The recent changes in update 13 concerning a full list of end rewards on every third completion of quest chains
has got everyone wondering what else the developers have planed?
There is a lot of pondering and thinking going on here about Raid loot:
I have enjoyed reading and pondering all of this, and there are some good ideas here.
Yesterday, I noticed that the newest raid:
has this:
"Special rewards on every 10th completion: Your choice of standard spirit, cell or compound. Also a small chance at a random refined spirit. "
I am not sure what you get if you do Master Artificer 10 times, as I am still learning the cannith raids?
I pause to wonder if changing the standard of all raids from receiving a special list at 20 completions to receiving a special list at 10 completions would be a good comprimise change?
It does offer something for everyone, hence those unlucky souls who go 80 completions without getting their favorite item, would now only have to make 40 completions to not get their favorite item. Those "completionist project" characters who bemoan being 15 raids short of a special list when they TR, would now only bemoan being 5 raids short of a special list when they TR.
Perhaps this is not the perfect answer, but it avoids the possible bugs introduced by keeping raid counters when one TRs. Also, it does not change the raiding system very much. Its implemetation might be fairly easy, swapping the number 20 for 10? Concerns of raid loot being too easy to get, might not object to this approach? Concerns of everyone only doing a certain raid and exchanging universal raid tockens for the raid they want are avoided as well.
Would this be a comprise that the Developers might be interested in?
Would it be possible to offer something special on ten completions of Tempest Spine and Chronoscope?
Would it be possible to offer something special on ten completions of Epic Quests?