So, I'm confused about something regarding the palemaster prestige enhancement Shroud of the Vampire. I'm wondering if the 1d6 constitution damage on critical hits is applied to all melee critical hits or only to critical hits done while unarmed.
The reason I'm asking is the ddowiki entry says that "You deal 1d6 Constitution damage on critical hits, and your unarmed and melee attacks heal you for 1 point of negative energy damage."
However, the character planner says more specifically, "When making unarmed attacks, you deal 1d6 Constitution damage from blood drain on critical hits. Your unarmed and melee attacks heal you for 1 point..."
So, does this Con damage apply to all melee crits or just unarmed crits? Thanks in advance for any clarifications. Also, just as a sidenote, I am aware of all the huge limitations of the vampire form.