy above) have been giving away/putting up for roll the parts of it all the time (on Thelanis, so no help to you) and basically see my Triple Pos Maul as far superior (I play classes with access to mass heal though).
Anyway, just wanted to have a discussion about it, if you don't mind the slight derailing.